Multi 2 Diamonds - An opening 2 Diamond bid, showing one of several types of
hands (partnership agreements vary).
1. |
Preemptive weak 2 level bid
in an unspecified major |
2. |
"Mini-roman" 4=4=4=1 hand
with 17-20 points |
3. |
Balanced 19-20 points |
Details courtesy of BridgeGuys
distinct disadvantage of the Multi 2 Diamonds opening is that the partner
sometimes is unable also to choose the best immediate line of response, such
as in making a preemptive raise, if weak, of the intended Major suit, which
is still unknown to the partner after the opening. Based on the assumption
that the opener could have a balanced holding and/or distributional holding
with strong values, the partner is forced to make a compromising, artificial
bid to await further information. This compromising, artificial bid allows
the opponents to enter the bidding process.
second disadvantage is the fact that the opponents also have a more
successful chance to enter the auction if the opener first bids a Multi 2
Diamonds, than had the opener opened the auction with a weak 2 Hearts or 2 Spades bid, forcing the opponents to enter the auction perhaps on the Three
However, there are definite advantages to the concept behind a Multi 2 Diamonds opening. If the holding is weak and the opener does indeed have a
Weak Two Bid in one of the Major suits, then the opponents do not have the
opportunity to cuebid any Major suit, since the Major suit of the opener is
unknown. If the responder has a strong holding, it is quite possible that
the responder may become declarer, who may be able to protect a tenace or a
side suit King-small.
Another advantage is that the contract could be played in Diamonds, if the
responder considers Diamonds the better suit than a Major suit. The opener
may not employ Multi Two Diamonds with a Diamond void. Using Multi 2 Diamonds frees the opening bids and/or the bids of
2 Hearts and 2 Spades,
which become idle bids after agreeing to play Multi 2 Diamonds and which may
be used for other purposes, such as Acol Two-Bids. These idle bids
could also be assigned, for example, an opening of 2 Hearts as meaning
Flannery 2 Diamonds, and a 2 Spades opening could be used to describe a
two-suited holding in both Minor suits and only distributional values.
Remember, these examples of employing the idle bids of 2 Hearts and 2 Spades
are only examples, not guidelines.
the original version of the Multi 2 Diamonds method underwent refinements
almost immediately after its original version was made known, there have
arisen many variations on the responses by the responder and rebids by the
opener to communicate additional information within the partnership. It is
impossible to represent all variations on this method, either for a tailored
individual partnership or for a tailored national partnership understanding.
Many variations are based entirely on a partnership understanding and these
vary from country to country.
following outlines represent only guidelines of partnership understandings,
which have arisen to create a foundation for the employment of a Multi 2
Diamonds opening. They are not rules etched in stone, and the individual
partnership must decide for itself the advantages and disadvantages of any
chosen variation and/or variants of the concept.
opening a Multi 2 Diamonds bid, the responder realizes that there can be
generally 4 different types of hands that the opener, his partner, may have.
The responder generally assumes that his partner has a Weak Two Bid in
either of the Major suits and responds according to the assumption that his
partner is weak.
response of 2 Hearts can communicate several different meanings:
1. A
response of 2 Hearts indicates the desire to play in Hearts opposite a Weak
Two bid in that suit, which the responder does not know is the suit the
opener desires, but this response shows good Heart support.
2. A
response of 2 Hearts indicates that the responder is interested in keeping
the auction alive and is awaiting further rebids by his partner. If the
opener reveals a Weak Two bid, then the responder can determine, based upon
the strength of his holding, the final contract, which may even be a slam
3. A
response of 2 Hearts may indicate a strong hand and shortness in Hearts, the
holding of which will be revealed during the auction. It is important that
the opener first describe his reason for opening.
4. A
response of 2 Hearts can also indicate a weak to moderate holding containing
support in both Major suits. The ensuing auction will reveal this, mainly
through a pass rebid by the responder after the opener shows weakness. The
desire in this case is not to exceed the Level possible for a successful
1. A
response of 2 Spades indicates the desire to stop the auction with the
partner holding a Weak Two bid in Spades. His holding, however, can sustain
a rebid by the opener of 3 Hearts, if Hearts is the suit of the opener. This
response of 2 Spades mildly suggests a shortage in Spades and more length in
Hearts, which is a key element in the case that the partnership ends up
defending a contract and/or if the responder becomes declarer.
