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TWERB: Two Way Exclusion Relay Bidding - An adoption of the Suction convention, primarily used as a defensive countermeasure against opponents 1 Notrump opening bid.  Most TWERB conventional calls are similar to Suction, with a few additions:


(1N) - 2C

Diamonds, or Hearts and Spades

Diamonds, or Hearts and Spades

(1N) - 2D

Hearts, or Spades and Clubs

Hearts, or Spades and Clubs

(1N) - 2H

Spades, or Clubs and Diamonds

Spades, or Clubs and Diamonds

(1N) - 2S

Either of these two suited:
  Pointed - Spades and Diamonds
  Rounded - Hearts and Clubs

Clubs, or Diamonds and Hearts

(1N) - 2N

Clubs, or Diamonds and Hearts




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