Poll #31, Negative Doubles in Contract Bridge – Part 1, 01/24/2011

Negative Doubles – Part 1, The Basics in Contract Bridge

When we first hear the term, Negative Doubles, we might mistakenly think, “Oh, that must be a variation of the Takeout Double.”  While it’s true that both calls are not penalty oriented and request partner to continue the bidding, that’s where the similarity ends.  The point requirements are dramatically different, the shape requirements only have loose similarities and the meaning of the doubler’s new suit rebid are completely different.  Could that be why the Negative Double was originally known as an “out of this world bid” known as the Sputnik Double?  No, not at all – back in 1957 creators Alvin Roth and Tobias Stone simply liked the drama associating their new conventional call with the shocking Russian satellite.

Click here to view Part 1 of the video commentary 

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Let’s begin by contrasting the Takeout and Negative Double.

Takeout Double

Negative Double

Opponent opened bidding

Partner opened bidding

We double opponents opening bid

We double opponents overcall bid

11+ points (less when short)

6+ points at 1 level

3+ card support in unbid suits

Support focus on unbid 4 card major/s

Short in RHO suit

May not be short in RHO suit

Double and new suit rebid = 17+ points

Double and new suit rebid = “to play”

Instead of double, bid 5 card suit at 2 level

Cannot bid a 5 card suit at 2 level w/o 10+

Cuebid RHO suit shows special shape

Cuebid RHO suit shows partner support

Double of RHO 1NT may be conventional
Since RHO opens, RHO cannot Double

Double of RHO 1NT penalty oriented
When RHO Doubles, agreements change

First off, making a Negative Double implies you do not have a fit in partner’s opening suit.  Second, since two suits have been described, making a Negative Double suggests length in an unbid suit.  We say suggests because of the good-old “Five and Dime” rule – as responder we should have a 5 card suit and 10+ points to respond in a new suit at the 2 level.  So on those occasions where we have 6-9 points and a 5 card suit, we make be able to make a Negative Double to show partner that we have values – at least have the points in the deck including partner’s opening hand.  Without getting into all the fine points of GAABP (Generally Accepted Bridge Practices) for Negative Doubles, let’s look at some basic hands and situations where the focus is to find a major fit.

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Poll #30, Takout Double Bid Continuations in Contract Bridge – Part 3, 01/21/2011

Contract Bridge Bidding Continuations after Double


Regarding Doubles, first an opponent makes a bid.  Next your partner doubles and you respond.  And so the bidding saga continues – imagine the possible bidding continuations! (or not…)  Certainly it would stagger the mind to memorize all the permutations.  So will focus on some of the basics and resort to our deductive abilities to explore the almighty game contract. This completes our third installment of Takeout Doubles.  For those who are looking for immediate gratification, okay here are the links to view our associated videos with commentary and animated card bidding:

Click here to view Part 1 

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Poll #29, Takout Double Responses in Contract Bridge – Part 2, 01/19/2011

Responses to Takeout Double in Contract and Duplicate Bridge


Click here to view Part 1

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Competition – an essential ingredient to make us better than the status quo.  And at the Bridge table, with adequate values everyone loves to win the auction.  So when it’s our partner that makes a Takeout Double, we certainly want to both cooperate and compete for the best contract.  Sometimes playing a part score contract with a good 8 card suit fit is sufficient.  Other times after partner doubles with opening values and we hold like values in our hand, we immediately know a game contract is in the proverbial cards. 

Ah, it would be nice if competitive bidding was always that simple, right?  But for better or worse, we need to carefully consider seemingly innumerable options.  So together we will walk through some of the more common scenarios following common sense bidding tactics, tracking closely with your existing bidding methods. 

In part 2 of our series on Takeout Doubles, we will continue to use Barbara Seagram’s “Bridge – 25 Ways to Compete in the Bidding.”   In our concluding episode we will explore opener’s rebids – coming soon the BridgeHands video screen near you!  (and we mean REALLY near you)  [Read more…]

Poll #28, Takout Doubles in Contract Bridge – Part 1, 01/17/2011

Takeout Double: The perfect Bridge bid with an opening hand and shortness in opponents suit

Sometimes one must use force to go against force, sometimes not.  When you stop to think about it, a more elegant way to compete is to turn the opponents’ weakness in your strength.  And that’s what the Takeout Double is all about – instructing partner to “take out” opponents’ auction in another suit.