1. A
response of 2 No Trump is forcing as it also is opposite a standard Weak Two
opening bid. The opener is then required to communicate not only his suit
but also his strength, revealing his reason to open:
1. |
Weak Two Bid in either of the two Major suits |
2. |
A balanced hand with enormous values |
3. |
A strong 4-4-4-1 distribution |
4. |
A strong Two Bid in a Minor suit |
responder holds sufficient values to reach the Three Level, even opposite a
Weak Two holding in either of the two Major suits. A response of 2 No Trump
may also be entirely a tool of obstruction in the auction aimed at the
defenders, who may wish to enter the auction, but will have to do so on the
Three Level.
Opener |
Responder |
2D |
C/D |
of these responses are considered invitational and/or forcing depending upon
the partnership agreement. Both responses shows sufficient values to enter
the Three Level and at least a 4-card suit in the suit bid.
Opener |
Responder |
2D |
3 H/S |
In the
Multi 2 Diamonds method, any response of 3 Hearts and/or 3 Spades are
considered to be bids, which the opener can correct. The opener can correct
the response by:
1. passing the bid suit or corrects to the other suit with a minimum values,
2. can correct, for example, by jumping to game in Spades with maximum
values after a 3 Hearts response. These responses are not to be considered
preemptive in nature.
1. A
response of 3 No Trump is to play in the more modern version of Multi 2
2. In
the original version, devised by Mr. Terence Reese and Mr. Jeremy Flint,
a response of 3 No Trump promised a strong two-suited holding in the Minor
suits and approximately four losers in total.
Opener |
Responder |
2D |
4C |
4D |
4H |
1. A
response of 4 Clubs is a Transfer bid by the responder, in order that the
responder become the declarer. The opener is required to bid one suit higher
so that the responder can rebid Hearts. If the responder first bids 4
Diamonds, then the opener is required to rebid 4 Hearts and the responder
rebids 4 Spades, his suit. The reason behind this transfer is that the
defenders may find it more difficult to find the correct lead. It also shows
moderate to sufficient values in the intended Major suit, which may not
equal enough for a safe and secure contract.
1. A
response of 4 Diamonds requests the opener to rebid his suit on the Four
Level, which is game level. The responder has sufficient values to reach
game and indicates that the opener is better equipped to be the declarer.
A game level response in either of the Major suits indicates sufficient
values for game and the responder decides who is to become the declarer.
defense to a Multi 2 Diamonds opening becomes a matter of partnership
agreement and must be based on the principle of which seat and/or position
at the table decides to defend and/or enter the auction. This element is
paramount in deciding the significance of any overcall. Any defense
mechanism is also a matter of partnership agreement, but the partnership
should determine whether an initial pass in the immediate seat, in order to
discover the suit of the opener, followed by a bid equals a valid bid or an
act of balancing. Also, the partnership must determine in advance the
meanings of any:
The bid of any unbid suit plus No Trump
3. the significance of any overcall on the Three Level. Several operable
defense options are listed below and may serve as the foundation for a
partnership understanding.
Any Double of a Multi 2 Diamonds opening by the First Seat is a Takeout
South |
West |
Meaning |
2D |
X |
Takeout Double |
2H |
The same as a Takeout Double of a weak 2H
opening |
2S |
Natural and shows a 5-card Spade suit |
2N |
Balanced distribution and 16-19 HCPs |
3C |
Natural and indicates an opening bid |
3D |
Natural and indicates an opening bid |
3H |
Natural and indicates an opening bid |
3S |
Natural and indicates more values than 2S |
3N |
To play; possibly a good Minor trick-taking suit |
4C |
Strong values with 5-card Heart suit and 5-card Club suit * |
4D |
Strong values with 5-card Heart suit and 5-card Diamond suit * |
4H |
Natural and shows a 5-card Heart suit; stronger values than 3
H |
4S |
Natural and shows a 5-card Spade suit; stronger values than 3
S |
4N |
Promises a strong two-suited holding with both Minor suits ** |
With a 5-card Spade suit and a 5-card Club suit, the recommendation is to
Pass first, followed by a first bid of 4 Clubs, if possible.
