Poll #8, Opening lead against 6 Notrump, 12/1/2010

The auction starts peacefully enough with RHO opening 1 Notrump. With your 2=5=4=2 shape, you might even be tempted to bid if you held another primary honor and we not vulnerable. Next your LHO tries 2 Club, Stayman asking opener for a 4 card major. But then they do not find a major suit fit, surprise – surprise! The responder jumps up, up, up and away to 6 Notrump!

So with the opponents aiming to make 12 tricks, now is a good time to think about your long term plan to play and discard tricks.

When the opponents propel the auction to 6 Notrump, do we stick to our prior lead strategy or is there more to this auction than meets the eye? What’s going on with our lefty bidding 6 Notrump, eh? Ah, so many questions – so little time. Okay, everyone has their eyes on you – time to show your partner you’ve got the right stuff with your opening lead…

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Poll #7, Opening Lead against 3 Notrump: November 29, 2010

The opponents bid 1 Notrump, 2 Notrump, 3 Notrump and you are on lead. Do you fire straight away using tried and true leads of rote?

Then again, maybe you like to throw a curve call.  Or are you one of those systematic types that goes through a rigorous pre-race checklist? Whatever your style, sooner or later it will be time to give it your best shot.  And as so often happens in Bridge, you only get one shot so use it wisely!   Remember, like in a vigorous trial proceeding, a good defense never rests!   Yes, we here at BridgeHands have our checklists and it goes well beyond those 13 cards we are holding…

To view our commentary and download an illustrative hand example (Zip contains PBN, LIN, HTM, DUP, BRI formats), please login to your FREE Membership Subscription – see you over at our “Scotland Yard,” Sherlock!

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Poll #6, November 24, 2010

Note: Due to the two day Thanksgiving Holiday in the U.S., we will not have a “Polling You” contest on 11/26/10.  We hope everyone has a wonderful holiday weekend.

Self-Sustaining Suits are not only great when we are bidding on our own.  Self-sustaining suits, those long suits guaranteed not to lose more than 1 trick (even when partner holds a singleton) get even more exciting when our partner opened the bidding!  Of course its not uncommon to have a misfit with partner, making the bidding look like the proverbial married couple that can’t agree on anything (1S – 2H. 2S – 3H, 3N – 4H…)

But when our partner opens 1 Notrump and we have a long running major suit, we know the contract belongs in the major suit (always play in your long 8+ card major suit).  And since partner’s opening 1 Notrump bid promises at least a doubleton, with a 6+ card major suit makes it clear to play in that suit – i.e., “the golden fit.”  Okay, with that in mind let’s get ready to “bid ’em up” with that same lovely 7-3-2-1 shaped 17 HCP hand we held on Poll #5 back on Monday – but this time partner opened 1 Notrump!

So how high do we go? Yes, we know partner holds around 16 points, but how does that equate to tricks and what’s the best method to explore slam?  For more commentary, please login to your FREE Membership Subscription – see you there…

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Poll #5, November 22, 2010

Self-Sustaining Suits, whether or not you lust for fine clothes, all Bridge players seem to have a loving relationship with a long, strong suit. Okay, here’s your chance to not only try on a lovely suit but see how it wears when bidding the same hands in third seat. And what about when you’re bidding the same hands in third seat – should that matter? Probing deeper, does it matter if you are short in the Spade suit in the third seat? So many questions, so little time at the table. But here, take your time and consider the alternatives – we will be waiting…

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Poll #4, November 19, 2010

And so we end this series with RHO opening 1 Notrump. Do you feel you have the “right stuff” to make a call? Does the fact that righty as two-fifths of the total points and you’re vulnerable concern you? Lots of luck bidding these hands!

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Poll #3, November 17, 2010

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Poll #2: November 15, 2010

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Polling You

Bridge Bidding and Bridge Play Polling Survey

Welcome to our Bridge polling survey. Here’s your chance to answer a polling question on Bridge bidding and play, immediately comparing your answers against other contestants here at BridgeHands. And while the most popular polling response vote may not be the best Bridge bid or play, we hope you will enjoy comparing your response to other Bridge players.

Once you have selected your response and press the “Vote” button, immediately you will be able to compare your result with others. After completing your response, you are not permitted to register additional votes for the current poll using your same web browser. At some point, the BridgeHands webmaster will close out each poll, allowing late arrivals to see the final voting tally. But don’t worry – we promise to regularly have fresh new polls available for you to register your vote to new questions. So vote early and often! Well, not quite – sorry, each contestant may only register one vote per polling item. Incidentally, our BridgeHands home page as well as the top of our “Polling You” BrigeBlog will always display the most recent polling question. To see our entire listing of current and prior polling questions, you’ve come to the right place – scroll down to view recent polls and responses by others.

It’s gratifying to know how other Bridge players think about bidding and play, particularly when our views and decisions are in concert with the mainstream.
However, occasionally we are surprised that our viewpoints are contrary to the majority of the pack.
Bidding and play survey polls offer us an excellent way to measure our responses against our colleagues.

Good luck and we hope you enjoy our Bridge “Polling You” questions!

Poll #1: November 13, 2010

Poll: Bidding Challenge
November 13, 2010

After the first day introducing our new “Polling You” survey, the leading vote choice has a big lead with 45 percent of the total votes and is way ahead by over 50 responses. After the second place position with 26 percent, third and fourth trail with 13 and 11 percent, leaving the lowest vote-getter with a meager 5 percent.

If you subscribe to BridgeHands FREE membership, please sign in with your ID and password (see box on upper-right right side of our BridgeBlog or click on link below) to view our double-dummy hand analysis of the above hand. We think many will be surprised by our computer simulation analysis that seems to refute the common thinking by some of our polling voters. If you don’t already subscribe to our FREE membership subscription, we welcome you to signup right away! (click on our signup link in the right column of the page).

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To view prior polls, please go to our “Polling You” page.