Losing Trick Count – Less counting is more fun!
Early in our Bridge career we learned how to count traditional
4-3-2-1 High Card Point hand evaluation. Back in the 1920’s when
Milton Work published his point count book, hand evaluation
improved immensely over general adoration of face cards. While
the HCP approach is easy to grasp and often works well, the
approach can suffer unless the astute Bridge player makes some
subtle adjustments. Sure, counting distribution points enhances
hand evaluation. Some methods use length points, some use short
points, while others use a combination depending on factors such
as who is the apparent declarer or dummy. For your edification,
check out the myriad of
approaches to counting distribution points.
Aside from HCP and distribution points, as declarer in a suit
contract we appreciate the values of quick tricks to make our
contract. Holding Aces and Kings we can quickly go about our
business before the pesky opponents develop tricks of their own.
Losing Trick Count also distances itself from HCP hand evaluation
when a player has a somewhat unbalanced hand. Using a
distribution point counting method is helpful but not nearly as
robust as LTC. It was F. Dudley Courtenay in his 1934 book "The
System the Experts Play," who first described the Losing Trick
Count hand evaluation technique. In time, his approach gained
such popularity that Ron Klinger wrote a revolutionary follow-up,
Losing Trick Count.”
Ron’s LTC book is essentially based on counting effective losers
in a trump contract. Simply stated, once partnership has
identified a suit fit of 8+ cards, each suit may be evaluated as
containing between 0 to 3 losers. Exceptionally, if a player
holds a very strong-long major, e.g., a "self-sustaining suit"
that’s sure to be trump, the player can immediately used LTC
regardless of partner’s suit support. Once you’ve found an 8+ card
trump fit, the basic tenants of LTC are:
1. Aces and Kings are not losers (except a singleton King)
2. Queens may or may not be losers depending on the supporting
Here is a listing of honor card combinations and associated LTC
Void = 0
A = 0
A K = 0
A K Q = 0
A K x [x x. . .] = 1
A Q x [x. . .] = 1 (tripleton or more)
A x = 1
A x x [x. . .] = 2
K = 1
K x = 1
K x x [x. . .] = 2
K Q = 1
Q J [x. . .] = 2
Side suit adjustments to LTC include:
- A J 10 [x...] = 1.5 losers
- Q x x = 2.5 losers
- Q 10 x = 2 losers (Queen honor support)
- A Q = .5 losers
- A Q x = 1 loser
- J 10 x = 3 losers
- Q x = 2 losers (but are considered a "plus")
Once a trump suit has been identified, a LTC calculation may be
performed. LTC theory is based on the concept that the game-going
declarer is in the position to either promote a 4 card side suit
or perhaps ruff a loser when dummy has less than 3 cards in the
side suit.
While we are not particularly fond of performing extensive mental
math calculations at the table, it’s worth spending a moment to
review LTC math theory. Accordingly, a player's LTC is subtracted
from 12, with a maximum of 3 losers per suit. So with no Aces,
Kings or associated Kings, the partnership’s maximum LTC would be
24 (12 for each player). The combined LTC is subtracted from 24
to determine the achievable playing tricks. Here are some
Opener LTC = 7
Responder LTC = 9
Combined LTC = 7 + 9 = 16
Tricks = 24 – 16 = 8
Appropriate bidding level = 2 (part score)
Opener LTC = 6
Responder LTC = 8
Combined LTC = 6 + 8 = 14
Tricks = 24 – 14 = 10
Appropriate bidding level = 4 (major suit game)
Opener LTC = 5
Responder LTC = 9
Combined LTC = 5 + 9 = 14
Tricks = 24 – 14 = 10
Appropriate bidding level = 4 (major suit game)
Opener LTC = 4
Responder LTC = 9
Combined LTC = 4 + 9 = 13
Tricks = 24 – 13 = 11
Appropriate bidding level = 5 (major or minor suit game)
Opener LTC = 4
Responder LTC = 8
Combined LTC = 4 + 8 = 12
Tricks = 24 – 12 = 12
Appropriate bidding level = 6 (slam)
