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ACBL Tech File
Masterpoint Rules & Regulations


This document is provided courtesy of the
American Contract Bridge League

2990 Airways Blvd. S Memphis TN 38116–3847
S Fax 901–398–7754

     NOTE: to view the latest revision of the handbook,
download the latest version of ACBLScore

     (Rev.11/2003)                                     MPBOOK.041 (PAGE 1) 




     A. First Overall   = B x R x S x M x P x T


        B A factor based on the number of tables entered in the event.  


        For 60 or fewer tables, B = (Tables + 10) / 60.

        For 61+ tables, B = Log10 (Tables / 4).

        B Values are displayed in Appendix A for up to 250 tables.


      R A factor based on the classification of the tournament or event.


              CLASSIFICATION              R FACTOR

              Unit Championship            8.50

              Sectional                   10.00

              Regional                    14.00

              National                    22.50


      S A factor based on the number of sessions in the event.


              # OF SESSIONS                 S FACTOR

                1                           1.00

                2                           1.50

                3                           2.00

                4                           2.50

                5                           3.00

                6                           3.50


      M A factor based on the masterpoint limitations in the event.


        For an upper limit (UL) of  0-499 masterpoints,

        M = Log10 (UL) / 5  + 0.1102.


        For an upper limit of 500 or more masterpoints.

        M = Log10 (UL) / 3.11 - 0.218


        Sample M Factor values are displayed in Appendix B. The maximum

        value of M of 1.0000 is reached at 6,136 masterpoints.


      P A factor based on any restrictions placed on the participants in

        the event.


        If an event has only one restriction, P = 80%; if an event has more

        than one restriction,

        P = 70%.  Included are Women's, Senior, Junior and Mixed events.


      T A factor based on the type of event.

              TYPE  OF EVENT               T FACTOR

              BAM Teams                    1.10

              Pairs                        1.00

              Swiss Teams                  1.00

              Individual                   0.75



                                                       MPBOOK.041 (PAGE 2) 



     In all events (except KO's), the 1st place award, rounded to two

     decimals, is used to compute all subsequent awards. The following

     table describes how these awards are calculated.

     Overall  One or Two Sessions            Three or More Sessions


      2   75% x Award/Previous Position 75% x Award/Previous Position

      3   75% x Award/Previous Position 75% x Award/Previous Position

      4   75% x Award/Previous Position

      5   75% x Award/Previous Position Award (P) =

      6   75% x Award/Previous Position 1st Place Award x # of

      7   75% x Award/Previous Position Sessions      

      8   75% x Award/Previous Position (Overall Position + 2 x # of

      9+  1st Place Award/Ovrl Position Sessions - 3)



     Tables    Places

     3         2  For more than 10 tables, additional awards will be

     4         3  given if the calculated award is not less than:

     5-6       4  0.2  x  R x  M x  P.  The depth of the award is at

     7-9       5  least 5% of the field (pairs) up to a maximum of

     10        6  35% of the field, subject to the absolute limit on

                  overall awards (see below).



     Tables    Place

     3-4       1  For more than 19 tables, additional awards will be

     5-6       2  given if the calculated award is not less than:

     7-8       3  0.2  x  R x  M x  P.  The depth of the award is at

     9-12      4  least 10% of the field (teams) up to a maximum of       

     13-18     5  35% of the field, subject to the absolute limit on

     19+       6  overall awards (see below).  


     Following is the absolute limit on the depth of all overall awards:

     One Session     25 places        Four Sessions         50 places

     Two Sessions    40 places        Five Sessions         55 places     

     Three Sessions  45 places        Six or more Sessions  60 places


     See Appendix C for illustrations of overall awards for one (or two),

     four and six session events. 



     The award for First Place equals 50% of the overall award calculated

     under the General Formula, but excluding the S Factor. 

     First Place = .50 x  B x R x M x P x T


     The depth of session awards is 40% of the field (rounded). Awards for

     second and lower positions are calculated as follows, except as noted

     in the Adjustments to Session Awards section below. 

     Position      Award

     2          70% of First Place

     3          50% of First Place

     4          35% of First Place

     5 & lower  First Place / Position



                                                       MPBOOK.041 (PAGE 3) 



     In the following situations, Session Awards are computed using a

     modified formula.



     Separate Flight A Events

     For Sectionals and higher, increase calculated awards for Flight A by 

     10% (no adjustment for X).


     Qualifying Events

     Increase calculated awards by 10% for sessions following one cut in

     the field and by 20% for sessions following a second cut in the field.


     Club/Internet Games with 30 or more tables

     Session awards are computed using the decay scale for overall awards

     for four session events. See Appendix D for transition rules for 15 -

     59 pairs.


