Polling You #38: Penalty Doubles and Environmental Factors 1-5, Day 4, February 9, 2011

Penalty Doubles in Competition: Too close to call?
Time to make the environment your friend!

Life isn’t always easy and sometimes the same can be said at the Bridge table.  You know the drill – you or partner begin the bidding, the opponents overcall and before you know it the bidding is at the 3 level and you’re left with a difficult decision.  And when both sides have roughly the same trick-taking power, determining the best action can be a bit tricky.  In a Super Bowl football game when you’ve got the ball it’s either throw, run, or punt.   Hmm, let’s see if we can work this paradigm into today’s Bridge lesson.

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Before we get into lots of nitty-gritty details, suffice it to say that when competing at the 3 level we are not going to always make the right decision.  There, now we’ve got that off our chest, hopefully we both feel a little bit better.  Still, we do have several useful factors to consider when deciding to throw, run or punt – err, bid game, pass or make a Penalty Double.

Okay, so what’s the secret sauce to become a Bridge Ninja competitor you ask?  Sorry, we don’t have any silver bullets to offer.  In large part, being an effective competitor is mostly about common sense.  You know common sense, right?  Common sense is the application of good judgment, discovered AFTER having exercised bad judgment one too many times!   Only kidding, but we will have to pay careful attention to the Bridge bidding ecosystem.  Okay, here we go, let’s jump right in. [Read more…]