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ACBL Duplicate Laws - Index



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93

Also see updated 2008 Index


Acceptance of 
Insufficient bid - 27
Lead out of turn - 53 - 54 - 55
Opening lead out of turn - 54
Play of card other than penalty card - 52
Premature play - 57 - 60
Trick lost as won - 72


Accidental dropping of card 
By declarer - 48
By defender - 50
During auction period - 24
During play period - 48 - 50
Minor penalty card - 50


Accidental receipt of information - 16
Acquiescence in claim or concession - 69
Withdrawal of acquiescence - 69


Action violating obligation to pass - 37
Condonation of - 35


Adjusted score
Amount of award - 12 - 86 - 88
Director's power to adjust - 12 - 86
Indemnity points - 88
Individual event - 88 - 89
Method of calculating - 12 - 86 - 88
Pair event - 12 - 88
Remedy after change of call - 21
Remedy after permissible change of play - 47
Remedy for defender's premature exposure of card - 50
Remedy for error in procedure - 82
Remedy for exposed card - 23
Remedy for failure to explain call or play - 40
Remedy for insufficient bid - 27
Remedy for irregular pass causing damage - 23
Remedy for misdistribution of cards - 13
Remedy for play of wrong board - 15
Remedy for receipt of unauthorized information - 16
Remedy for revoke - 64
Remedy for violation of properties - 73
Team event - 86


Agreement on results of play
Acquiescence in claim or concession - 69
Agreement on number of tricks won - 79
Arrangement of tricks to facilitate - 65


Aid to memory, calculation, or technique - 40
Change of call following disclosure of misinformation - 21
Failure as to misinformation - 21
Inclusion in review of auction - 20
Regulation by sponsoring organization - 40


Notification of right to - 83
Prerequisites for - 92
Procedures - 92 - 93
Right to - 92
To Appeals Committee - 93
To Chief Director - 93
To National Laws Commission - 93


Appeals Committee - 93
Arrangement of tricks - 65
Attempt to change call - 25
Attempt to play card not in dummy - 46
Auction - see also Auction Period
Partial review - 20
Review of - 20
Rotation - 17


Auction period 
Call after end of - 35 - 39
Continuation after three passes, if one was out of rotation - 34
End of - 17
Irregularity during - 9
Penalty - see Penalty, in auction
Procedure following end of - 22
Review during or after - 20
Start of - 17



Behavior - see Properties
After final pass - 39
Distinguished from other calls - 18
Form of - 18
Insufficient - 18 - 27
Of more than seven - 35 - 38
Out of rotation - 27 - 29 - 31
Proper form - 18
Sufficiency - 18
When pass was required - 37


Bids, simultaneous - 33
Cancellation - 6 - 17 - 86
Cards in - 7
Control - 7
Dealer rotation - 2
Duplication - 6
Fouled - 87
Late play - 15
Misplacement of cards in - 90
Movement - 8
Placement - 7
Play of wrong board - 15 - 17 - 90
Redeal - 6 - 86
Removal of cards from - 7
Substitute - 86
Vulnerability rotation - 2
Wrong board played - 15 - 17 - 90



Admissible doubles - 19 - 36
Admissible redoubles -19 - 36
After auction closed - 35 - 39
Bids - 18
Before penalty imposed - 11
Change of - see Call, change of
Condonation of inadmissible call - 35
Inadmissible - 35
Not clearly heard - 20
Review of - 20


Call, change of 
After opponent's infraction - 16
After disclosure of opponent's misinformation - 16 - 21
Bid out of rotation as - 31
Correction of inadvertent or illegal call - 25
Immediate - 25
Information resulting from - 16
Lead penalty for - 26
Pass out of rotation as - 30
Penalty in auction - 25 - 27 - 30 - 31
Remedy for opponent's infraction - 16


Call other than bids - 18
Calls, simultaneous - 33
Card  - see also Cards; Play of card
Attempt to play card not in dummy - 46
Convention - see Convention card
Declarer's, visible and constructively played - 45
Defender's, visible to partner - 45 - 49
Detachment from hand prematurely - 74
Dummy's, play by declarer - 57
Dummy's, played in error - 45
Dummy's, touched or designated - 45
Exposed - see Exposed card
Inspection of own card played to previous trick - 66
Misplayed by dummy - 45
Missing - 14
Played - 45
Position of - 45
Reconstruction of deal if missing card unfound - 14
Restoration of missing card - 14
Retracted - see Retraction of card played
Revoke by failure to play missing card - 14
Seen by wrong player - 13
Visibility of - 45 - 49


Cards  - see also Card

Arrangement of for keeping track of tricks won - 65
Control of own hand - 7
Counting of - 7
Incorrect number held - 13
Inspection of own card played to previous trick - 66
Inspection of tricks - 61 - 62 - 66
Quitted tricks - 61 - 62 - 66
Rank of - 1 - 44
Return of cards to board - 7
Sorting of dummy's hand - 41
Spectator's view of - 76
Touching cards of another player - 90


Cessation of play following claim or concession - 68
Change of call - see Call, change of
Change of card - see Retraction of card played
Change of play - see Retraction of card played
Chief Director - 93
Acquiescence in - 69
By declarer - 48 - 68
By defender - 68
By facing cards - 48
Cessation of play - 68
Concession - 68
Contested claim - 70
Current trick - 68
Exposed card of declarer as - 48
Rejection by director - 70
Summoning director - 68
Withdrawal of acquiescence in - 69


Commencement of play - 41
Comment - see Extraneous information; Properties
Comparison of scores - 90
Completion of play
Cessation of play following claim or concession - 68
End of round - 8
End of session - 8


Acquiescence in - 69 - 72
By declarer - 48 - 68
By defender - 68
Cancellation by director - 71
Cessation of play - 68
Claim - 68
Contract already fulfilled or defeated - 71
Current trick - 68
Exposed card of declarer as - 48
Implausible - 71
Objection by partner of conceding defender - 68
Of trick already won - 71
Of trick in progress - 68
Of trick not losable by any legal play - 71
Summoning director - 68
Trick cannot be lost - 71
Withdrawal of acquiescence in claim - 69