     Scoring is done across multiple sections (26 or more tables)

     # Tables = 2 x Square Root [13 x (Tables -13)].

     Second Place is 70% of first place; Third is 50% and Fourth is

     35%.Lower Awards:  A / Square Root [P x Square Root (2 x (P - 1))],

     where A is the 1st Place Award and P is the position being computed.


     See Section IV for additional rules and regulations for various types

     of events.



     A. First Overall  = B x K x L x M x P


     See Section IA. for definitions of B, M and P.


     K  A factor based on the classification of the tournament or event.



     Unit Championship          26.00

     Sectional                  30.00

     Regional                   46.00

     National                   70.00


     L  A factor based on the number of boards played in a match. 

      For 2-23 boards,  L = Number of Boards / 24;

      For 24 - 47 boards, L = 1.00; For 48+ boards, L = 1.50.            

      See Appendix E for a complete table of L values.


     Regional KO Events which are scheduled for only three sessions award

     only 70% of the calculated awards (to account for the reduced length

     of the event).



                                                       MPBOOK.041 (PAGE 4) 


     The following adjustments apply to KO awards:


     -  Provided there are at least 18 teams in the event, the minimum award

        for the top bracket shall be equal to the award for a 16 table



     -  Overall awards for the top bracket shall be increased by a prestige

        factor of 10% when the average of all the players in the bracket

        exceeds 7500 masterpoints.


     -  The winning team in a bracket cannot receive more than 90% of the

        award for the bracket immediately above.



     For the Top Bracket (top flight only):

     T = # in Bracket + 1/2 x (# of teams in lower brackets up to 16 teams)

         + 1/3 x (# of teams in lower brackets after the first 16 teams, up

         to 50 teams)

         + 1/5 x (# of teams in lower brackets less # of teams used in the

         1/2 and 1/3 calculations).


     For Brackets below the Top Bracket:

     T  = # in Bracket

        + 1/3 x  (# of teams used in the 1/2 and 1/3 calculations for the

        immediately higher bracket minus # of teams in the bracket being

        calculated)  {Not less than 0}  

        + 1/5 x (# of teams in lower brackets less # of teams used in the1/3



     See Appendix F for an example of determining the number of tables.  


     In applying this formula for brackets where the average of the top

     team in the bracket is below 300 masterpoints, adjustments are made in

     counting the # of teams in lower brackets, as follows:


     Average MPs Per                         Adjustment

     Player of Top Team In Bracket

     300 or more                        Formula applies - full credit.

     100 - 299                          Only 50% credit for teams in lower

                                        brackets (as derived above)

     Less than 100                      No credit for teams in lower




     Note: To qualify for overall awards, a team must win at least two

           matches (or advance through at least two rounds).

     Overall   % of First          Overall           % of First

     Position   Place              Position          Place

     2          75%                6                 25%

     3          55%                7                 20%

     4          45%                8                 15%

     5          30%                9 -16             10%

     For KO events which come down to 12 teams (e.g., 36-24-12), the award

     for positions 9-12 is 12%.



                                                       MPBOOK.041 (PAGE 5) 



     Match Award = D x L x M x  P     (L, M and P as already defined)


     D  A factor based on the classification of the tournament or event.



     Unit Championship        0.765

     Sectional                0.900

     Regional                 1.250

     National                 1.800



     Most of the awards for NABC Championships are arbitrary as per

     regulation. A few are computed using the General Formula. Masterpoints

     for all other events played at NABC's are computed as if they were

     being held at a Regional Tournament.



     BLUE RIBBON PAIRS - 6 Sessions - 1st 190 - Other places formula


     LIFE MASTER PAIRS - 6 Sessions - 1st 190 - Other places formula


     LIFE MASTER PAIRS (LM - 5000) - 6 Sessions - 1st Formula; Max=75

     Other places formula - Min Tables See special conditions specific to

     these events


     LIFE MASTER PAIRS (LM - 1500) - 6 Sessions - 1st Formula; Max=50

     Other places formula - Min Tables See special conditions specific to

     these events


     OPEN PAIRS (no other event) - 4 Sessions - 1st 130

     Other places formula - Min Tables x


     OPEN PAIRS (with Women's) - 4 Sessions - 1st 125

     Other places formula - Min Tables x


     LIFE MASTER OPEN PAIRS - 4 Sessions - 1st 125 - Other places formula -

     Min Tables x


     IMP PAIRS - 4 Sessions- 1st 125 - Other places formula - Min Tables x


     FAST PAIRS - 4 Sessions - 1st 100 - Other places formula

     Min Tables x


     NORTH AMERICAN PAIRS - A - 4 Sessions - 1st 65 - Other places formula


     NORTH AMERICAN PAIRS - B - 4 Sessions - 1st 45 - Other places formula


     NORTH AMERICAN PAIRS - C - 4 Sessions - 1st 30 - Other places formula


     LIFE MASTER WOMEN'S PAIRS - 4 Sessions - 1st Place 100 - Other places

     formula - Min Tables x



                                                       MPBOOK.041 (PAGE 6) 



