Synopsis: Designed to
help competitive bridge players to recognize where they go wrong, this book
examines various mistakes in bidding, declarer play and defense, and divides
them into the worst, the commonest and those that may be forgiven. The
Mistakes You Make at Bridge was given world-wide acclamation on publication
by the leading bridge critics, the Irish Bridge Journal saying: 'The two
authors need little introduction. Terence Reese is a world champion and
probably the most famous name in international bridge. Roger Trézel, the
great French international, is also a world champion and shares Reese's
skill in imparting a great knowledge of bridge with supreme lucidity. If you
want to win more often at bridge you will need to deepen your understanding
of the game and to learn where not to follow conventions slavishly in
bidding, defense and dummy play. This book is written for those who know the
game fairly well but make the same mistakes year after year.
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