Of play following declarer's claim or concession - 68
Of play following defender's claim re future tricks - 68
Of round - 8
Of session - 8


Condonation  - see also Forfeiture; Waiver
Of action by player required to pass - 35
Of bid of more than seven - 35
Of call after final pass - 35
Of inadmissible double - 35
Of inadmissible redouble - 35
Of insufficient bid - 27
Of lead out of turn - 53


Conduct - see Properties
Consultation between partners on options after irregularity - 10
Final bid - 22
Inquiry as to - 41


Convention card 
Examination of own card prohibited - 40
Regulation by sponsoring organization - 40
Timing of reference to opponent's card - 40


Conventional call
As insufficient bid - 27
Change of call - 26
Disclosure required - 40
Explanation of - 20 - 40
Out of rotation - 29
Pass as - 30
Regulation by sponsoring organization - 40


Conventional card play 
Explanation of - 20
Disclosure required - 40


Disclosure required - 20 - 40
Partnership agreements - 40 - 75
Regulation by sponsor - 40


Correction of
Error in explanation of partnership understanding - 75
Error in giving review of auction - 20
Error in ruling by director - 82
Irregularity - 9


Counting of cards
Error subject to penalty - 90
Requirement - 7


Current trick
Defender's statement as to - 68
Inspection of - 66



Presence of contestants - 6
Procedure - 6
Redeal - 6 - 86
Rotation of dealer - 2
Shuffle - 6


First to call - 17
Rotation - 2


Deception - 40 - 73
Deck - 1
Becomes dummy by facing hand after opening lead out of turn - 54
Facing of hand after opening lead out of turn - 54
Play of dummy's hand - 41 - 42 - 45
Right after irregularity - 9


Defective trick
Too few cards - 67
Too many cards - 45 - 67


Prohibition on inquiry re partner's failure to follow suit - 61
Right after irregularity - 9


Defensive signals - see Conventional card play
Denominations, rank of - 1 - 18
Designation of card - 45
Erroneous - 46
Inadvertent - 45
Incomplete - 46
Proper form - 46


Director - see also Director, discretion of; Summoning director
Discretionary powers in general - 12
Duties in general - 81 - 90
Notice to contestant of right to appeal - 83
Powers in general - 81 - 90
Rectification of error in procedure - 82
Ruling on agreed facts - 84
Ruling on disputed facts - 85


Director, discretion of 
To adjust score - 12; see also Adjusted score
To penalize notwithstanding forfeiture of right to penalize - 11
To predeal - 6
To require redeal - 6 - 86


Disqualification of player - 91
Error in stating bid doubled - 19
Form - 19
Inadmissible - 19 - 32 - 35 - 36 - 39
Increase in scoring values - 77
Legal - 19
Out of rotation - 32
Proper form - 19
When pass was required - 37


Dropping of card - see Accidental dropping of card; Play of card
Dummy - see also Dummy, play of
Arrangement of cards in - 41
As agent of declarer - 42
Hand of - 41
Hand played by declarer - 41 - 42 - 45
Limitations on actions by - 43
Penalty for infraction by - 43
Play of - see Dummy, play of
Rights of - 42 - 61
Sorting of cards in - 41


Dummy, play of 
Attempt to play card not in dummy - 46
By declarer - 41 - 42 - 45
Card not designated by declarer - 45
Designation of card not in dummy - 46
Incomplete designation of card - 46
Misplay by dummy of card not named by declarer - 45
Partial designation of card - 46
Premature play by defender - 57
Proper method - 45 - 46
Singleton not deemed automatically designated - 57


Duplication of boards - 6


Emphasis - see Extraneous information; Properties
End of round or session - 8
Enforced pass - see Pass, enforced
Errors - see also specific irregularities
In explanation of partnership agreement - 75
In giving review of auction - 20
In procedure - 90
In ruling by director - 82
In score - 79
In stating contract doubled - 19
In stating contract redoubled - 19


Exchanging hands - 43
Explanation of conventional meaning of calls
During auction period - 20
During play period - 20 - 41


Exposed card 
As claim or concession by declarer - 68
Declarer's visible card - 48
Defender's - 49
During auction period - 24
During deal - 6
During making of claim - 70
During shuffle - 6
Extraneous information - 47
More than one - 24
Opening lead out of turn - 48 - 54
Penalty card - 50
Rank, significance of - 24
Retracted card - 47
Simultaneous play of cards - 58
Visibility of defender's card to partner - 49


Extraneous information  - see also Information
Accidentally received information - 16
Action by partner - 16
Exposed card - 50
Remark by partner - 16



Face down opening lead - 41 - 45
Withdrawal of with director's permission - 41


Agreed, ruling on - 84
Appeal on question of - 93
Disputed, ruling on - 85


Failure to alert - see Alert
Failure to comply with regulations - 72 - 90
Failure to play penalty card - see Penalty card
Fifth card to a trick - 45
Following suit
General requirement - 44
Requirement when penalty card(s) present - 50 - 59
Revoke - 61


Forfeiture of rights  - see also Condonation; Waiver
Acceptance of insufficient bid - 27
Acceptance of lead out of turn - 53
After call out of rotation - 29
After irregularity - 9 - 10 - 11
By dummy's infraction - 43
Play before assessment of penalty for infraction - 60
Retention of right to call - 34


Fouled board - 87


Gesture - see Extraneous information
Gratuitous information - see Extraneous information; Properties


Hand records - 13
Hesitation - see Extraneous information; Pause; Properties
Honor cards
As major penalty cards - 50
Scoring table - 77



Illegal call - 25
Illegal card - 52 - 61
Illegal double
After partner's pass out of rotation - 30
Impermissible substitution for insufficient bid - 27
In general - 19
Inadmissible double - 19 - 32 - 36


Illegal play - 60
Illegal redouble
After partner's pass out of rotation - 30
Impermissible substitution for insufficient bid - 27
In general - 19
Inadmissible redouble - 19 - 32 - 36