     WOMEN'S PAIRS - 4 Sessions - 1st 100 - Other places formula

     Min Tables x


     MIXED PAIRS - 4 Sessions - 1st 100 - Other places formula

     Min Tables x


     SILVER RIBBON PAIRS - 4 Sessions - 1st 100 - Other places formula

     Min Tables x


     RED RIBBON PAIRS - 4 Sessions - 1st 70 - Other places formula

     Min Tables x


     CANADIAN OPEN PAIRS - 4 Sessions 1st 75 - Other places formula

     Min Tables x



     1. In years where the event is a Team Trial (i.e., where the winner

     becomes the Canadian representative to the WBF Senior Championships),

     it shall be Nationally-rated per current ACBL formula for overall and

     match awards.

     2.  In years where there is no WBF Senior Championship, it shall be

     Regionally-rated per current ACBL formula for overall and match

     awards.  (Board of Directors - November, 2003)


     CANADIAN IMP PAIRS - Current ACBL formula for overall and section

     awards.  (Board of Directors - November, 2003)


     NON - LIFE MASTER PAIRS - 4 Sessions - 1st Formula - Other places



     49er, 99er, 199er PAIRS - 2 Sessions - 1st Formula - Other places




     For those events marked "X" under Min Tables, all overall awards will

     be reduced as follows:


          # of Tables              Award

          48 or more               Full Award

          24 - 47                  75% of Full Award

          Fewer than 24            50% of Full Award  



     REISINGER BAM - 6 Sessions - 1st 200 - Other Places Formula


     NORTH AMERICAN SWISS - 6 Sessions - 1st 160 - Other Places Formula


     OPEN BOARD-A-MATCH - 4 Sessions - 1st 140 - Other Places Formula

     Min Tables x


     OPEN SWISS TEAMS - 4 Sessions - 1st 125 - Other Places Formula

     Min Tables x



                                                       MPBOOK.041 (PAGE 7) 



     MIXED TEAMS (BAM) - 4 Sessions - 1st 110 - Other Places Formula

     Min Tables x


     WOMEN'S BAM - 4 Sessions - 1st 110 - Other Places Formula

     Min Tables x


     WOMEN'S SWISS TEAMS - 4 Sessions - 1st 100 - Other Places Formula -

     Min Tables x


     SENIOR SWISS - 4 Sessions - 1st 100 - Other Places Formula

     Min Tables x



     For events marked "X" under Min Tables, the awards will be 75% if

     there are fewer than 32 teams.  



     VANDERBILT & SPINGOLD - 1st 250 - 2nd 180 - 3/4 125 - 5/8 80 - 9-16 50

     17/32 25 --- Match Award - 5.00


     WOMEN'S KO TEAMS** - 1st 140 - 2nd 105 - 3/4 70 - 5/8 45 - 9-16 25

     Match Award - 4.00


     SENIOR KO TEAMS** - 1st 140 - 2nd 105 - 3/4 70 - 5/8 45 - 9-16 25

     Match Award - 4.00


     US BRIDGE CHAMPIONSHIP - 1st 250 - 2nd 180 - 3/4 125 - 5/8 54

     9-16 24 --- Match Award - 4.00


     US WOMEN'S BRIDGE CHAMPIONSHIP - 1st 140 - 2nd 105 - 3/4 70

     5/8 45 - 9-16 25 ---   Match Award - 4.00


     MINI - SPINGOLD (0 - 5000) - 1st Formula; Max = 100 - Other Positions



     MINI - SPINGOLD (0 - 1500) - 1st Formula; Max = 75 - Other Positions



     CANADIAN NATL TEAMS** - 1st 140 - Other Positions Formula


     CANADIAN NATL TEAMS (B) - 1st 50 - Other Positions Formula

     NOTE 75% for  < 32 Teams


     CANADIAN WOMEN'S TEAMS - 1st 80 - Other Positions Formula

     NOTE 75% for  < 32 Teams


     SENIOR TEAM TRIALS - 1st 50 - Other Positions Formula

     Match Award 4.00



                                                       MPBOOK.041 (PAGE 8) 



     CHAMPIONSHIP FLIGHT - 1st 100 - Other Places Formula - Depth of Awards

     8 places if 16 or more teams; otherwise 4 places.


