Last Train Cuebid (Squeeze Bid) - After agreeing on a major suit
trump fit, a 4 level rebid beneath the agreed trump suit suggesting mild
slam interest with game-plus values. Implicitly, the Last Train cuebid
implies values insufficient to bid slam via Blackwood but more than
enough to signoff in game (thus lacking Ace controls).
A Bridge World survey showed a 75 percent consensus approving the Last Train
convention, with the following definition:
“Any time there is only
one call that indicates slam interest or further slam interest without
raising the partnership’s level of commitment, it is a Last Train slam-try,
unrelated to the strain named (unless followed by an uninvited further
1H - 3H;
4C - 4D; |
4D suggests to
partner 3H was at the high range (perhaps a slight underbid), inviting partner to consider slam
exploration. |
(1C) - 1H- (P) - 4C;
(P) - 4D |
4D implies opener
has extra values above game, asking responder to consider slam bidding
slam (4C is a splinter bid showing 4+ Hearts) |
1S - 4D;
4H |
4H asks responder to
consider bidding slam with extra values (4D is a splinter bid showing 4+
Spades) |
see books on
Slam and other slam conventions:
Baby Blackwood,
Blackwood, Controls,
Exclusion Blackwood/Voidwood,
Grand Slam Force,
Jacoby 2 Notrump,
Key Card Blackwood,
Last Train, NAMYATS,
Pick a Slam,
Quantitative Notrump Bid,
Rolling Blackwood,
Serious 3 Notrump,
Slam Try - Stayman,
Jump Shift,
Strong Jump Shift, and legacy treatments as
Roman Asking Bids,
Roman Blackwood,
Roman Gerber. Slam
also include interference of
an overcall by opponents, as
Negative Slam Double,