Illegal unauthorized information - 16
IMP scoring - 78
Inability to comply with lead or play penalty - 59
Inadmissible call - 35 - 36
Inadvertent call - 25
Inadvertent designation of card - 45 - 47
Incomplete call of card from dummy - 46
Indemnity points - 84
Individual events
Adjusted score - 12 - 88 - 89
Indemnity points - 88
Partnership - 4
Penalties - 89


Inflection - see Extraneous information; Properties
Information  - see also Extraneous information; Properties
Accidentally received - 16
Authorized - 16
From change of call - 16
From change of play - 16
From exposed card - 50
From lead out of turn - 55
From misdistribution of cards - 13
From pass out of rotation - 30
Importance of - 13
Unauthorized - 16


Inspection of tricks - 66
Insufficient bid - 18 - 27
Intentionally misleading call or play - 40
Irregularity - see also Forfeiture of rights; specific irregularities
Limitations on rights of dummy - 43
Procedure following - 9
Rights of declarer - 9
Rights of defenders - 9
Rights of dummy - 42



Last round, end of - 8
Late play - 15
Laws Commission - see National Laws Commission
Lead  - see also Lead out of turn; Lead penalty; Opening lead
During auction period - 24
Misinformation affecting - 47
Premature - 24
Retraction of - 47
Right to - 44


Lead out of turn 
Acceptance of - 53
During auction period - 24
Induced by opponent - 47
Misinformation affecting - 47
Opening - 48 - 54
Procedures following - 53
By declarer - 55
By defender - 56
Penalty - see Lead penalty
Retraction of - 47


Lead penalty  - see also Penalty card
After action in violation of obligation to pass - 37
After bid of more than seven - 38
After bid out of rotation - 31
After call following close of auction - 39
After cancellation of change of call - 25
After change of call - 26
After correction of insufficient bid - 27
After double out of rotation - 32
After redouble out of rotation - 32
After unauthorized information - 26
Inability to comply - 59
When there is one penalty card - 50
When there is more than one penalty card - 51


Loud discussion - 90


Major penalty card - 50
Mannerism - see Extraneous information; Properties
Matchpoint scoring - 78
Minor penalty card - 50
Call based on - 21
Lead based on - 41 - 47
Play based on - 47


Misplacement of cards in board - 90
Missing card - 14
Mistaken bid - see Partnership understandings
Mistaken explanation of partnership understanding - 40 - 75
Misunderstanding not based on misinformation - 21
Movement of boards, players - 8


National Laws Commission - 93
New deal - see Redeal
By director to contestant of right to appeal - 83
By player to director of accidental receipt of information - 16



Opening lead - see also Lead
Face down - 41
Face up - 41
Misinformation affecting - 47
Out of turn - 47 - 48 - 53 - 54
Out of turn, accepted - 53
Premature - 24
Retraction of - 47
Right to make - 41


Options of player after irregularity
Consultation with partner prohibited - 10
Discretion of director - 12
Explanation by director - 9 - 10 - 11



Pack - 1
Pair events
Adjusted score - 12 - 88
Indemnity points - 88
Partnership - 4


Partial review of auction - 20
Partnership understandings 
Concealment prohibited - 40 - 75
Mistaken bid - 75
Psychic - 40
Violation of - 75


Partnerships - 4
As conventional call - 30
Enforced - see Pass, enforced
Irregular pass causing damage - 23
Obligation to - see Pass, enforced
Out of rotation - 30 - 34


Pass, enforced 
Action in violation of obligation to pass - 37
Adjusted score for damage resulting from - 23
Affecting right to review auction - 20
After bid out of rotation - 31
After double out of rotation - 32
After exposed card - 24
After irregularity - 23
After pass out of rotation - 30
After redouble out of rotation - 32
Condonation of action in violation of obligation to pass - 35


As extraneous information - 16
Regulation by sponsoring organization - 73
Skip bid warning - 73


Penalties - see also Lead penalty; Penalty card; Penalty in auction
Action by offenders after payment of prescribed penalty - 72
After forfeiture of right to penalize - 11
Cancellation - 10
Director's authority to impose additional - 90
Explanation - 10
Consultation between partners - 10
Forfeiture - see Condonation; Forfeiture; Waiver
Self-help - 10
Individual event - 89
Infraction by dummy - 43
Procedural - 90


Penalty card  - see also Lead penalty
Adjusted score - 50
After declarer's acceptance of play other than penalty card - 52
After defender's lead out of turn - 56
After lead out of turn - 53 - 56
Card retracted to correct a revoke - 61
Declarer's acceptance of play other than penalty card - 52
Declarer, inapplicability to - 48
Disposition of - 50
Dummy's hand, inapplicability to - 48
Exposed card of defender - 49 - 50
Failure to lead or play penalty card when required - 52 - 61
Fifth card to a trick - 45
Inability to lead or play as required - 59
Lead out of turn - 54 - 56
Major penalty card defined - 50
Minor penalty card defined - 50
Missing card - 14
More than one penalty card - 50 - 51
Obligation to follow suit - 50 - 59
Procedure after illegal play - 60
Rank of exposed card, significance - 50
Retracted card as - 52 - 54 - 56
Unauthorized information from - 50


Penalty in auction
After substitution for insufficient bid - 27
After pass out of rotation - 30
After bid out of rotation - 31
After canceled change of call - 25
After double out of rotation - 32
After redouble out of rotation - 32
After action in violation of obligation to pass - 37


Penalty, lead  - see Lead penalty
Play  - see also Play of card; Play period
After illegal play - 60
Before penalty imposed - 11
Commencement of - 41
Irregularity during play period - 9


Play Of Card
After illegal play - 60
Compulsory - 45
Dropping of card - 48 - 50
From dummy's hand - see Dummy, play of
Inadvertent designation of card - 45 - 47
Premature lead by defender - 57
Premature play by defender - 57 - 60
Proper method - 45
Retraction of - see Retraction of card played
Singleton in dummy not deemed played automatically - 57


Play of dummy's hand - see Dummy, play of
Play period 
Explanation of conventional calls or play - 20
Irregularity during - 9
Right to explanation of conventional calls or play - 20


