Synopsis: The fourth,
and final, volume includes: (1) Interferences after openings in a suit at
the one level (the opponents open with one of a suit: natural suit
overcalls, two-suited overcalls, notrump overcalls, doubles, balancing
interference), (2) Interferences after one notrump openings (the opponents
open with 1 notrump: two-suiters, three-suiters, two- or three-suiters, one-
or two-suiters, doubles), (3) Defenses (defense against strong one club,
defenses against 2 diamonds Multi, defenses against weak 3- and 4-level
openings, defenses against weak 2-level openings, other defenses), (4)
Continuations by the opening side after interference over an opening bid in
a suit (the opponents interfere after our opening bid with one of a suit:
doubles, redoubles, cue-bids, after a take-out double, after a natural suit
overcall, after other overcalls), (5) Continuations by the opening side
after interference over one notrump opening (the opponents interfere after
our opening bid of one notrump: after an overcall, after a double), (6)
Continuations by the interfering side (continuation after partner's overcall
or double: doubles; redoubles and cue-bids; transfers; other continuations),
(7) Preamble to defensive play (the start of the defense: lead-directing
bids, opening leads), and (8) Signals (attitude signals, count signals, suit
preference signals, complex signals).
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