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 You are at: Home > S > Slow Play: Bridge


Slow Play - Duplicate tournament play requires attention to the speed of play (typically 7 1/2 minutes per board), including violations of the Proprieties of Bridge include:


Delay arriving at the table when Director calls for start of play


Lack of attention to bidding and needlessly asking for reviews


Delay making a timely bid


Delay making a timely play


Delay leading opponents to lose their concentration, sarcastically referred to as a "Sominex Coup"


Delay due to scoring


Failure to pass a completed board when required by another table


Delay due to post mortem discussions


Delay accepting Director ruling

See Law 90

Directors methods to counter slow play include: giving a 2 minute "warning" announcing the round change, giving a slow pair a warning possibly followed by a procedural penalty, pulling a board (possibly awarding an average or average-plus to the players depending on the circumstance), anticipating a pair with a history of slow play by placing a fast pair behind the slow ones.

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