Premature lead or play
By defender - 57 - 60
During auction period - 24


Procedure in general
After auction period - 22
After irregularity in general - 9
Appeal - 93
At table - 6 - 7
Director's duties - 82
Error in - 82 - 90


Procedures after specific irregularities 
Bid out of rotation - 31
Call out of rotation - 29
Illegal play - 60
Inadmissible double - 36
Inadmissible redouble - 36
Lead out of turn - 53
Opening lead out of turn - 54
Revoke - 60 - 64


Proprieties  - 72 - 73 - 74 - 75
Acceptance of trick not won and not winnable - 72
Action by offenders after payment of prescribed penalty - 72
Adherence to proper procedures - 74
Adjusted score for violation of - 72 - 73
Annoyance of opponent - 74
Attitude towards opponent - 74
Breaches, examples of - 74
Cards permissibly viewed by spectator - 76
Comment by player - 73 - 74
Comment by spectator - 76
Communication between partners - 73 - 75
Concealment of infraction - 72
Conduct of player - 74
Conduct by spectator - 74
Conversation by spectator - 76
Correct manner of calls and plays - 73
Correction of error in explanation by partner - 75
Correction of error in own explanation - 75
Courtesy - 74
Deception - 40 - 73
Disclosure of error in explanation of partnership agreement - 75
Disclosure of infraction - 72
Disclosure of partnership agreement - 75
Embarrassment of partner or opponent - 74
Emphasis - 73
Error in explanation of partnership agreement - 75
Etiquette - 74
Explanation of partnership agreement - 75
General obligation of contestants - 72
General principles - 72
Gesture of player - 73
Gesture of spectator - 76
Gratuitous information - 73
Habitual violation of partnership agreement - 75
Haste - 73
Hesitation - 73
Inadvertent infraction of law - 72
Inadvertent variation in manner or tempo - 73
Inflection - 73
Intentional deception - 72 - 73
Intentional infringement of law - 72
Intentional variation in manner or tempo - 73
Irregularity observed by spectator - 76
Mannerism of player - 73
Mannerism of spectator - 76
Mistaken bid - 75
Mistaken explanation - 75
Prearranged unsanctioned communication - 73
Proper procedure, adherence to - 74
Psychic - 40 - 73
Question - 73
Remark of player - 73
Remark of spectator - 76
Response to question - 73
Responsibility for enforcement of laws - 72
Skip bid warning - 73
Spectators, obligations of - 76
Speed - 73
Suggestive action or remark - 73
Tempo, variation in - 73
Variation in manner - 73
Variation in tempo - 73
Violation of Properties - 73
Violation of partnership agreement - 75
Volunteering of information - 74 - 75
Waiver of penalty without summoning director - 72


Psychic - 40 - 73


Question - see also Extraneous information; Properties
As conveying gratuitous information - 73
Right to explanation of conventional calls or plays - 40 - 75
Right to explanation of partnership understandings - 40 - 75


Quitted tricks - 61 - 62 - 66


Rank of
Cards in general - 1
Cards played - 44
Denominations - 18
Exposed card - 24
Suits - 1 - 18 - 44


Auction closed without a bid - 22
Correction of misdeal - 13
Discretion of director to require - 6 - 86
Misdeal - 13
Team event - 86


Error in stating bid redoubled - 19
Form - 19
Inadmissible - 19 - 32 - 35 - 36 - 39
Increase in scoring values - 77
Legal - 19
Out of rotation - 32
Proper form - 19
When pass was required - 37


Remark - see Extraneous information; Properties
Retention of right to call - 34
Retraction of bid - see Call, change of
Retraction of card played 
Adjusted score - 47
After correction of error in explanation of conventional call - 47
After correction of revoke - 62
After declarer's lead out of turn - 55
After declarer's withdrawal of visible card - 58
After disclosure of prior misinformation - 47
After failure to play major penalty card - 52
After opening lead out of turn - 54
After opponent's change of play - 47
After opponent's infraction - 16
By defender - 56
Change of inadvertent designation of card - 45 - 47
Compliance with penalty - 47
Correction of illegal play - 47
Correction of simultaneous play - 47
Immediate correction of inadvertent designation of card - 45
Information resulting from - 16
Lead out of turn induced by opponent - 47
Penalty card - 47 - 56
Penalty card not played as required - 52
Remedy for infraction - 16
To correct defective trick containing too many cards - 67


Review of auction - 20 - 41
During auction period - 20
During play period - 20 - 41
Partial - 20


Adjusted score - 64
Correction of - 62 - 63
Declarer's right to inquire - 61
Defective trick - 67
Defender's right to inquire - 61
Defined - 61
Director's responsibility to do equity - 64
Disorderliness in trick arrangement as jeopardizing rights - 65
Dummy's right to inquire - 42 - 43 - 61
Equity - 64
Establishment - 63 - 67
Inspection of cards after conclusion of play - 66
Inspection of current trick - 66
Inspection of quitted tricks - 61
Limitation on dummy's right to inquire - 43
Missing card - 14
Penalty card - 14
Penalty for - 64
Penalty inapplicable - 64
Procedure after establishment of - 64
Prohibition on inquiry by defender of partner - 61
Responsibility of director to do equity - 64
Retraction of cards after opponent's correction - 62
Twelfth trick - 62


Rights - see Laws regarding specific procedures and irregularities
Appeal - 83 - 92 - 93
Failure to summon director after irregularity - 9 - 10 - 11
Forfeiture - see Forfeiture of rights
Retention after irregularity - 9 - 34


Auction - 17
Bid out of - 27 - 31
Call considered in - 28
Call out of - 29 - 34
Dealer - 2
Double out of - 32
Pass out of - 30
Play - 44
Redouble out of - 32
Simultaneous calls - 33
Vulnerability - 2


Round, end of - 8
Rulings - see specific irregularities
Agreed facts - 84
Disputed facts - 85
Error in - 82



Calculation - 77
Comparison during session prohibited - 90
Correction - 79
Scoring table - 77


