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Baron Response to 1 Notrump - In response to Opener's 1 Notrump bid, responder's 2 Notrump call is artificial showing 33+ cumulative points between both hand, exploring the best slam.   Responder's hand my contain a weak 5 card suit or a 4-4-4-1 distribution.



1N - 2N;

2N shows a strong slam going hand

1N - 2N;

3C, 3D, or 3H by opener rebids lowest 4 card suit

1N - 2N;
3x - 3y;

Opener's second rebid shows a 5 card suit

1m - 2N;

If playing Baron on over a 1 level suit opening bid, opener's jump rebid in a different suit shows a 5-5 distributional hand

1m - 2N;

If playing Baron on over a 1 level suit opening bid, opener's jump rebid in the same suit shows a good card suit (5 trump tricks)

1m - 2N;

3N shows a balanced minimum hand

1m - 2N;

4N shows a balanced maximum hand


Some also play Baron over partner's 1 level suit opening bid.

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