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Queen Ask - A bid associated with the Keycard Blackwood auction.  After partner's Keycard ask has disclosed the partnership hold all 5 keys,  the bid of the next cheapest suit asks partner to disclose holding the trump Queen.


1S - 2N;  Responder shows strong Spade support (Jacoby 2NT)
3S - 4N;
  Responder initiates Slam bidding (1430 Blackwood)
5C - 5D;
  Opener shows 1 or 4 Key Cards
5H          Opener asks if Responder holds the trump Queen (SQ)

First step

Denies the trump Queen

Second step (or higher playing "specific King ask)

Affirms holding the trump Queen

Missing the trump Queen, partner makes bids the first available step, 5S in this example.  Holding the trump Queen, partner would bid the second step.

Playing "Specific King Ask", partner would bid the lowest ranking suit (up the line) containing a King or return to 6 in trump suit missing Kings.  Those playing normal Blackwood King ask would respond 5N holding the trump Queen.

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