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Declarer Play The Bergen Way


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Chapter 8 :Entry Problems in Notrump ........................... 83


Chapter 9

Drawing Trumps: All, Some, or None

© 2004 - Marty Bergen

Page 95
Drawing Trumps: All, Some, or None

When in Doubt – Don’t

Perhaps the most popular bridge misconception is: "In a suit contract, declarer should immediately draw trumps." Why do so many believe this? Is it because:

  • They can’t forget the contract that was lost when they didn’t draw trumps – and a defender trumped one of their winning tricks.

  • Their friends taught them that the first thing to do is "get the kiddies off the street."

  • Their first bridge teacher gave them very easy hands, in which they didn’t have to do anything, except draw trumps and take their tricks.

Is this correct? No way! The truth is: it is usually wrong to draw trumps ASAP. In fact, I would estimate that declarer should draw trumps first only 40% of the time.

It would be absurd to say that drawing trumps first is never correct. However, there are many reasons to postpone pulling trump. Here are a few:

  • You need to ruff losers in dummy.

  • You must preserve trump entries in order to develop a long suit or set up an endplay.

  • You are eager to set up a side suit on which you will discard losers.

© 2004 - Marty Bergen

Chapter 10 :Timing Is Everything ................................... 103

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