This is in response to your question:
Does one use either the point count or the LTC or both in
As we know, there are many ways to evaluate the strength of a hand,
Quick tricks and playing tricks
High Card Points
HCP plus distribution points
(count length/shortage points)
Losing Trick Count
Cover Cards
Losing Trick Count, popularized by the Bridge professional Ron Klinger, is
used by many advanced Bridge players in conjunction with other hand
evaluation methods. Let's take a look at an overly simplistic hand as an
A K Q J 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 -- -- --
Using HCP, the hand counts to 10. Using HCP plus distribution, the hand is
worth 10 + 9 = 19 points. But certainly we wouldn't Pass using HCP or
only open 1 Spade using distribution points -- the hand can take all 13
Spade tricks! Using LTC, we can easily see the
hand has zero losers. LTC also considers factoring a
partnership trump suit fit, a very important factor as the bidding
Here's another trivial but illustrative example:
Your Partner opens 1 Spade and you are holding:
A K Q 4 3 2 -- -- A K Q 5 4 3 2
Unlike other methods, you'd be quite comfortable bidding 7 Spades using the
LTC method. Using LTC, this hand doesn't have any losers and we could
ruff out the Clubs to make
13 tricks.
In addition to Losing Trick Count,
I recommend you review
Cover Cards - an important concept for accurate responder bidding.
Additionally, an astute player learns to consider environmental factors,
such as cards held relative opponents' bidding. For instance, if you
held K J 9 8 in their suit, your hand would likely be worth
more if it was your Right Hand Opponent -- if your Left Hand Opponent bid
that suit, you would likely be finessed. See
Environmental Factors for
further information. |