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ACBL Tech File
STaC Conditions of Contest


This document is provided courtesy of the
American Contract Bridge League

2990 Airways Blvd. S Memphis TN 38116–3847
S Fax 901–398–7754

     NOTE: to view the latest revision of the handbook,
download the latest version of ACBLScore

     (Rev.NABC032)                             CCSTACS.033 (PAGE 1)  




     AT CLUBS (STaCs)

     Sectional Tournaments at Clubs (STaCs) provide bridge players with the

     opportunity to win Silver Points at their local clubs.  All of the

     ACBL's rules, regulations, and procedures for running a  Sectional

     tournament apply to the organization and management of a STaC.  ACBL's

     current STaC guidelines and fees will apply.


     Sponsoring organizations may, with ACBL approval only, amend these

     conditions for a specific event. Such amendments should appear in all

     printed tournament schedules and be posted prior to the start of



     The final decision on any item in these conditions shall be made by

     the Director in Charge. Furthermore, any issue not specifically

     covered will be resolved by the Director in Charge.



     a) A STaC may be scheduled for  up to seven consecutive days, but may

        include only one weekend -- however, Management may grant an

        exception to the weekend requirement for cause.  A sanction

        application must be sent to the appropriate District Tournament

        Coordinator at least 12 months prior to the scheduled tournament

        date.  The ACBL may sanction a STaC when it receives the sanction

        application with fewer than 12 months advance notice if there are

        no scheduling conflicts and the STaC can be advertised in "The

        Bulletin" calender schedule at least one month prior.  No STaC may

        be sanctioned to conflict with any ACBL-wide event.


     b) While only Units may apply for a sanction to hold a STaC there is

        no objection to a Unit nominating a District or Districts to

        conduct the tournament.  In District-wide STaCs all Units within

        the District(s) must be offered the opportunity to participate.

        participation is at the Unit level.  If a Unit chooses to

        participate all clubs within that Unit must be invited to



     c) A sponsor may schedule morning, afternoon and/or evening sessions.

        For the purpose of determining in which session a club should

        participate use the standard club session designations. Many STaCs

        schedule only two sessions per day.  The local sponsor must

        designate the sessions to be scheduled.  As an example: Morning

        games would be those starting prior to 12:00 local time, afternoon

        games start prior to 17:00 local time, and evening games 17:00 and



     d) STaC sessions may be scheduled at any participating club for any

        session that the club has a regularly sanctioned game at that

        club.  Additional games may be held at the option of the

        sanctioned club.  However, when a scheduling conflict exists

        preference shall be granted to the club that holds a regularly

        scheduled game at the time in question.  



                                                     CCSTACS.033 (PAGE 2)  



     e) Each Sponsor must develop a schedule of games and Conditions of

        Contest.  This schedule and the CoC must be sent to all clubs 

        participating in the STaC.  The types of events normally scheduled

        at a regular Unit Sectional are permitted.  Open/Stratified Pairs

        are easiest for most club directors to run.  All pair events are

        single-session events.  Team games shall be stand alone events at

        the site played.


     f) All masterpoints awarded are silver and sectionally-rated.

        Overall awards are based on the total entry in each event except

        that Swiss Team overall awards are based only on the entry at each

        individual site.


     g) The use of hand records is encouraged but not required.  For a

        STaC using hand records, the DIC may permit games at sites not

        using hand records to enter the main event or to enter as a side

        games for ranking and masterpoint awards.



     a) Any club within the area of the participating Unit may hold a StaC

        game in lieu of its regularly scheduled club game.  Additional

        games may be held, as noted above.


     b) The ACBL General Convention Chart will be used unless the sponsor

        specifies and advertises otherwise.


     c) A minimum section size of 10 pairs is needed to be included in the

        Championship session.  Sections with fewer than 10 pairs may be

        reported, combined, and included as a Sectionally rated

        Championship.  This restriction may be modified or waived, prior

        to the start of the tournament, at sponsor option.


     d) Invitational games will be scored and ranked as stand alone

        sectionally rated Championship event with 1 restriction unless

        these games are opened to all players and advertised as such.


     e) Limited masterpoint games will be scored and ranked alone unless a

        like limited masterpoint game is held at one or more other STaC

        sites.  In this case, these games will be scored together for

        overall rankings and masterpoint awards.


     f) Playing directors may not duplicate the boards in games using hand

        records. The club director of such a game may play only with the

        consent, in advance, of the DIC of the STaC.


     g) Non-playing directors are encouraged but not required for games

        with no more than one section of 17 tables or less.  Non-playing

        directors are required in games larger than 17 tables or with two

        or more sections.



                                                     CCSTACS.033 (PAGE 3)  



     h) Each club must report its results to the(DIC) within the

        designated time limit.  The time limit is 36 hours from the end of

        its game unless the sponsor specifies an earlier time limit.  In

        no case may this time limit be less than 24 hours from the end of

        the game.  Club games not reported within the time limit will be

        scored, ranked, and issued masterpoints as a sectionally rated

        side game if received prior to the final reporting period. 


     I) Reporting will be by e-mail attachment of the gamefile.

        Arrangements may be made with the DIC to report by FAX or voice.

        Reporting procedures will be distributed to the clubs with the

        STaC Conditions of Contest.


     j) The final reporting period for the STaC ends 24 hours after the

        last event ends.   Later reports will be returned to the club, to

        be reported as a regularly scheduled club session.


     k) The correction period at each club is 24 hours after the

        completion of the session. A club must post a copy of the recap

        for inspection at the end of each session.


     III. Director-in-Charge

     a) The DIC of a STaC must be an ACBL Tournament Director or higher



     b) The DIC of a STaC, with the approval of the sponsor, will develop

        reporting guidelines.


     c) The DIC will organize and provide results to participating clubs.


     d) The DIC will create reports at the end of the StaC as requested by

        the sponsor.


     e) The DIC will provide standard Sectional tournament reports.


     f) In addition to the expected functions of a DIC, the DIC may be

        asked to perform a variety of additional tasks.  Typical tasks may

        include  distribution of hand record printouts, pre-tournament

        advertising, or a post-tournament bulletin.  The DIC and the

        sponsor will determine the time and fees for these tasks.

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