Synopsis: This book
addresses three segments: 1) Learn these first; 2) More complicated; and 3)
sophisticated stuff. If you are a beginner player (with some basics under
your belt), you can start with this book and grow into it. The
teaching technique is such that even the early "easy" conventions, such as
Stayman or Weak 2's, are covered in enough detail to instruct a player
previously unfamiliar with the topic. Yet even those with years of playing
experience can refer back to various subjects as their skills improve,
sifting out or reinforcing various subtleties of the material. The book is
divided into three sections: "Learn These First" (such as Jacoby Transfers
and Blackwood); "More Complicated" (such as splinters, cuebid raises and
Jacoby 2NT); and "Sophisticated Stuff" (such as Reverse Drury and New Minor
Forcing). Each topic is covered in a standalone chapter. There are excellent
illustrations of every technique being discussed, followed by half a dozen
or so problems designed to test your understanding. A clear explanation of
the "right" answers follow, which again helps the student firm up his grasp
of the topic. The writing style seems to set just the right level of
conversational versus pedantic, and the book is generally a pleasure to use
and re-use as time proceeds. Each convention is clearly and concisely
explained and how it fits into a standard bidding system. Learn how and when
to use each and know what your opponents are doing. |
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