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More Declarer Play The Bergen Way


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Bergenisms - Index to More Declarer Play the Bergen Way

Chapter 12: Everyone Deserves A Second Chance ........... 127


Chapter 13

Counting Winners in Suit Contracts

© 2006 - Marty Bergen

Page 143
Counting Winners in Suit Contracts

The Right Time to Count Winners

Although you usually count losers in a suit contract, on some deals, counting winners is easier and more helpful. This is especially true when:

a) the contract is a part-score or slam; or

b) the trump suit is shaky; or

c) you are planning to crossruff.

For example:

Contract: 2
9 8 7 6 4 2
K 2
K 7 5 4 2
A 7 6 5 4 3
A 10 6 4

A J 3

West   North   East     South

   --        --         --        1

Pass     1NT      Pass     2

Pass     2     Pass      2

All Pass

© 2006- Marty Bergen

Page 144
Counting Winners in Suit Contracts

You were unable to find your club fit and languished in the inelegant 6-0 spade “fit.” Your straight flush would have been more useful if playing poker. However, you do have an opportunity to demonstrate the right way to make the most of an inadequate trump suit.

You have no chance to set up dummy’s clubs and draw trumps, so you should turn your attention to counting winners. You have five winners in top cards, so all you need for your contract is to win three of your small trumps. Thanks to West’s heart lead and North’s two entries, as long as clubs and hearts split normally, you can win those tricks by ruffing hearts.

Here’s how you should play:

Trick 1: Ruff the opening lead with the 3.

Tricks 2-3: Cash the A and lead a club to dummy’s king. Whenever you are intending to do a lot of ruffing, you should cash your side-suit winners ASAP.

Trick 4: Ruff a heart with the 4.

Tricks 5-6: Cash the A and lead a diamond to dummy’s king.

Trick 7: Ruff a heart with the 5.

You have succeeded in winning the first seven tricks,and still have the A. Well done.

© 2006- Marty Bergen

Page 145
Counting Winners in Suit Contracts

Here is the entire deal:

Contract: 2
9 8 7 6 4 2
K 2
K 7 5 4 2
K J 8 2
J 8 5
Q 10 6
Q 10 9
A 10 5 3
Q 9 7 3
9 8
A 7 6 5 4 3
A 10 6 4

A J 3

West   North   East     South

   --        --         --        1

Pass     1NT      Pass     2

Pass     2     Pass      2

All Pass

By the way: Over the years, I have encountered players who always find counting winners in a suit contract to be more helpful for them. While I don’t recommend going that far, if it works for you, go for it.

© 2006 - Marty Bergen

Chapter 14: Good Guys, Bad Guys ................................. 151

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