Synopsis: How often have
you heard players say "Bridge is a bidder's game". It certainly applies to
the top levels of the game today, where the standard of card play is
normally so high that most matches are won and lost in the bidding.
Regardless of your system, this book defines the Golden Rules underpinning
the methods of your chosen system. Here you can learn how to avoid bidding
contracts that prove to be impossible to make. Bidding depends to some
extent on the agreed system, but underpinning those methods are standards
that are common around the globe: the Golden Rules. The authors combine
experience from both sides of the Atlantic and whether you play Acol,
Standard American or a Strong Club System, this book offers plenty for you.
THE GOLDEN RULES OF CONSTRUCTIVE BIDDING follows the pattern of previous
books in this series giving examples of when to use the rule and when not to
do so.
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