     A FLIGHT - 1st 75 - Other Places Formula - Depth of Awards 8 places if

     16 or more teams; otherwise 4 places.


     B FLIGHT - 1st 60 - Other Places Formula - Depth of Awards 8 places if

     16 or more teams; otherwise 4 places.


     C FLIGHT - 1st 40 - Other Places Formula - Depth of Awards 8 places if

     16 or more teams; otherwise 4 places.



     For the Knockout Events above marked with an ** (Women's KO, Senior KO

     and Canadian National Teams), the overall awards will be adjusted as

     follows (no adjustment for 32 or more teams):


          # of Teams             1st Place

           24-31                 120

           16-23                 100

           < 16                  80


     Overall awards for positions lower than first place will be reduced

     proportionately (e.g., 120/140 for 24-31 teams). 


     For the Canadian Women's Team Championship and Canadian National Teams

     (B), overall awards will be reduced to 75% of the full awards if there

     are fewer than 32 teams.          



     The Match Awards shown in the tables above are for playing the full

     day (2 sessions). 


     In three-way and four-way matches, 2 wins is the full match award and

     1 win is 1/2 of the full match award.





     Each Regional or Sectional is permitted to hold up to a specified

     number of Championship Events during a given session. Refer to the

     Handbook of Rules and Regulations for the precise rules.



     Events which do not qualify for championship rating by exceeding the

     number permitted or by being the same as another event that session

     (side games) are subject to the "M" factor appropriate to the event,

     with the "M" factor limited to 65%.  Side games at NABCs are the same

     as side games at Regionals.



                                                       MPBOOK.041 (PAGE 9) 



     Awards for consolation events are computed in the same manner as

     non-championship events, with the same upper limit applied to the "M"

     factor (65%).



     Any events run to benefit the ACBL charity, or another charity as

     approved by ACBL regulations, will receive championship rating (not

     subject to the 65% "M" factor limit). This includes International Fund




     At Regional and Sectional tournaments, two session events which are

     unrestricted in any way (completely open) shall be credited with all

     tables in play in totally concurrent events (pairs, teams or

     individual but not knockouts or continuous pairs) for the purpose of

     computing overall awards, up to a maximum total of 3 times the number

     of tables in play in the unrestricted event.


     Flighted, Stratified and Stratiflighted events count all tables in all

     flights/strata to determine the number of tables in the unrestricted

     event (the A Flight or Stratum).  Two or more concurrent unrestricted

     events share equally the available restricted tables as above but not

     each others tables. An unrestricted event with a lower limit and no

     upper limit is treated as an open event when there is no concurrent

     open event.


     For the purpose of awarding masterpoints, a restricted event that is

     two sessions morning and afternoon, is deemed to be totally concurrent

     with a two session event that is afternoon and evening. However, if a

     restricted event is scheduled horizontally, it is not deemed to be

     totally concurrent with a two session vertical event.


     Unrestricted events of more than two sessions supersede two session

     events held on the first day of the multi-session event, and shall be

     credited with the totally concurrent first day (2 session)tables of

     any type, as above.


     At Sectional tournaments, one session events which are unrestricted in

     any way and are not concurrent with either session of a two-session

     event shall be credited with all tables in play in concurrent events

     (as above) for the purpose of computing overall awards, up to a

     maximum total of 3 times the number of tables in play in the

     unrestricted event. Any two session unrestricted event at a Sectional

     receives table credit from all restricted events held either totally

     concurrent or concurrent with the first session, as above.



                                                       MPBOOK.041 (PAGE 10)



     First and second overall in Gold point pair events are based on total

     attendance at the two sites.  The masterpoint awards for these

     positions are the higher of:


     1. 80% of the award based on combined attendance, or


     2. 100% of the award based on attendance at the individual location.

        Awards for lower overall positions are based on the single site



     All awards for KO and Swiss team events are based on single site




     Pair, team or individual events may be subdivided into strata with

     specific lower and upper masterpoint limits. Masterpoints for

     stratified events are computed using the General Formula, the

     appropriate "M" factor, and the actual number of tables in each

     stratum plus all tables in lower strata.  The lowest stratum must have

     at least three tables to be eligible for overall awards and at least

     three competitors in direct comparison to be eligible for session




     A stratiflighted event is a combination of flighted and stratified,

     where the A Flight is a separate event.  Flight A may be stratified

     into two strata (A & X) provided that the limit of the X stratum is at

     least 500 points higher than the limit of B stratum.


