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Western Cuebid - A bid in opponent's suit used to ask if partner possesses a stopper, anticipating partner may chose to call Notrump. Generally, Western Cuebids are made at the 3 level while a 2 level cuebid is usually a Limit Plus Raise (see All Purpose Cuebid).   Examples:



1H - (2D) - 3D

Responder tentatively denies a stopper, asks opener to bid 3N with a stopper in opponents' suit.  However, likely cuebid showing support when 3D bidder is a passed hand.

(1C) - 1D - (P) - 1H;
(2C) - 2D - (P) - 3C;

Responder denies a stopper, asks opener to bid 3N with a stopper in opponents' suit

(P)   - 1C - (1H) - 2D;
(2H) - 3H

Opener denies a stopper, asks responder to bid 3N with a stopper in opponents' suit

(2S) - 3S

Responder denies a stopper, asks opener to bid 3N with a stopper in opponents' suit

(1H) - 3H

Overcaller typically has a long running minor, asking partner to bid 3N with a stopper in opponents' suit

1C - (1H) - 1S - (P);
3C - (P)   - 3H

Responder denies a stopper, asks opener to bid 3N with a stopper in opponents' suit

Note: A few players play the 3 level asking bid shows a half stopper.

See more Cuebids

An alternative treatment to Western Cuebid is Eastern Cuebid, which shows a stopper.

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