If you’d like to see the associated videos with commentary and animate card bidding:
Click here to view Part 1

Click here to view Part 2

Barbara Seagram materials Copyrighted by MasterPoint Press
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Poll #27, Jerry Helms – Special Guest: Bidding Slam/Grandslam and Promotion Play, 01/14/2011

Jerry Helms – Worldclass Bridge Teacher: Bidding Slam/Grandslam, Promotion Play

We are delighted to offer you a special treat for today’s lesson.  Jerry Helms, World-class Bridge Teacher and playing professional with 18,000+ Masterpoints, teaches students a lesson on slam/grandslam bidding and play!   If you haven’t had the opportunity to attend one of Jerry’s class, right away we offer you this warning:

See our online video commentary of bidding with card animation.

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 After watching one of Jerry’s awesome lessons with rapid-paced and insightful out-of-the-box commentary, you will soon be scanning his website for a Bridge seminar or festival near you!   See JerryHelm.com for more information – and don’t miss reading 100 of his monthly “Ask Jerry” ACBL Bridge Bulletin columns.

In today’s poll, we echo a few of the many key points from Jerry’s lesson.  When you hold a 16 HCP monster hand with a great 7 card Heart suit and partner opens 1 Notrump, now what?  This isn’t your everyday situation, right?   Are you a traditionalist, stick to tried and true methods or does your creative side give rise to consider alternative bidding methods with such an unusual holding? [Read more…]

Poll #26, Cuebidding slam Bridge contracts, lead directing doubles, 01/12/2011

Learn cuebids in slam Bridge contracts, make lead directing doubles

On today our poll, we offer everyone a diversion from our usual quantitative question to seek a more qualitative philosophical perspective.  And we all know Bridge players each have a perspective, right?

See our online video commentary of bidding with card animation.

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Most opening lead situations are difficult; at least the professionals seem to think so.  So when the opponents have bid up, up and away to a 6 level slam contract, most likely your lead is “all or none.”  So carefully review the bidding, weigh all the inferences, evaluate the opponents bidding tempo.  Mix this all together with your knowledge and it’s time to face your opening lead. You are sitting West and it’s your lead with the following auction: 





2 ♣




2 ♠


3 ♠


4 ♣






4 ♠




Without looking at your hand, do you have a lead in mind?  Well, since:

1. We aren’t letting you go wayward by looking at your hand

2. Bridge is a partnership game

So leading a Diamond should keep you in good graces with your partner.  But we are jumping ahead of ourselves – let’s go back and kibitz the bidding by North/South.  Here are their hands.  [Read more…]

Poll #25, In 6C slam: consider finesse, preemptive bidding, second hand play, 01/10/2011

Playing in 6 Club slam Contract: consider finesse, second hand play, preemptive bidding

In today’s poll, dummy holds Ace-8-4 in North opposite declarer’s Queen-Jack-9 in South. It turns out that West holds the King-3-2 so the finesse is onside. So what is the correct line of play for South? And assuming the best line of play by the declarer, how should West play the King? Or best said, WHEN should West play the King? Does it matter for South; does it matter for West, or does anything matter at all with this holding? Inquiring minds must know – we are looking for you to give us answers. Good luck with your poll response.

Part 1 – video commentary of bidding with card animation.

A 8 4

♠ —
K 3 2

♣ —





♠ —
(4 Hearts)

♣ —

Q J 9

On today’s hands at the table, the bidding soon bolts skywards. While the opener and responder both showed full opening hands based on their initial bid, the opponents vigorously competed to 4 Spades on their first round of bidding. Unfazed, the responder pushed onward to a slam contract. But the bidding is only the icing on the cake – where will the declarer find 12 tricks? And like today’s poll, when should the defender cover an honor with an honor? [Read more…]

Poll #24, In 4 Hearts: “100 honors” missing Queen, 01/07/2011

Playing Contract Bridge in 4 Hearts: “100 honors” missing Queen

In today’s poll, the good news is we have all the winners in the minors. On the other hand, figuring out how to play the major suits seems to require a bit of guess work, or not. Hopefully we can come up with a sound strategy that will help us find that magical 10th trick. In fact, after enough Contract Bridge or Duplicate Bridge play, some hand patterns begin to look like old friends of ours. So put on your thinking cap, explore the alternatives in our poll and elect your candidate – good luck getting your winner on top of the heap!

View our online video commentary of bidding and play with card animation.

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♠ Q 3 2
K 10 5 4
Q J 9 7
♣ 3 2

♠ —

♣       4





♠ —

♣ —

♠ J 7 6
A J 7 6
A K 5 4
♣ A K

After 2NT by South, North bids 3 Clubs, Stayman asking opener to bid a 4 card major – up the line.  East doubles 3 Clubs – now what’s that all about? Not deterred, South rebids 3 Hearts and responder signfos off in a 4 Heart game.