Scoring - see also Scoring table
Adjusted score - 12 - 86 - 88
Correction of errors - 79
Fouled board - 87
IMPs - 78
Indemnity points - 88
Matchpoints - 78
Methods - 78
Scoring table - 77
Total points - 78


Scoring table  - 77
Seat - 5
Of bidding - 17
Of play - 44
Simultaneous calls - 33
Simultaneous leads - 58
Simultaneous plays - 58


Session, end of - 8
Shuffle - 6
Simultaneous actions
Calls - 33
Leads - 58
Play of more than one card by one player - 58
Plays by two players - 58


Skip bid warning - 73
Slow play - 90
Spectator - 11
Speed - see Extraneous information; Properties
Sponsoring organization
Scoring method - 78
Powers in general - 80


Substitution of call - see Call, change of
Substitution of play - see Retraction of card played
Substitution of player
Authorized by director in his discretion - 4
Temporary, as remedy for possession of unauthorized information - 16


Rank of - 1 - 18 - 44
Sorting of dummy's hand - 41


Summoning director - see also specific irregularities
Failure to summon as affecting rights after irregularity - 9 - 10 - 11
Limitation on dummy's right to summon - 43
Manner - 74
Properties - 72


Suspension of player - 91


Arrangement of playing - 3
Scoring table - 77



Tardiness  - 90
Team events
Adjusted score - 86
Partnerships - 4
Substitute board - 86


Tempo - see Extraneous information; Properties
Total point scoring - 78
Touching another's card - 90
Agreement on number won and lost - 79
Arrangement in order - 65
Claim - 68
Completed - 65
Concession - 68 - 69 - 71
Correction of error in scoring - 79
Defective - 45 - 67
Disagreement on number won and lost - 79
Dummy's right to keep track of tricks won - 42
Fifth card to trick - 45
Inspection of - 66
Keeping track of number won and lost - 65
Lead to - 44
Orderliness - 65
Play to - 44
Quitted - 61 - 62 - 66
Turning of - 45


Trump, play of
When penalty card present - 50
When permitted - 44



Unauthorized information  - see also Information; Properties
Accidentally received - 16
Extraneous information - 16
From defender's objection to partner's concession - 71
From illegal double - 19
From illegal redouble - 19
From partner's explanation of understanding - 75



Variation of manner or tempo - see Extraneous information; Properties
Visibility of card
Position of play - 45
Simultaneous play of more than one card - 58


Volunteering of information - 74 - 75
Rotation of - 2
Scoring table - 77



Waiver - see also Forfeiture of rights
Director's discretion - 81
Inability of player to waive - 72


Withdrawal of acquiescence in claim - 69
Written explanation - 20

2008 Laws Index

Adjusted score DEFN

Application of player 12A

Artificial Adjusted Score 12C1(d), 12C2

Assigned Adjusted Score 12C1

Average 12C2(a)

Average minus 12C2, 86A

Average plus 12C2, 86A

Awarding 12C

Balance, need not 12C1(f)

Damage 12B1

Director’s own initiative 12A

Incorrect rectification of irregularity 12A3

Indemnity, Laws provide no 12A1

Normal play impossible 12A2

Team play 86

Wild or gambling, non-offending side 12C1(b)


See Partnership understanding

Aids to memory, calculation or technique 40C3(a)

Alert DEFN

Disclosure 40B2(a)

Failure to, mistaken explanation 20F5(a)

Failure to, unauthorized information 16B1(a), 73C

Unexpected, unauthorized information 16B1(a), 73C

Appeal 92, 93

Adjudication 93B2

All others 93B2

Arrangements for 80B2(k), 93A

Captain 92A, 92D

Committee available 93B

Committee powers 93B3

Concerns law 93B1

Concurrence of appellants 92D

Contestant’s right to 92A

Further possibilities of 93C

Made through Director 92C

No appeals committee 93A

Notification of right to 83

Procedures 93

Regulating Authority, assign finality 93C3(a)

Regulating Authority, further procedures 93C1

Regulating Authority, national law 93 footnote

Regulating Authority, omit or modify 93C3(b)

Regulating Authority, referral to 93C2

Regulating Authority, resolve finally 93C2

Time of 92B

Without merit 92A, 93C1

Arrangement of tables 3

Artificial adjusted score 12C1(d), 12C2

See also Adjusted score

Artificial call DEFN, 40B1(b)

Artificial pass DEFN, 30C

Assigned adjusted score 12C1

See also Adjusted score

Assignment of seats 5

Change of direction or table 5B

Auction DEFN

See also Auction period

Auction period 17

Auction DEFN

Card exposed or led during 24

Cards taken from wrong board 17D

Clarification period 22B1

Commencement of auction DEFN

Commencement of auction period 17A

End of auction 17E, 22A

End of auction period 17E, 22B

Explanation of calls during 20F

Procedure after 22B, 41

Review after final pass 20C

Review before opening lead faced 41B

Review during auction period 20B

Review responded to by opponent 20D

Successive calls 17C

Authorized information 16

Arising from law or regulation 16A1(c)

Estimate of score 16A2

Legal calls and plays 16A1(a)

Opponents’ traits 16A2

Prior possession, not precluded by law 16A1(d)

Requirements of tournament regulations 16A2

Withdrawn action, non-offending side 16D1

Average minus score 12C2, 86A

Average plus score 12C2, 86A

Average score 12C2(a)

Note: An “average score” is not identical to a “zero score”.