     Masterpoint awards for Stratum A are calculated using the General

     Formula based on the number of tables in play in each stratum plus all

     tables in lower strata. Masterpoint awards for Stratum X are

     calculated as follows:


     -  If the event meets a threshold of either:  20 or more actual tables

        entered in X;  or 40% or more of the A + X field is entered in X;

        then the first place X award is the greater of 105% of the Flight B

        awards, or the awards based on X only.


     -  If the event does not meet this threshold, then X receives the

        greater of:

         a.  (X / 0.4 x (A + X)) 2  x  105% of Flight B award, OR   

         b.  (X / 20) 2   x  105% of Flight B award, OR             

         c.  Award based on X tables only.


     For this event-type, the upper three strata in a regional event award

     gold points for overall and section tops as long as the upper limit of

     each (A, X, B) is at least 750 masterpoints. 



                                                       MPBOOK.041 (PAGE 11)



     The Top Level Awards are based on the total number of tables

     originally entered as a two session Regional rated championship event.


     Second Level Awards are based on the total number of tables in this

     level as a two session Regional rated championship event using an "M"

     factor of 80%.


     Third Level Awards are based on the number of tables in this level as

     a one session Regional rated non-championship event using an "M"

     factor of 65% (same as a Consolation Event).


     For more details on the classification of events, refer to the

     Handbook of Rules and Regulations.




     All awards in flighted pair events are computed using the General

     Formula, the appropriate "M" factor and the number of tables in each

     flight. Flights receive credit for all tables in that flight plus all

     tables in lower flights. For events with 10 or more tables overall

     awards in any flight are limited to 35% of the actual competitors in

     that flight.


     The Flight A masterpoint award is arbitrarily placed at 10% above that

     of Flight B whenever the General Formula yields a Flight A award lower

     than that.



     Overall awards (no stratification) are computed at 80% of a two

     session event using the average of the two largest sessions. Each

     single session side game in the Side Game Series will award overall

     awards at 65% and session awards at 80%. Each individual session may

     be stratified.



     Overall and session awards are computed as in B-A-M Teams but using a

     "T" factor of 1.00.




     BAM Masterpoint Awards are based upon the same formulas as for a pair

     event, but with a "T" Factor of 1.10.



                                                       MPBOOK.041 (PAGE 12)



     The overall awards are based upon the same formulas as for a pair

     event.  Overall awards to players on five or six person teams will be

     based on the percentage participation for one and two session events.

     In events of 3 or more sessions all eligible players receive full

     overall awards.


     Match awards are computed using the knockout match award formula

     (D x L x M x P).


     Flighted and Stratiflighted Swiss events award points according to the

     conditions outlined (above) for flighted and stratiflighted

     respectively. In a Stratified Swiss, match awards are computed using

     the masterpoint limits of the highest stratum.


     Consolations of Swiss Team Events - Overall awards are calculated

     according to the General Formula, with an "M" factor limited to 65%.

     Match awards are the same as in the finals. To be eligible for overall

     awards, players must play at least half the matches in the




     For bracketed Swiss teams events, the number of tables upon which the

     masterpoint award is based is computed as follows:


     -  The top bracket is based on the sum of its own tables, plus 100% of

        up to 40 tables in lower brackets plus 1/3 of the tables in excess

        of 40.


     -  The second bracket is based on its own tables plus 100% of up to 20

        tables in lower brackets, plus 1/3 of the tables in excess of 20.


     -  The third bracket (and any lower bracket) is based on its own tables

        plus 1/3 of the tables in any still lower bracket.



     All awards for KO Teams are calculated using the Knockout Teams

     Formula. In Regional Bracketed KO teams, the top bracket always awards

     100% gold.  For lower brackets, the percentage of gold awarded for

     overalls is as follows:

      Average Masterpoints Per Player        Pigmentation of Award

        of Top Team In Bracket

          750+                     100% gold

          500 - 749                2/3 gold; 1/3 red

          300 - 499                1/2 gold; 1/2 red

          Less than 300            1/3 gold; 2/3 red


     In Regional Flighted KO Teams, the second Flight is 100% gold if it is

     0-750 or higher, and the third group awards no gold at all.

     Flighted/Bracketed KOs award gold as other Flighted/Bracketed events.


     Whenever the lowest flight (or only flight) of a KO event is split

     into two or more separate groups, the masterpoint award for each group

     is based on the number of teams in the largest group.



                                                       MPBOOK.041 (PAGE 13)



     Whenever a team forfeits a match, it receives the overall masterpoint

     award equivalent to that of the team it beat in its previous match.

     For example: a team that fails to play in the finals would receive the

     masterpoint award for 3/4.