On lead, West understands East’s double of North’s artificial 3 Club conventional bid as both showing a real suit and asking partner to lead the artificial suit.  With an otherwise difficult lead decision, West is more than happy to lead a Club.

After the dummy comes down, initially our declarer South is happy to count 20 + 8 High Card Points, more than enough for most game contracts.  But on later reflection, South detects a problem – do you see it, too?

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Poll #23, Finesse, Know the Bridge Odds, 01/05/2011

Finesse, Know the Bridge Odds/Probabilities (Contract Bridge)


On today’s poll, we take a look at finesses and playing for opponents suit distribution from a different perspective.  Rather than simply look at a specific play, we introduce another possible wrinkle – does a line of play matter depending on the number of tricks required?   And while it is not really necessary to know the exact numeric percentage for a given play, over the long term it helps to know the best line of play.  In fact, knowing the mathematical odds by number may impress your friends – or maybe not…

Do you need instant gratification without study and training? Okay, go click here to go right to our animated video animation with bidding and play commentary – and now with background music!

So whether you ruminate, cogitate, contemplate, deliberate, or simply pray for divine inspiration, we figure you have a good chance to deduce the best response.  Look at it this way, with 5 choices you have the same odds of choosing the right card to lead after you’ve already played 8 cards!  Nah, we’re sure your odds are better here and especially at the table.  Good luck and happy hunting.

♠ K 2
Q 9 3 2
K J 3 2
♣ A 4 3

♠ Q

♣ —





♠ —

♣ —

♠ A 10
A K 4
A Q 5 4
♣ K J 5 2

After 2NT, North should bid 3C Stayman – there is no hurry to jump to 6 NT

After 2N – 3C; 3D, partner’s who play 4C Gerber should use the bid.

But if you learned the way I initially did, playing “momma-papa kitchen Bridge” with my parents and my fiancé, then we’d play 4 Notrump as Ace-ask although bidding 4 Clubs would probably get the same response.  Now days, advancing players use 4 Notrump as inviting partner to bid 6 Notrump with a good hand – the upper end of their initial Notrump bid, i.e., Quantitative Slam ask.

Playing in a slam contract, we give special acknowledgment Aces and Kings – quick tricks to keep opponents from gaining 2 tricks.  So it takes more than 33 HCP to make a small slam – you must not be missing and Ace and King on a side suit.  Notice North is missing  those 2 controls in the Heart suit – 4 cards is the suit is nice, but that suit is suspect if partner is missing an Ace.

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Thanks for dropping by BridgeHands “Polling You” website. Every week, we continue to load our Bridge Blog with commentary, downloadable files, and video card animation with background music. And coming this month, we will begin including real video with action-packed adventures at the table. Our goal is to enlighten, entertain and educate Bridge players as well as offer our materials to Bridge Teachers to share with their students.

Happy Trails,

Poll #22, Finesse, Promotion, Ducking, 01/03/2011

Contract and Duplicate Bridge: Finesse, Promotion, Ducking

Happy New Year, Bridge friends!  And so we’ve made our personal affirmations and are ready to make the best of 2011.  To begin our Polling You blog for the new year, we offer an interesting set of hands.  Beside our normal array of bidding and play possibilities, not everyone is likely to agree with the hand evaluation and the initial bid.   But that’s part of the joy of Bridge, isn’t it?  Our exciting game offers players a wealth of options.  And that’s why we are here – to explore the tradeoffs and consequence of various scenarios.

On today’s poll, we have a multi-part question: one querying opener’s rebid, the other asking our play strategy.   Actually, that pretty much sums up Contract Bridge and Duplicate Bridge doesn’t it?  For sure, making accurate bids is necessary to make the contract.   So our hand evaluation, or re-evaluation here is our first hurdle.  After that, you can ponder a range of play options where suit promotion, finesses and ducking plays might enter the picture.  Okay Bridge thrill seekers, look at your ballots an register your votes.

See our animated video animation with bidding and play commentary – and now with background music!

Free/Premium/ULTRA Members – please scroll down for more video

♠ K 10 8 5 4
A K 2
10 4
♣ A Q 3

♠ —

♣ —





♠ —

♣ —

♠ 6
J 10 4 3
A J 3
♣ J 10 8 6 5

North deals and opens 1 Spade, while some advanced players would prefer beginning with 1 Notrump to show a reasonable 16 HCP hand.  Sure enough, partner South bids 1 Notrump and North must make an uncomfortable rebid – Pass or invite with 2 Notrump.   Then there’s a handful of decisions after the lead of the Heart 9. with some challenging declarer’s and defender’s play strategy.  We discuss this and more in our Protected Content area – please login and we will see you over on the other side.   [Read more…]