Synopsis: Moody's latest
is the ultimate British cozy. Cassie Swann, girls' biology teacher turned
professional bridge instructor, has always been a large sort of person
(think snowy bosoms and marble thighs, she encourages herself), but that
doesn't stop her from teaching bridge to eager students at posh,
country-hotel "Bridge Weekends." Imagine Cassie's horror when three of her
students are murdered during one such weekend, and a fourth corpse turns up
a month later. Since Cassie is the common factor in the murders, hotel
managers suddenly begin canceling future bridge weekends. Cassie is so
indignant at the injustice that she vows to find the real murderer so that
she can clear her name and avoid returning to biology hell: frogs,
formaldehyde, and moony-eyed adolescents. Although the story suffers from
occasional weaknesses common to cozies--slow pacing and a formulaic
plot--its sheer charm, wit, and warmth more than compensate. And best of
all, there's Cassie Swann, who faces real-life difficulties (like being
"circumferentially challenged") with a wonderfully ironic sense of humor -
Emily Melton
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