     Playoffs for additional overall awards are permitted, whenever the

     number of overalls allowed under the two match restriction would be

     less than the number shown below:


             Teams Entered       Positions

              8 - 15 teams       4

             16 - 31 teams       8

             32 and over         16


     Playoffs are not permitted if there are fewer than 8 teams. 


     All winning teams in such playoffs will be deemed tied for the next

     spot (3/4, 5/8, etc.)  But, winners of a playoff match for 3/4

     (usually in a bracket with an original entry of 8 teams only) will

     receive 22.50% of the first place award, not 40%.



     A bracketed knockout event in which each match is half the normal

     length (i.e., at least twelve and probably not more than fourteen

     boards) is an approved tournament event.  This event shall be

     permitted at Sectionals, for silver points, and at Regionals for red

     and gold points.


     The Knockout Teams Formula shall be used to determine masterpoint

     awards, including the appropriate "L" factor for the number of boards

     in the match.  To receive an overall award, a team must play two

     complete sessions.  In brackets with an original entry of nine or more

     teams, the losing semifinalist must play off in order to meet this

     requirement thus producing a clear third place and a clear fourth

     place.  In an event with an original entry of five through eight

     teams, the final match shall be of full length.  In an event with an

     original entry of three or four teams, all matches shall be of full



     The depth of awards shall be limited to: four places with an original

     entry of nine or more teams; two places with an original entry of five

     through eight teams; and one place with an original entry of three or

     four teams. No playoff matches for additional overall awards shall be



     ZIP KNOCKOUTS (1 session)

     Masterpoint awards for a Zip Knockout are calculated as a one session

     Swiss Teams with an "M" Factor of 65% (Side Game).  



                                                       MPBOOK.041 (PAGE 14)



     Masterpoint awards are based upon the same formulas as for a pair

     event, with a "T" factor of 0.75 (except for session awards in a one

     winner movement, where 1st Place = .33 x B x R x M x P x T).  


     Depth of overall awards:  2 tables = 3 places; 3 tables = 4 places;

     4 tables = 5 places; 5 or more tables = 6 places.


     For more than 5 tables, additional awards will be given if the

     calculated award is not less than: 0.2  x  R x  M x  P.  The depth of

     the award is at least 5% of the field (players) up to a maximum of 35%

     of the field, subject to the absolute limit on overall awards.



     1. Events conducted at clubs will award BLACK points (but certain

        special events at clubs may be given awards of other



     2. Unit Championship events generally award BLACK points.


     3. All masterpoint awards at Sectional Tournaments (including STAC )

        are SILVER.


     4. All masterpoint awards at Regional Tournaments are RED.

        Additionally, overall and section top awards in the top two strata

        of all two (or more) session championship events, with an upper

        limit of not less than 750 points, are GOLD.  When there is a tie

        for a section top, gold points will be awarded.


     5. All masterpoints awarded for nationally-rated events (held at NABC

        ) which have no upper masterpoint limit and no upper age limit

        (i.e., junior or youth events) are PLATINUM.


     6. Unrestricted events and not similarly restricted events held at

        restricted Regionals or Sectionals (Seniors, 199ers, etc.) award

        BLACK points only.  If part of a sanctioned open Sectional,

        concurrent with a restricted Regional, SILVER points are awarded.


     7. Whenever multiple sections are combined for scoring and ranking,

        the places paying GOLD session awards are equal to the number of

        sections combined. (Section sizes must be at least 9 tables.)



     Masterpoint awards for club games are described in detail in Chapter 4

     of the Handbook of Rules and Regulations. For club games, the

     following factors apply:



     Club Masterpoint     -------       8.00       0.240

     Club Championship    6.50         12.00       0.360



                                                       MPBOOK.041 (PAGE 15)




     Overall masterpoints awards will be given for World Bridge Federation

     events, as described below:


     WBF Event     WBF Award       Closest NABC Equivalent       MP Award

     Open Prs          800            Blue Ribbon/LM Prs            190 

     Women's Prs       600            Women's Pairs                 100

     Senior Prs        600            Silver Ribbon Prs             100

     Mixed Prs         200            Mixed Prs                     100

     Olymp Open Tms    1000           Spingold/Vanderbilt           250    

     Bermuda Bowl      800            Spingold/Vanderbilt           200

     Rosenblum Cup     600            Spingold/Vanderbilt           150

     Olympiad Women's  700            Women's KO                    140

     Venice (Women)    800            Women's KO                    140 

     McConnell (Women) 450            Women's KO                    100

     Senior Teams      450            Senior KO                     100

     Senior Bowl       600            Senior KO                     100



     Overall awards below first place and the depth of the awards will be

     computed based on the ACBL formulas for the closest NABC equivalent

     event. There are no session awards, no awards for Consolation Events

     and no awards for other WBF events not shown above.



