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Bidding Question

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Compelled to bid?

Hmm, perhaps partner's sad, holding game going values




On a really bad day, this hand goes way down


Trying to hit the ball out of the park

Like Mom said, play fair

Is there a rule that states that if the first bidder has 14 HCP they MUST open the bidding?

No, there is nothing in the Laws of Bridge that states a player must open the bidding (Law 18).  Of course, it would be very unusual for a player with almost one-third of the deck's total points in one hand to Pass, but it's always their option.

Perhaps someone meant to say a basic "rule of thumb" is that a hand with 14 HCP "should" open the bidding (to ensure they have an opportunity to make a game.

Certainly Duplicate players would never Pass with a 14 point hand.  A terrible hand might be without any controls:

Q J 2  Q J 2  K J 2  K J 2

Yet I've seen some Rubber Bridge players Pass decent hands with good results.  When Rubber Bridge partners are a considerable distance behind in the Rubber, they might deliberately Pass a nice 14 point hands in 3rd or 4th seat.  This may be a good tactic when a lot of points are needed to catch up, hoping the cards will allow the partners to find a big game or maybe even a slam!

Anyway, it's always the players right to Pass any hand, provided it's done so for ethical reasons.  But it's a breach of the Laws of Bridge to make bids or plays that are not sportman-like (doing so to annoy opponents', prolong play, fail to compete, etc).



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