Now let’s review some suit combinations and evaluate our LTC:
3 Losers:
J 10 8
J 9 8 7
J 10 9 8 7 6
2.5 Losers:
Q 3 2 (Queen not supported with an honor)
2 Losers:
J 2
Q J 5 4 3
Q 10 3 2 (Queen is supported by an honor)
A 9 8
K 10 9
A J 6 5 4 3
K J 5
Q J 10 9 8 7
1.5 Losers:
A J 10
1 Loser:
A K 10 9 8
K Q 7 6
A Q 3 (tripleton or longer)
.5 Losers:
A Q (doubleton)
0 Losers:
A K Q 2
Okay, let’s put our practice to work and evaluate total LTC for
the opening bidder. For this exercise we will assume partner
supported our major suit opener. Remember, LTC hand evaluation
assumes a trump fit with partner. Or as the cliché goes, don’t
count your chickens before the eggs have hatched. Of course, if
the opener holds a self-sustaining trump suit, one that should not
lose more than one trick, the opener can immediately perform a LTC
A Q 3 2 = 1 loser
A K 10 9 = 1 loser
Q 2 = 2 losers
J 9 8 = 3 losers
Total = 7 losers, 16 HCP
A Q 5 4 3 = 1 loser
K Q 2 = 1 loser
J 10 = 2 losers
Q 3 2 = 2.5 losers
Total = 6.5 losers, 14 HCP
Q J 9 4 3 = 2 losers
A Q 9 2 = 1 loser
A 8 7 = 2 losers
6 = 1 loser
Total = 6 losers, 13 HCP
8 = 1 loser
K 9 8 7 6 4= 2 losers
10 5 = 2 losers
A K Q 2 = 0 losers
Total = 5 losers, 12 HCP
A J 10 4 3 2= 1.5 losers
3 = 1 loser
A Q 5 4 3 = 1 loser
2 = 1 loser
Total = 4.5 losers, 11 HCP
A K 5 4 3 2 = 1 loser
K 8 7 6 5 4 = 2 losers
7 = 1 loser
-- = 0 losers
Total = 4 losers, 10 HCP
Did you notice that on these carefully constructed hands, while
the High Card Points drop, the losers are mysteriously decreasing!
What’s going on here - more honors mean more tricks, right? No,
not necessarily. Taking a closer look, notive that the
trick-taking capability is actually improved on hands with longer
suits – especially with primary honors. Indeed, that’s why they
call Aces and Kings suit “controls.” Here are two extreme hands
to illustrate the point:
A K Q 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
Q 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
Both hands have 13 HCP but clearly the first hand will take more
tricks than the second hand. On the first hand, we can bid slam
when partner holds an Ace. After all, we have 11 tricks in hand.
On the second hand we might lose 2 Spades and a Club unless
partner holds an Ace.
Recall that Losing Trick Count hand evaluation is predicated on
the partnership holding an eight card fit or one player holds a
self-sustaining suit – typically one loser. Here are a few
examples where the opening bidder can immediately use LTC with
self-sustaining suits:
A K Q J 2
K Q 3 2
A 3 2
LTC = 4 with an excellent self-sustaining Spade suit
Q J 3 2
K Q J 9 8 7
LTC = 4.5 with a nice self-sustaining Heart suit
A Q J 9 8 3 2
A J 10 2
K 2
LTC = optimistically, a 3.5 with a fair Spade suit
Okay, Losing Trick Count methodology is cute but how do we use it
after opening the bidding? While we will examine responder’s bids
and opener rebids in a follow-up lesson, here are a few tips to
pique your interest. When opener holds 6 LTC, after our
responder has made a constructive raise, we will learn techniques
to explore bidding game using techniques such as game try
bidding. Or perhaps partner has made an invitational game bid and
we have a nice 4 LTC hand – now it’s worth exploring slam. After
all, if we have 4 losers and partner can cover 3 losers with Aces
and Kings, we should be able to take home that slam! Ditto on
making a major suit game when we have 6 LTC and partner can cover
3 of them – that’s 10 tricks. Bingo!
In Part II of our Losing Trick Count series, we will explore
responder’s hand evaluation techniques, including cover cards.
And if you simply can’t wait, you can always take a peek at our
Losing Trick Count write-up in our
online Bridge Encyclopedia. And for those eMag newsletter
subscribers going back to December 1995,
we briefly covered LTC in our first Intermediate-Advanced
newsletter. Once again, you can
Quiz yourself here on LTC here. |