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Points Schmoints - CHAPTER 2

© Marty Bergen


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Prior Chapter:
YOUR BEST FIRST MOVE                                                                     1

Note: Only summaries are included below -
see book for details

Stayman Without Eight Points? Never Say Never                                   13

Think Twice Before Revealing Your Secrets                                           15

Stayman Without Eight Points? Never Say Never

When partner opens 1NT and you are short in clubs, bid Stayman regardless of your point count — even with fewer than 8 HCP.


With this hand, it will be no fun watching partner suffer as he goes down in 1NT.  Remember: The 1NT opener has limited options after Stayman. A 2 or 2 bid shows four hearts or four spades. A 2 bid denies a four-card major. Opener should never answer by bidding 2NT. Therefore, responder can bid Stayman without strength if he is prepared to pass opener's rebid. Respond 2 then pass at your next turn.

I am certainly not guaranteeing that you will take eight tricks with this garbage — that would be absurd. However, I will guarantee that you will take more tricks in a suit contract than you would in notrump.

Please keep in mind:  Stayman is an asking bid, not a telling bid. The only time responder guarantees eight points is when he follows Stayman with a second bid.

When you bid Stayman with a weak hand that is short in clubs you are using garbage (weak) Stayman.

1.    You respond 2;

2.    Opener either bids his major or bids 2;

3.    You pass, confident that you are in your best contract;

4.    You relax as dummy and watch partner ruff his club losers.

Page 13
© Marty Bergen

Think Twice Before Revealing Your Secrets

Bid to exchange relevant information, never to advertise your assets.


CHAPTER 3  - NOT FOR EXPERTS ONLY                                          17


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