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 Devil's Coup (Smother Play, Strip and Endplay) - A tactic of leading a non-trump suit to prevent losing a trump trick through an end play or ruffing finesse.

  A K Q 10
10 9 8
A K 5
A 3 2
J 4 3 2
J10 9 8
J 10 9 8

 Contract: 6S

  Declarer: South

J 8 7 6
Q 6 5
4 3 2
7 6 5
  9 4 3 2
A K 7
Q 7 6
K Q 4

Declarer's 6S slam contract initially looks fine.  West leads the DJ to North's DK.  

 North plays SA, following with SK but West shows out on the second round, discarding a H2 on North's S10

Declarer switches to DQ and cashes CK, CQ, and returns to dummy's DA.

After winning the CA, declarer cashes HA, HK, and throws East in the lead with the HQ.  East is endplayed, leading a Spade to North's waiting Spade tenaces.

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