Any group may specify that the
Alert procedure be used in its games. Then, the partner of a player
who makes a call to which the partnership attaches a special, unusual
meaning, one with which the opponents may not be familiar, is required
to say, "Alert."
 N.B. No explanation should be
volunteered. After the Alert, either opponent may, at his own turn to
call, inquire as to the special meaning.
 A partnership that does not want
to be Alerted should so request, and this request should be honored.
 Any group may specify that the
"Stop" or "Skip Bid" procedure be used in its games. Then, whenever a
player opens the bidding at the two level or higher or makes a bid
higher than necessary to overcall the last preceding bid, he
announces, "Stop", or "Skip Bid" (the group specifies the form to be
used), before making the bid.
 After this announcement, the
opponent next to speak is required to hesitate for approximately 10
seconds before making any call.
 Any group may specify that
opening leads be made face-down in its games. If this opening lead is
determined to be out of turn (before being faced), the leader returns
the card to his hand without penalty.
 When the face-down lead will be
legal, dummy delays spreading his hand. Opening leader's partner asks
any questions concerning the auction, including a review. Then, the
lead is faced (opening leader may not withdraw it), dummy is faced,
and play proceeds normally.