                                                       MPBOOK.041 (PAGE 16)




TBL   0      1       2       3       4       5       6       7       8      9

 0 0.0000 0.1833  0.2000  0.2167  0.2333  0.2500  0.2667  0.2833  0.3000 0.3167

 1 0.3333 0.3500  0.3667  0.3833  0.4000  0.4167  0.4333  0.4500 0.4667  0.4833

 2 0.5000 0.5167  0.5333  0.5500  0.5667  0.5833  0.6000  0.6167  0.6333 0.6500

 3 0.6667 0.6833  0.7000  0.7167  0.7333  0.7500  0.7667  0.7833  0.8000 0.8167

 4 0.8333 0.8500  0.8667  0.8833  0.9000  0.9167  0.9333  0.9500  0.9667 0.9833

 5 1.0000 1.0167  1.0333  1.0500  1.0667  1.0833  1.1000  1.1167  1.1333 1.1500

 6 1.1667 1.1833  1.1903  1.1973  1.2041  1.2109  1.2175  1.2240  1.2304 1.2368

 7 1.2430 1.2492  1.2553  1.2613  1.2672  1.2730  1.2788  1.2844  1.2900 1.2956

 8 1.3010 1.3064  1.3118  1.3170  1.3222  1.3274  1.3324  1.3375  1.3424 1.3473

 9 1.3522 1.3570  1.3617  1.3664  1.3711  1.3757  1.3802  1.3847  1.3892 1.3936

10 1.3979 1.4023  1.4065  1.4108  1.4150  1.4191  1.4232  1.4273  1.4314 1.4354

11 1.4393 1.4433  1.4472  1.4510  1.4548  1.4586  1.4624  1.4661  1.4698 1.4735

12 1.4771 1.4807  1.4843  1.4878  1.4914  1.4949  1.4983  1.5017  1.5051 1.5085

13 1.5119 1.5152  1.5185  1.5218  1.5250  1.5283  1.5315  1.5347  1.5378 1.5410

14 1.5441 1.5472  1.5502  1.5533  1.5563  1.5593  1.5623  1.5653  1.5682 1.5711

15 1.5740 1.5769  1.5798  1.5826  1.5855  1.5883  1.5911  1.5938  1.5966 1.5993

16 1.6021 1.6048  1.6075  1.6101  1.6128  1.6154  1.6180  1.6207  1.6232 1.6258

17 1.6284 1.6309  1.6335  1.6360  1.6385  1.6410  1.6435  1.6459  1.6484 1.6508

18 1.6532 1.6556  1.6580  1.6604  1.6628  1.6651  1.6675  1.6698  1.6721 1.6744

19 1.6767 1.6790  1.6812  1.6835  1.6857  1.6880  1.6902  1.6924  1.6946 1.6968

20 1.6990 1.7011  1.7033  1.7054  1.7076  1.7097  1.7118  1.7139  1.7160 1.7181

21 1.7202 1.7222  1.7243  1.7263  1.7284  1.7304  1.7324  1.7344  1.7364 1.7384

22 1.7404 1.7423  1.7443  1.7462  1.7482  1.7501  1.7520  1.7540  1.7559 1.7578

23 1.7597 1.7616  1.7634  1.7653  1.7672  1.7690  1.7709  1.7727  1.7745 1.7763

24 1.7782 1.7800  1.7818  1.7835  1.7853  1.7871  1.7889  1.7906  1.7924 1.7941

25 1.7959 1.7976  1.7993  1.8011  1.8028  1.8045  1.8062  1.8079  1.8096 1.8112

26 1.8129 1.8146  1.8162  1.8179  1.8195  1.8212  1.8228  1.8245  1.8261 1.8277

27 1.8293 1.8309  1.8325  1.8341  1.8357  1.8373  1.8388  1.8404  1.8420 1.8435

28 1.8451 1.8466  1.8482  1.8497  1.8513  1.8528  1.8543  1.8558  1.8573 1.8588

29 1.8603 1.8618  1.8633  1.8648  1.8663  1.8678  1.8692  1.8707  1.8722 1.8736

30 1.8751 1.8765  1.8779  1.8794  1.8808  1.8822  1.8837  1.8851  1.8865 1.8879

31 1.8893 1.8907  1.8921  1.8935  1.8949  1.8963  1.8976  1.8990  1.9004 1.9017

32 1.9031 1.9044  1.9058  1.9071  1.9085  1.9098  1.9112  1.9125  1.9138 1.9151

33 1.9165 1.9178  1.9191  1.9204  1.9217  1.9230  1.9243  1.9256  1.9269 1.9281

34 1.9294 1.9307  1.9320  1.9332  1.9345  1.9358  1.9370  1.9383  1.9395 1.9408

35 1.9420 1.9432  1.9445  1.9457  1.9469  1.9482  1.9494  1.9506  1.9528 1.9530

36 1.9542 1.9554  1.9566  1.9578  1.9590  1.9602  1.9614  1.9626  1.9638 1.9650

37 1.9661 1.9673  1.9685  1.9696  1.9708  1.9720  1.9731  1.9743  1.9754 1.9766

38 1.9777 1.9789  1.9800  1.9811  1.9823  1.9834  1.9845  1.9857  1.9868 1.9879

39 1.9890 1.9901  1.9912  1.9923  1.9934  1.9945  1.9956  1.9967  1.9978 1.9989

40 2.0000 2.0011  2.0022  2.0032  2.0043  2.0054  2.0065  2.0075  2.0086 2.0097

41 2.0107 2.0118  2.0128  2.0139  2.0149  2.0160  2.0170  2.0181  2.0191 2.0202

42 2.0212 2.0222  2.0233  2.0243  2.0253  2.0263  2.0273  2.0284  2.0294 2.0304

43 2.0314 2.0324  2.0334  2.0344  2.0354  2.0364  2.0374  2.0384  2.0394 2.0404

