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 Inverted Minors - The weak jump response of partner's minor suit bid, used as a preemptive tactic against opponents. Essentially, the meaning is reversed between a raise (normally showing 6-9 points) and jump raise (showing 10-12 points).  However, many Inverted Minor players use a lower point range (less than 8 points) for jump bids, preferring to focus on the preemptive value of the jump bid.



1C/D - 1M;

Bid majors up-the-line with a 4+ card major major

1C - 3C;

1D - 3D;

Make a jump bid in partner's minor with 5+ cards in partner's suit and a weak hand (less than 8 points)

1C - 2C;

1D - 2D;

A  game invitation hand with length in the minors (implying no four card majors)


With 5 cards in partner's minor and a good 8-9 points, bid either 1N or use other methods (such as the Criss Cross convention)

Partnership agreements are required when:


Opponents' interfere in the bidding, making a suit bid


Opponents' interfere in the bidding, making a double


Partner is a passed hand


Specific understanding of jump bids (points and shortage points)


Follow-up bidding after Inverted Minor bid (shape versus controls, slam initiation, and fourth suit bidding)

Also see Criss-Cross (raises).

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