With lesser values, an immediate overcall of 3 Diamonds, followed by a rebid
of 4 Clubs, if possible, should be understood to mean the same thing, a two-suiter
in both Minor suits.
Any Double of a Multi 2 Diamonds opening by the First Seat promises a strong
No Trump.
South |
West |
Meaning |
2D |
X |
Shows a strong No Trump of 16-18 HCPs |
2H |
The same as a Takeout Double of a weak 2S
opening |
2S |
The same as a Takeout Double of a weak 2H
opening |
2N |
Promises a two-suited holding with both Minor suits |
3C |
Natural and indicates an opening bid |
3D |
Natural and indicates an opening bid |
3H |
Natural and indicates an opening bid |
3S |
Natural and indicates an opening bid |
3N |
To play; possibly a good Minor trick-taking suit |
4C |
Strong values with 5-card Major suit and 5-card Club suit |
4D |
Strong values with 5-card Major suit and 5-card Diamond suit |
Any Double of a Multi 2 Diamonds opening by the First Seat is a Two-Way.
South |
West |
Meaning |
2D |
X |
Shows a No Trump range of 13-16 HCPs or |
X |
Shows a holding of 19 HCPs plus, any shape |
2H |
Natural and indicates an opening bid |
2S |
Natural and indicates an opening bid |
2N |
Shows a No Trump range of 16-18 HCPs |
3C |
Natural and indicates an opening bid |
3D |
Natural and indicates an opening bid |
3H |
Natural and indicates an opening bid |
3S |
Natural and indicates an opening bid |
3N |
To play; possibly a good Minor trick-taking suit |
4C |
Strong values with 5-card Major suit and 5-card Club suit |
4D |
Strong values with 5-card Major suit and 5-card Diamond suit |
If the
following sequence occurs:
North |
East |
South |
West |
2D |
P |
2H/S |
in the Fourth Seat, must realize from the responses by South that these
responses indicate that South has most likely bid the shorter Major in his
holding, especially if South responds 2 Hearts. Any defense mechanism,
initiated in the Fourth Seat and/or partnership understanding must consider
this response based on this almost certainty. It is recommended that if
Fourth Seat enters the auction, then all suit bids should be considered
natural as well as any No Trump bid. A Double should be considered to be a
Two-Way, either:
1. Takeout Double,
The point count should be near a standard opening bid and the shape should
be considerably unbalanced as in a three-suited hand with at least a 3-card
suit in the suits not determined by the Multi 2 Diamonds opener. If the
opener clarifies his holding either by passing or correcting, then the
partner of the player in Fourth Seat will immediately become aware of the
intended suits, especially the Major suit. After this realization the
partner of the Fourth Seat player can easily determine whether the double is
for Takeout or for Penalty.
If the
following sequence occurs:
North |
East |
South |
West |
2D |
P |
2H/S |
Pass |
Pass |
? |
It is
apparent that East is in the Balancing Position. It is also apparent that
North and South are satisfied to play the contract on the Two Level in
either one of the two Major suits. This also carries the information that
both North and South hold weak to moderately weak hands and/or values. The
possibility remains that East is in a position to balance. If this is the
case, then most balancing bids are to be considered as natural. There are
several specific bids possible as illustrated below:
North |
East |
South |
West |
2D |
P |
2H |
P |
Pass |
2N |
Shows a Limited Minor Two-suited holding |
3C |
Shows a Two-suiter with Clubs and Spades |
3D |
Shows a Two-suiter with Diamonds and Spades |
whereas in the following bidding sequence:
North |
East |
South |
West |
2D |
P |
2S |
P |
P |
2N |
Shows a Limited Minor Two-suited holding |
3C |
Shows a Two-suiter with Clubs and Hearts |
3D |
Shows a Two-suiter with Diamonds and Hearts |
are more features, however not fundamental, to the defense strategy, but
they are mainly a consideration of partnership agreement and should be
considered under this aspect.
mentioned earlier, these responses may be interpreted by other partnership
agreements to indicate different and/or alternative information. A
distinctive alternative Multi Diamonds version from The Netherlands is
presented below.
foundation of the Multi Diamonds is that this opening bid can represent
either of the following choices.