44 2.0414 2.0424  2.0434  2.0443  2.0453  2.0463  2.0473  2.0482  2.0492 2.0502

45 2.0512 2.0521  2.0531  2.0540  2.0550  2.0560  2.0569  2.0579  2.0588 2.0598

46 2.0607 2.0616  2.0626  2.0635  2.0645  2.0654  2.0663  2.0673  2.0682 2.0691

47 2.0700 2.0710  2.0719  2.0728  2.0737  2.0746  2.0755  2.0765  2.0774 2.0783

48 2.0792 2.0801  2.0810  2.0819  2.0828  2.0837  2.0846  2.0855  2.0864 2.0872

49 2.0881 2.0890  2.0899  2.0908  2.0917  2.0925  2.0934  2.0943  2.0952 2.0960



                                                       MPBOOK.041 (PAGE 17)




         MASTERPOINTS              M FACTOR

          100                      0.5102

          300                      0.6056

          500                      0.6498

         1000                      0.7466

         2000                      0.8434

         6136                      1.0000





         Place         1or2 Sessions       4 Sessions        6 Sessions

         1   ----------  1.00   ----------  1.00   ----------  1.00

         2   ----------  0.75   ----------  0.75   ----------  0.75

         3   ----------  0.56   ----------  0.56   ----------  0.56

         4   ----------  0.42   ----------  0.44   ----------  0.46

         5   ----------  0.32   ----------  0.40   ----------  0.43

         6   ----------  0.24   ----------  0.36   ----------  0.40

         7   ----------  0.18   ----------  0.33   ----------  0.38

         8   ----------  0.13   ----------  0.31   ----------  0.35

         9   ----------  0.11   ----------  0.29   ----------  0.33

        10   ----------  0.10   ----------  0.27   ----------  0.32

        15   ----------  0.07   ----------  0.20   ----------  0.25

        20   ----------  0.05   ----------  0.16   ----------  0.21



     CLUB/INTERNET GAMES - 16 to 59 Pairs

     To provide a smooth transition from 15 to 60 pairs, the following will

     apply for 16 to 59 pairs:


     1. Calculate the placing award using the scale for overall awards for

        4 session events.

     2. Calculate the placing award using the existing club scale for

        first place without a cap. 

     3. Compare the placing awards from #1 and #2 above and use the lower




                  L FACTOR VALUES

          Bds/Match  L Factor    Bds/Match    L Factor

            2        0.0833      14           0.5833

            3        0.1250      15           0.6250

            4        0.1667      16           0.6667

            5        0.2083      17           0.7083

            6        0.2500      18           0.7500

            7        0.2917      19           0.7917

            8        0.3333      20           0.8333

            9        0.3750      21           0.8750

           10        0.4167      22           0.9167

           11        0.4583      23           0.9583

           12        0.5000      24-47        1.0000

           13        0.5417      48 and more  1.5000



                                                       MPBOOK.041 (PAGE 18)




     Assume there are 16 teams in each of 6 brackets (all with a top team

     average above 300 masterpoints).


       Bracket        #  at 100%      # at 1/2      # at 1/3     # at 1/5

         1            16              16            50           14

         2            16              -             34           30

         3            16              -             18           30

         4            16              -             2            30

         5            16              -             -            16

         6            16              -             -            -

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