Show Up Squeeze - A squeeze situation where an attempt to finesse
will fail. Declarer's strategy anticipates a possible finesse over tenaces
will fail, needing to find another strategy. In the Show Up
squeeze, the declarer hopes the opponent holding the offside winner may be
stripped down to an unprotected singleton, dropping on declarer's winner as
well as the lower tenace.
needs 4 remaining tricks to make a Notrump contract. Here, declarer
begins leading dummy's S10
looking for clues on opponents' discards before attempting the Heart
finesse. East is apparently squeezed in the minors, electing to
discard the DQ.
with the SQ, East is
further squeezed this time pitching the
C7 trying a diversified
approach to protect the minors. Declarer now leads a
Club goes up with the
CA, dropping East's
singleton CK and
cashes the CQ to make the contract. East could do no better
pitching the DQ on the
second trick which would allow declarer to then win the D9 and the
CA to again make 4 tricks.
Also see Squeezes and Bridge Books on