1. |
Weak Two Bid in either of the two Major suits |
2. |
A strong holding with 20 plus high card points |
3. |
A 3-suited holding of 4-4-4-1 or 5-4-4-0 shape |
continuing auction appears below with the corresponding alternative
Opener |
Responder |
Meaning |
2D |
2H |
Relay response |
2S |
Invitation to game opposite a good Weak Two in Hearts |
2N |
Relay, 14+HCPs, asking |
Opener |
Responder |
Meaning |
2D |
2H |
Relay response |
2S |
Weak Two in Spade |
Pass |
Weak Two in Hearts |
3C |
3-suited holding with singleton Club or void |
3D |
3-suited holding with singleton Diamond or void |
3H |
3-suited holding with singleton Heart or void |
3S |
3-suited holding with singleton Spade or void |
Opener |
Responder |
Meaning |
2D |
2N |
Relay, 14+HCPs, asking |
3C |
Poor Weak Two in Hearts |
3D |
Poor Weak Two in Spades |
3H |
Moderate Weak Two in Spades |
3S |
Moderate Weak Two in Hearts |
4C |
3-suited holding with singleton Club or void |
4D |
3-suited holding with singleton Diamond or void |
4H |
3-suited holding with singleton Heart or void |
4S |
3-suited holding with singleton Spade or void |
Recommended defense against a Multi 2 Diamonds opening is presented
South |
West |
Meaning |
2D |
X |
Informative double showing 12+ HCPs |
2H |
Natural, 5-card Heart suit and 12+ HCPs |
2S |
Natural, 5-card Spade suit and 12+ HCPs |
2N |
Transfer to Clubs |
3C |
Transfer to Diamonds |
3D |
Transfer to Hearts |
3H |
Transfer to Spades |
Another method of responding has been suggested by Mr. Barry Rigal and Mr.
Chris Ryall of England. The premise of this method is that the opener have one of the
following holdings:
Poor Weak Twos in the Major suits |
Sound Weak Twos in the Major suits, 8-9 high card points |
Sound Weak Twos with a side suit splinter |
Sound Weak Twos, balanced with a fluently running suit |
A strong (e.g. 22-24) balanced hand with 22-24 high card points |
A pure Acol Two in a Minor suit |
problem, as noticed by Mr. Barry Rigal and Mr. Chris Ryall, was that there
appears to be insufficient bidding space on the Levels available after a
Multi 2 Diamonds opening to reach the optimal contract, especially if that
contract should be 3 No Trump. Using this method, which specifically states
that a Multi 2 Diamonds opening should be:
1. Shows
5-9 high card points by favorable vulnerability
Shows 7-11 high card points by unfavorable vulnerability
concept behind the method, in the case that a contract of 3 No Trump is the
optional contract, is to ignore the Major suits and to employ a Two-Way 3
Diamonds response to 2 No Trump. Other response include:
Opener |
Responder |
Meaning |
2D |
2H |
To play or may pass/raise 2S |
2S |
To play or interest in game in Hearts using standard Paradox Principle
* |
2N |
General Inquiry ** with 15+ or 9+ with both Major suits |
3C |
Natural, strong and forcing. |
3D |
Natural, strong and forcing |
3H |
Paradox-based Preemptive Raises |
3S |
Paradox-based Preemptive Raises |
3N |
4-card Preemptive Raise in either Major suit, 0 to a bad 9 HCPs |
4C |
The same as 3 No Trump but with 5+ Hearts |
4D |
The same as 3 No Trump but with 5+ Spades |
4H |
Natural and to play |
4S |
Natural and to play |
A Paradox bid is a call of the suit you do not hold when the length
in one of two suits has been shown or implied by partner's bid, generally
when the partnership expects to establish the final contract in one of these
partner can simply bid the lower suit for the partner to either pass or
correct. Alternatively, if the partner has a fit for that lower suit, the
partner bids the other suit. Therein lies the paradox. Although a
call of the lower suit with support for the higher may also be paradoxical,
this case is trivial. Using a Paradox bid generally forces the partnership
one level higher, but this is accomplished only with a good fit. Two
examples follow:
Opener |
Responder |
Meaning |
2D |
2S |
J 5 |
A 8 5 3 |
K 4 |
A Q 7 3 2 |
Usually the opener will pass.
