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Weak Two Preemptive Bid - In the early days of Bridge, two level bids were played as strong bids showing good length in the named suit.  However in time players begin using 2C as a ubiquitous call to generally show a strong hand; the opener can belatedly make a rebid to show a long suit (responder generally begins with 2D).

This treatment allows the opener to use other 2 level bids, especially 2H and 2S to show a weak hand with a good 6 card suit.  The opener's hand typically shows:




6 card suit (perhaps a 5 card suit for a frisky player in 3rd seat)

Suit Strength

Two of the top three honors, perhaps three of the top five honors (especially in first or second seat)

Outside Suit Strength

Usually not more than one useful outside honors (in first or second seat)

Outside Suit Length

Varies by partnership/player - some preempt with a four card outside suit (most not a useful honor in the suit), some only a four card minor side suit, most agree the side suit should not be a five card suit.


Most players will preempt with a side-suit void, although some will not preempt with a void and a 6-4-3-0 shape.


Most players freely make a two level preempt with a side suit Ace.  Conversely, almost all players will not make a three level preempt with an outside Ace in first or second seat (too many point to preempt with two of the top three honors, along with an outside Ace, plus three distribution points for a seven card preempt suit).

For more on preemptive bids, please refer to our newsletters Part I, Part II, and Part III.

Note: partnership agreements are needed for preempts in the fourth seat.   Since a basic tenant of preemptive bidding is to obstruct the opponents, the rationale to preempt in the fourth seat (the player can simply pass).  

A common treatment by advanced players making a two level bid in the fourth seat shows a very good 6+ card suit with strongly invitational game values (6-7 Losing Trick Count).  When opener shows such an invitational bid, responder may:



New Suit

Invitational, not forcing

Two Notrump

Forcing one round, asking opener to show a feature card (Ace or King).  Responder subsequently will make a signoff bid in three or four in opener's suit - bidding 3 Notrump is rare since responder is a passed hand but may be conceivable when opener began with 2 Diamonds.


Asking opener for shortness.  Opener bids suit with singleton or void, 3 level on opener's suit without a short suit, or 3 Notrump with a shortness in Clubs.

Three in opener's
major suit

Invitational, asking opener to bid game with extras.

In their "Preempts from A to Z" (pg 40-41), Ron Andersen and Sabine Zenkel qualify the following hands for fourth seat weak two bids:

A Q J 9 8 3   6   A 10 4   J 10 7  - open 2S

10   A J 10 9 8 5   A 9 5   K 10 8 - open 2H

7   9 7   A K J 10 7 5   K 10 8 5 - open 2D


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