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Cuebid Double (Shadow Double) - An alternative to Responsive Double, the Cuebid Double used to convey the meaning that Right Hand Opponent has "stole" the player's intended cuebid.



(1D) - 1H - (2D) - X

Playing Responsive Doubles, a Double here would promise length in the black suits.  A more likely competitive scenario would be for the Advancer to have trump support for partner (since opponent's have support).  Playing Cuebid Doubles, Advancer shows an invitational hand with 10+ points and 3+ Hearts.

(1D) - 1H - (2D) - 2H

Playing Cuebid Doubles, a direct raise to 2H would simply be competitive showing 6-9 points.

(1D) - 1H - (2D) - 3H

Regardless of treatment, most players consider a jump raise in a competitive auction as preemptive.


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