Awareness of potential damage 23


See also Call

After auction has ended 39

Before a pass out of rotation 30B

Different methods 18F

Insufficient bid 27

Insufficient bid accepted 27A1

Insufficient bid not accepted 27B

Insufficient bid out of rotation 27A2, 31

Mistaken 21B1(b), 75

Out of rotation 31

Proper form 18A

Rank of the denominations 18E

Seven, more than 38

Sufficient 18C

Supersede 18B

Board, DEFN

See also Deal

Dealer and vulnerability 2

Duplicate 2

Duplication of 6F

Fouled board 87

Movement of 8A

Normal play impossible 12A2

Placement of 7A

Removal of cards from 7B

Returning cards to 7C

Wrong board 15

Wrong board discovered during auction 15C

Wrong board not previously played 15A

Wrong board previously played 15B

Calculation aids to 40C3(a)


Based on caller’s misunderstanding 21A

Based on misinformation 21B

By correct player 28B

Change by opponent following correction 21B2

Change of call intentional 25B

Change of call unintentional 25A

Explanation of 20F

In rotation, considered to be 28

Inadmissible 35

Inadmissible action, obligation to pass 37

Inadmissible bid, more than seven 38

Inadmissible call after final pass 39

Inadmissible double 36

Inadmissible redouble 36

Not clearly recognized 20A

Out of rotation 29

Out of rotation accepted 29A

Out of rotation artificial 29C

Out of rotation canceled (withdrawn) 16D, 28B

Out of rotation LHO’s turn 25, 28B

Retention of right to call 17E2

Review and explanation of 20

RHO required to pass 28A

Simultaneous 33

Substitute call accepted 25B1

Substitute call not accepted 25B2

Too late to change call 21B3

Withdrawn, offending side 16D2

Withdrawn, lead restrictions 26

Withdrawn, non-offending side 16D1

Call for card

See Card


See Withdrawn action


Cannot be found 14A2

Compulsory play of 45C

Correction of unintended designation 45C4(b)

Counting of 7B2

Designated or named 45C4(a)

Designating dummy’s card, complete 46A

Designating dummy’s card, erroneous 46B

Designating dummy’s card, incomplete 46B

Designating dummy’s card, unintended 45C4(b), 46B

Dummy indicates 45F

Dummy misplays 45D

Exposed declarer 48

Exposed defender 49

Exposed during auction period 24

Fifth card played to trick 45E

Incorrect number of 13

Inspection of 7B2, 66

Missing 14

Penalty card 49, 50

Penalty card, failure to play 52

Penalty cards, two or more 51

Played 45

Rank 1

Removal from board 7B1

Removal from wrong board 17D

Retaining possession of 7B3

Returning to board 7C

R evoke

See Revoke

Shuffle after play finished 7C

Shuffle and deal 6

Withdrawn (retracted) card 16D, 47

Card missing 14

Information from replacement 14C

Noticed at any later time 14B

Noticed before play commences 14A

Change of play 47

Misinformation 47E

Claim 68, 69, 70

See also Concession

Agreed claim or concession 69

Agreed claim or concession, established 69A

Agreement with claim or concession withdrawn 69B

Clarification 68C, 70B

Contested 70

Definition of 68A

Line of play, Director’s considerations 70D

Line of play, unstated 70E

Normal play 70 footnote

Outstanding trump 70C

Play ceases 68D, 70D3

Clarification period 22B1, 41

Communication 73

See also Information

Between partners, appropriate 73A

Between partners, inappropriate 73B

Manner 73D

Prearranged 73B2

Tempo 73D

Unauthorized information from partner 73C

Concession 68, 69, 70, 71

See also Claim

Agreed claim or concession 69

Agreed claim or concession, established 69A

Agreement with claim or concession withdrawn 69B

Cancelation of 71

Contested 70A

Definition of 68B1

Normal play 71 footnote

Play continues after partner’s objection 68B2

Conduct 74

Contestant DEFN

Contract DEFN, 22

Convention 40B1(b)

See also Partnership understanding

Convention card

See System card

Correct procedure 74C, 90

Courtesy 74A1

Detaching card 74B3

Discourteous manner, Director call 74B5

Enjoyment of the game 74A2

Etiquette 74B

Fast play, disconcerting 74C7

Gratuitous comments 74B2

Insufficient attention 74B1

Lack of further interest 74C6

Leaving the table needlessly 74C8

Requirement to follow 74A3

Significant occurrence 74C4

Slow play, disconcerting 74C7

Slow play, undue 90B2

Slow play, unnecessary 74B4

Varying tempo, disconcerting 74C7

Violations of procedure, examples 74C

Correction of an irregularity, premature 9C

Correction period 79C

Counting cards 7B2

Courtesy 74A1

Deal DEFN, 6B

At Director’s instructions, redeal 6D3

Cards incorrectly dealt or exposed 6D1

Different method, dealing or pre-dealing 6E4

Director’s options on dealing 6E

No redeal 86C

No result, dealt without shuffle 6D2

Redeal 6D

Dealer and vulnerability 2

Deception 73E


See Sorted deck

Declarer DEFN

Declarer after opening lead out of turn 54A

Defective trick 67

Defender DEFN

Definitions DEFN

Denomination DEFN

Rank 1, 18E

Director 81

Delegation of duties 81D

Discretionary powers 12

Disqualify 91B

Error by Director 82C

Powers 81C

Refer question 83

Responsibilities 81B

Suspend 91A

Status 81A

Summoning 9B1

Disciplinary Penalty 91A



See Alert

Explanation of calls 20F

Incorrect procedure 20G

Partnership understanding

See Partnership understanding


Double DEFN

Inadmissible 19A, 27B3, 36

Legal 19A1

O f incorrectly stated bid 19A3

Out of rotation 32

Proper form 19A2

Scoring 77

Superseded 19C

Doubled contract 19D

Scoring 77

Dummy DEFN

Designating card to be played from 46

Faced hand 41D

Indicates card 45F

Limitations 43

Rights, absolute 42A

Rights, qualified 42B

Duplication of board 6F

End of last round 8C

End of round 8B

End of session 8C

Enjoyment of the game 74A2

Equity 12C1(c)

Event DEFN


Calls 20F

Correcting errors 20F5, 75B

Defender’s card play 20F2

Mistaken, presumed 21B1(b), 75C

Mistaken, unauthorized information 75A

Extraneous DEFN


Agreed 84

Disputed 85

Standard of proof 85A1

Final pass, review of auction 20C

Follow suit DEFN

Forfeiture of the right to rectification 11

Fouled board 87



Honor DEFN

IMP (International Matchpoint) DEFN, 78B

Inadmissible call 35

Incorrect number of cards 13

Incorrect rectification 12A3

Indemnity, Laws provide no 12A1

Individual events 12C3

Information 16

See also Communication

Authorized 16

Calls or plays, legal 16A1(a)