However, game is possible,
if the opener has Hearts. |
Opener |
Responder |
Meaning |
2D |
3S |
J 5 4 |
A 8 5 3 |
9 |
Q 10 7 3 2 |
It is apparent that the opponents have game. But a Paradoxical Preempt
of 3S
makes and also is totally obstructive for the opponents to reach their
contract successfully.
Play in 3H,
or in 4H. |
General Inquiry Fundamentals
South |
North |
Meaning |
2D |
2N |
General enquiry, usually with 15+ HCPs or a good 9+ HCPs and both
Major suits |
3C |
This shows a No Trump balanced holding with 22-24 HCPs |
3D |
Stayman |
3D |
Either a poor 2H opening or good 2S opening. The Pivot Bid |
3H |
Alternative Relay Bid. This response to 3 D may be passed |
3S |
Alternative Relay Bid. This response to 3 D if forcing |
3H |
Good Weak Two in Hearts |
3S |
Asking for the splinter after a 3H
rebid by the opener |
3S |
Poor Weak Two in Spades |
3N |
To play |
4 any |
Cuebid |
3N |
Shows 6-3-3-2 distribution and enough entries to run the Major suit |
4C |
Natural and strong |
4D |
Natural and strong |
4H |
A rare hand unsuited for 3 level preempt |
4S |
A rare hand unsuited for 3 level preempt |
Presented also is a defense mechanism called Dixon and which is
generally used in the United Kingdom, also presented on the Internet by Mr. David Stevenson.
Using this method, the position of the Seat is of great importance and must
be taken under consideration. It must also be reiterated that the use of all
the guidelines presented below are recommendations and that several of the
features are completely optional for the partnership agreement.
Defense features employed in Second Position:
Opener |
2. Position |
Meaning |
2D |
X |
Either 12-16 HCPs, balanced or any 20+ HCPs hand |
2H |
Takeout of Spades with at least four Hearts, non-forcing |
2S |
Takeout of Hearts with at least four Hearts, non-forcing |
2N |
17-20 HCPs, balanced distribution |
3 suit |
12-16 HCPs and a good 6-card suit |
3N |
To play |
4C |
Strong Major-Minor two-suiter |
4D |
Strong Major two-suiter |
4H |
To play |
4S |
To play |
4N |
Strong Minor two-suiter |
5C |
To play |
5D |
To play |
responding to a double of a Multi 2 Diamonds opening, the responder may bid:
Opener |
Overcaller |
Partner |
Responder |
Meaning |
2D |
X |
P |
2N |
Lebensohl |
overcaller, however, rebids naturally to show a balanced holding of 20 plus
high card points, generally the cheapest available rebid, but can be any
Opener |
Overcaller |
Partner |
Responder |
Meaning |
2D |
Double |
P |
2H/S |
Natural |
P |
3 any suit |
20+ HCPs, balanced |
In the
following bidding sequence, the overcaller can also show a 20 plus high card
points holding even after his partner passes:
Opener |
Overcaller |
Partner |
Responder |
Meaning |
2D |
X |
2H/S |
P |
P |
3 any suit |
20+ HCPs, balanced |
If the
overcaller bids a higher-ranking suit, the responses suggested are:
Opener |
Overcaller |
Partner |
Responder |
Meaning |
2D |
2H/S |
P |
2NT |
Lebensohl |
If the
bidding sequence is as follows, then the partner of the overcaller has
several options:
North |
East |
South |
2D |
2H |
Anything |
West: |
Meaning |
Double: |
Penalty Double |
2S: |
Weak and natural |
2N: |
Shows both Minor suits |
3C: |
