Your Way to the Top
© 2004 - Marty Bergen
Page 21
Your Way to the Top
ABCs of Counting
" Counting
to a bridge player is similar to an actor learning his lines –
it does not guarantee success, but he cannot succeed without
it." George S. Kaufman
must you count? Here is a possible list. Please don’t be
overwhelmed by it. Don’t worry if you are unable to do
everything listed – I’m only trying to make some suggestions.
If, after reading this chapter, you are able to do a
better job of counting, I’m delighted, and hope you are as well.
Based on the bidding and early play, declarer should try to
figure out (and keep track of) as many of the following as
Your winners and/or losers;
The defenders’ HCP;
What happens in your key side suit;
The opening lead.
You always know
what declarer and dummy have. So, once you know what one
defender has in a suit, you can figure out what his partner has.
Similarly, when you know a defender’s length in three suits, by
subtracting from 13, his length in the 4th suit is easy.
Marty Sez:
who knows three, knows all four.
© 2004 - Marty Bergen
Chapter 3
:Finesses: Not Always Obvious ...................... 31