Calls or plays, withdrawn 16D

Deceptive, appropriate 73E

Deceptive, no demonstrable bridge reason 73F

Extraneous, from other sources 16C

Extraneous, from partner 16B

Traits of opponents 16A2

Unauthorized 16

Infraction DEFN, 72B

See also Irregularity

Conceal 72B3

Intentional 72B1

Own side 72B2

Insufficient bid 18D, 27

Accepted 27A1

Adjusted score, non-offending side damaged 27D

Meaning of insufficient and replacement calls 27 footnote

Not accepted 27B

Offender’s partner perhaps perpetually passing 27B2, 27B3, 27B4

Out of rotation 27A2, 31

Premature replacement 27C

Replaced at lowest level, non-artificial 27B1(a)

Replaced by another insufficient bid 27B4

Replaced by call with same meaning 27B1(b)

Replaced by double or redouble 27B3

International Matchpoint (IMP) DEFN, 78B

Interpretation of the Laws INTRO

Introduction INTRO

Irregularity DEFN

See also Infraction

After attention is drawn 9B

Assessment of rectification 10

Awareness of potential damage 23

Caused by spectator 76C2

Choice after 10C

Drawing attention to 9A

No further action 9B2

Opponents’ rights 9B1(d)

Player’s rights 9B1(c)

Premature correction 9C

Prevention of 9A3

Procedure following 9

Retention of rights 9B1(c)

Summoning the Director 9B1(a), 9B1(b)


Inability to lead as required 59

Not accepted 54D, 55B

Opening lead face down 41A

Opening lead faced 41C

Out of turn 53, 54, 55

Out of turn accepted 53, 54, 55A

Out of turn by declarer 53, 54E, 55

Out of turn by defender 53, 54

Out of turn faced opening lead 54

Out of turn face down opening lead 41A, 47E2

Out of turn misinformation 47E1

Premature 57

Restrictions, if call withdrawn 26

Restrictions, if penalty card(s) 50, 51

Simultaneous 58

LHO (Left hand opponent) DEFN

Logical alternative 16B1(b)

Mandatory pauses 73A2

Matchpoint DEFN, 78A


May not INTRO

Memory, aids to 40C3(a)


Call based on misinformation 21B

Change of play 47E

Missing card 14

Noticed at any later time 14B

Noticed before play commences 14A

Mistaken call 21B1(b), 75

Mistaken explanation 21B1(b), 75


Of boards 8A

Of players 8A


National Bridge Organization 80A1(c)

Non-offending side

Action by 11A

Withdrawn action authorized information 16D1

Normal play impossible 12A2

Obligation to pass, action violating 37

Odd trick DEFN, 18A

Opening lead DEFN

Face down 41A

Faced 41C

Out of turn 54

Opponent DEFN

Opponents’ rights 9B1(d)


Advantageous 10C3, 10C4

Choice among 10C2

Explanation of 10C1

Overtrick DEFN

Pack DEFN, 1

Partner DEFN

Extraneous information from 16B

Partnership agreement

See Partnership understanding

Partnership understanding 40

Aids to memory, calculation or technique 40C3(a)

Adjusted score 40B4, 40B6(b)

Artificial meaning 40B1(b)

Convention 40B1(b)

Deviation from 40B2(d), 40C

Disclosure, all special knowledge 40B6(a)

Disclosure, failure to 40B4

Disclosure, inferences 40B6(a)

Disclosure, partial 40B6(b)

Disclosure, repeated violations 40C3(b)

Duty to make available before commencing 40A1(b)

Explicit 40A1(a)

Implicit 40A1(a), 40C1

Information conveyed through 40A2

Psychic action 40B2(d), 40C

Special 40B

System card 40B2(a)

System card, consultation of 20G2

Undisclosed 40A3, 40B4, 40C1, 40C3(b)

Partnerships 4

Partscore DEFN


Action violating obligation to 37

Artificial 30C

Damaging enforced 23

Out of rotation 30

Out of rotation after any bid 30B

Out of rotation before any bid 30A

Out of rotation when artificial 30C

Pauses, mandatory 73A2

Penalty DEFN

See also Rectification

Disciplinary penalty 91

Procedural penalty 90

Procedural penalty, individual events 12C3

Repeated violations of disclosure 40C3(b)