Shows Clubs and Spades |
3D: |
Shows Diamonds and Spades |
3H: |
Shows 17-20 HCPs, good 6-card Minor suit and possible void in
Hearts |
3S: |
Shows 17-20 HCPs, good 6-card Spade suit |
3N: |
Shows 17-20 HCPs, good 6-card Minor suit and good Hearts |
If the
bidding sequence is as follows, then the partner of the overcaller has
several options:
North |
East |
South |
2D |
2H |
2S |
2D |
2S |
Any other suit |
then West has several options:
West: |
Meaning |
X: |
Penalty Double |
2S: |
Weak and natural |
2N: |
Shows both Minor suits |
3C: |
Shows Clubs and Hearts |
3D: |
Shows Diamonds and Hearts |
3H: |
Shows 17-20 HCPs and a good 6-card Heart suit |
3S: |
Shows 17-20 HCPs, good 6-card Minor suit and possible void in
Spades |
3N: |
Shows 17-20 HCPs, good 6-card Minor suit and good Spades |
Defense features employed in Fourth Position:
Opener |
Overcaller |
Partner |
Responder |
Meaning |
2D |
P |
2H |
X |
Takeout Double of Hearts |
Any other bid |
Natural |
Opener |
Overcaller |
Partner |
Responder |
Meaning |
2D |
P |
2S |
X |
Takeout Double of Spades |
Any other bid |
Natural |
Opener |
Overcaller |
Partner |
Responder |
Meaning |
2D |
2H |
2S |
X |
Takeout Double of Spades |
Any other bid |
Natural |
There is another version/variation of the Dixon method also employed against
a Multi 2 Diamonds opening, and is presented below:
Opener |
Overcaller |
Meaning |
2D |
X |
Either 12-16 HCPs and balanced or any 20+ HCPs holding |
2H |
Natural |
2S |
Natural |
2N |
17-20 HCPs and balanced |
3 any suit |
12-16 HCPs and a 6-card suit in the bid suit |
Any game bid |
To play |
the partner of the overcaller is able to respond, then:
Opener |
Overcaller |
Partner |
Responder |
Meaning |
2D |
X |
P |
2N |
Lebensohl |
overcaller, however, rebids naturally to show a balanced holding of 20 plus
high card points, generally the cheapest available rebid, but can be any
Opener |
Overcaller |
Partner |
Responder |
Meaning |
2D |
X |
P |
2H/S |
Natural |
Pass |
3 any suit |
20+ HCPs, balanced |
If the
bidding sequence is as follows, then the partner of the overcaller has
several options:
North |
East |
South |
2D |
2H |
P |
2D |
2H |
2S |
2D |
2S |
P |
then West has several options:
West: |
Meaning |
X: |
Weak Takeout Double |
2S: |
Weak and natural |
2N: |
Shows both Minor suits |
3C: |
Strong Takeout Double |
version/variation of the Dixon method employed against a Multi 2 Diamonds
opening can be altered, reversed and/or modified according to the desires of
the individual partnership.
Also in the Fourth Position, a different version/variation of the Dixon
method is employed by partnerships, which is perhaps more convenient in its
employment against a Multi 2 Diamonds opening.
North |
East |
South |
West |
Meaning |
2D |
2H |
Suit bid |
X |
Promises Hearts |
3C |
Weak Takeout of Hearts |
3H |
Strong Takeout of Hearts |
Others |
Natural |
North |
East |
South |
West |
Meaning |
2D |
2S |
Suit bid |
X |
Promises Spades |
3C |
Weak Takeout of Spades |
3H |
Strong Takeout of Spades |
Others |
Natural |
North |
East |
South |
West |
Meaning |
2D |
2H |
2S |
X |
Promises Spades |
3C |
Weak Takeout of Spades |
3H |
Strong Takeout of Spades |
Others |
Natural |