Penalty card DEFN, 50

Declarer or dummy 48A

Defender 49

Failure to play 52

Two or more 51

Placement of board 7A


After an illegal play 60

After irregularity 60A

Commencement of 41

Inability to follow suit 44D

Inability to play as required 59

Lead 44A

Premature 57

Procedure of 44

Requirement to follow suit 44C

Simultaneous 58

Subsequent plays 44B

Play Period DEFN

Commencement of 41C

Explanation of calls during 20F2

Players 3, 4, 5

Movement of 8A

Playing area 76 footnote


Director’s discretionary 12

Director’s duties and 81C

Regulating Authority 80A

Tournament Organizer 80B


Correction of an irregularity 9C

Lead or play by a defender 57

Premium points DEFN, 77


Auction period

See Auction period

After establishment of a revoke 64


See Correct procedure

Director’s duty 81, 82A

Director’s error 82C

Play 44

Rectification of error in 82

Responsibility for 7D

Procedural penalty 90

Assessed independently 90A

Comparing scores 90B4

Director’s authority 90A

Errors in procedure 90B7

Loud discussion 90B3

Failure to comply promptly 90B8

Misplacing cards 90B6

Offenses subject to 90B

Slow play 90B2

Tardiness 90B1

Touching cards 90B5

Proof, standard of 85A1

Proprieties, violation of 73F

Psychic call DEFN, 40

See also Partnership understanding


Calls actually made 20F1, 20F2

Calls relevant but not made 20F1, 20F2

Calls, inferences 20F1, 20F2

Concerning auction before opening lead 41B

Single call 20F3

Unauthorized information 16B1(a), 73C


Cards and suits 1

Denominations 18E

Designation of 46B3

Incomplete designation of 46B1, 46B5

Rectification, DEFN

Action by non-offending side 11A

After forfeiture of the right to 11B

Assessment of 10

Cancelation of enforcement 10B

Doubtful point 84D

Forfeiture of the right to 11

Incorrect 12A3

Irregularity caused by spectator 76C2

Revoke 64

Right to assess 10A

Unduly severe or advantageous 12B2

Waiver 10B, 81C5

Redeal 6D

No redeal 86C

Redouble DEFN

Inadmissible 19B, 27B3, 36

Legal 19B1

Of an incorrectly stated bid 19B3

Out of rotation 32

Proper form 19B2

Superseded 19C

Redoubled contract 19D

Scoring 77

Regulating Authority 80A

Assign powers 80A3

Delegate powers 80A3

Further possibilities of appeal 93C

M ay be Tournament Organizer 80B1

National Bridge Organization 80A1(c)

Responsibilities and powers 80A2

World Bridge Federation 80A1(a)

Zonal Authority 80A1(b)


See also Score

Agreement on 65D, 79A

Canceled 13C

No result can be obtained 12C2

No result, dealt without shuffle 6D2

Most favorable result likely 12C1(e)(i)

Most unfavorable result at all probable 12C1(e)(ii)

Obtained at other table in team play 86D

Retention of right to call 17E2

Retracted (withdrawn) card 47

See also Withdrawn action


Auction 20C2, 41B

After completion of play 65C

After final pass 20C

At turn to call 20B

Call not clearly recognized 20A

Calls 20

Contract 41C

Correction of error 20E

Current trick 66A

Own last card 66B

Responded by an opponent 20D

Quitted tricks 66C

Revoke 61, 62, 63, 64

After calls to next deal 64B4

After round has ended 64B5

Before partner plays to twelfth trick 62D2

By failure to play a faced card 64B3

Correction 62

Definition DEFN, 61A

Equity 64C

Established 63A

Inquiries 61B

Rectification assessed 64A

Rectification not assessed 64B

Procedure after establishment 64

Twelfth trick 62D

RHO (Right hand opponent) DEFN

Right to assess rectification 10A

Right to call, retention of 17E2


Dummy’s 42

Opponents’, after Director summoning 9B1(d)

Player’s, after Director summoning 9B1(c)

Rotation DEFN

Round DEFN

End of 8B

End of last round 8C


Agreed facts 84

Disputed facts 85

Standard of proof 85A1

Score, adjusted

See Adjusted score


Doubled contract 19D

Error 79C

Fouled board 87

International Matchpoint (IMP) 78B

Matchpoint 78A

Other methods 78D

Redoubled contract 19D

Scoring table 77

Total point 78C

Session DEFN

At table throughout 7D

Compass direction during 5

Date and time 80B2(c)

Different meaning of DEFN

End of 8C

Partnerships during 4

Score obtained in the 12C2

Suspend a contestant for the 91A


Should INTRO

Shuffle 6A

At Director’s instructions 6D3

Director’s options 6E

New 6D

No shuffle 6D2



Sorted deck DEFN, 6D2

See also Pack

Special partnership understanding 40B1(a)

See also Partnership understanding

Spectator 76

At the table 76B

Caused irregularity 76C2

Control 76A

Participation 76C

Status 76D

Standard of proof 85A1

Substitute board 6D3

In team play 86C

Substitute player 4

Suit DEFN, 1

Designation of 46B2

Incomplete designation 46B3, 46B5

System card 40B2(a)

Consult 20G2

Consult opponent’s 40B2(c)

Consult own 40B2(b)


See also Contestant

Team play 86

Average score at IMP play 86A

Non-balancing adjustments, knockout play 86B

Result obtained at other table in team play 86D

Substitute board 86C

Technique, aids to 40C3(a)

Tempo or manner 73D

Inferences 73D1

Mislead 73D2

Purposeful deviation 73D2

Unintentional variation 73D1

Tournament Organizer 80B

Accept and list entries 80B2(h)

Advance arrangements 80B2(b)

Appeals 80B2(k), 93A

Appoint Director 80B2(a)

Appoint Director’s assistants 80B2(g)(i)

Appoint other staff 80B2(g)(ii)

Bidding and play, conditions 80B2(e)

Bidding and play, special conditions 80B2(e)

Conditions of contest 78D, 80B2(i)

Conditions of entry 80B2(d)

Correction period 79C

D ate and time of session 80B2(c)

M ay be Regulating Authority 80B1

Powers and duties 80B2

Powers and duties, delegate 80B1

Powers and duties, other 80B2(l)

Scoring 80B2(j)

Supplementary regulations 80B2(f)

T asks, Director to assume responsibility 80 footnote

Time of appeal 92B

Trick DEFN

Arrangement of 65

Defective 67

Fifth card played 45E

Inspection of 66

Player mixes his cards 65D, 66D

Review of the play 66D

Turning 45G

Won 79

Trick points DEFN, 77

Trump DEFN

Tricks containing 44E

Tricks not containing 44F


Unauthorized information 16

Extraneous information 16A3

Extraneous information from other sources 16C

Extraneous information from partner 16B, 73C

Logical alternative 16B1(b)

Withdrawn action, offending side 16D2


See Partnership understanding

Undertrick DEFN

Scoring 77

Unduly severe or advantageous rectification 12B2

Unintended DEFN

Variations in tempo or manner 73D

Vulnerability DEFN

Dealer and 2

Scoring 77

Waiver of rectification 10B, 81C5

Withdrawn action DEFN, 16D

Authorized information non-offending side 16D1

Call, intended 25B

Call, unintended 25A

Canceled is a DEFN

Card, unintended designation 45C4(b)

Card, withdrawn (retracted) 47

Lead restrictions 26

Unauthorized information offending side 16D2

World Bridge Federation 80A1(a)

Zonal Authority 80A1(b)

Zero score 77

Note: A “zero score” is not identical to an “average score”.


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