Newcomer & Novice #1: Promotions are easy to love


Last month we featured the finesse, widely enjoyed by bridge players. Unfortunately, finesses do not always work, nor do we always have an opportunity to finesse. To further complicate the matter, in many situations attempting the finesse is not the best strategy. This month we will take a look at one such tactic, the promotion of a long suit.

Our second topic mixes the Laws and Jargon: Coffeehousing – beware of the “dark side” and learn how ethical Law 73 protects us.

The “Rule of 15” has nothing to do with the Laws yet helps us effectively compete when we anticipate a competitive auction.

Newcomer & Novice #0: Welcome, Hand Evaluation, Shuffling


Dear Bridge Friend,

Welcome to our introductory issue of BridgeHands Newsletter for Newcomers and Novice Bridge Players. While this issue will highlight features of the BridgeHands website, we promise to include the type of interesting Bridge information you’ll find in future issues.

Navigating BridgeHands

Hand Evaluation

Know Thy Law – Shuffling

Jargon – The opponents have the bathtub on their side!

Episode #8: Augie Boehm Interview- Part I

Welcome to the first of our two-part interview with Augie Boehm, Bridge tournament champion, author, columnist, teacher, concert pianist, composer and more. . .

In this session, we chat with Augie about growing up with Bridge pros, tournament life, teaching, authoring columns in the Bridge Bulletin and Bridge World and more. For aspiring players, Augie’s methods would raise an eyebrow for many – with values open 2 Notrump with a 4-4-4-1 hand and a “Kingleton!”

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Attribution Non-commercial No Derivatives (by-nc-nd)

Episode #7: Gerry Fox Interview- Part III, Bridge on the High Seas

Welcome to the last of our three-part interview with Gerry Fox, a Bridge cruise director super-agent, teaching professional for over 30 years and book author.

In this session, Gerry discusses numerous tips for Bridge cruise teachers/directors that he has learned over the years. Learn the importance of reading the students, avoid the tendency to become blindsighted by focusing on bright students, capitalizing on your personality, etc. Gerry’s lessons are tailored for the average social Bridge player, particularly those on the high seas. Gerry’s Bridge books (order via phone at 707-252-1257 or EMAIL

Partnership Bridge – An Easy Guide to Standard American Bidding
Partnership Defence – An Easy Guide to Defender’s Play at Contract Bridge
Tricks for the Taking – An Easy Guide to Declarer’s Play at Contract Bridge
Contract Bridge in 28 Lessons – A Manual for Teachers
Bridge in Brief – A Shortcut Through the Rules of Bidding (With Opening Leads, Too)

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Attribution Non-commercial No Derivatives (by-nc-nd)

Episode #6: Gerry Fox Interview- Part II, More Bridge Teaching, Bidding, and Play Stories

Welcome back to the second of our three-part interview with Gerry Fox, a Bridge cruise director super-agent, teaching professional for over 30 years and book author.

In our second session, Gerry continues discussing the importance of partnership harmony and trust, why bidding is easier to learn than play (especially count signals), why students often go wrong learning conventions, Gerry creation – The Rule of Seven, overcoming newcomers fear opening Notrump with a worthless doubleton, how teachers ears can make a big difference, the future of Bridge, Gerry discusses his Bridge books (order via phone at 707-252-1257 or EMAIL

Partnership Bridge – An Easy Guide to Standard American Bidding
Partnership Defence – An Easy Guide to Defender’s Play at Contract Bridge
Tricks for the Taking – An Easy Guide to Declarer’s Play at Contract Bridge
Contract Bridge in 28 Lessons – A Manual for Teachers
Bridge in Brief – A Shortcut Through the Rules of Bidding (With Opening Leads, Too)

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Or download the entire MP3 audio file (38Mb)

Attribution Non-commercial No Derivatives (by-nc-nd)

Episode #5: Gerry Fox Interview – Bridge Cruise Director Super Agent, Teaching Professional and Author

We are delighted to offer BridgeHands listeners a three interview sessions with Gerry Fox, a Bridge cruise director super-agent, teaching professional for over 30 years and book author.

In our first session, Gerry shares wonderful stories about how to deal with Bridge teacher-student misunderstandings, difficult Bridge concepts and methods to make breakthroughs, converting a challenging student to “staight man”, counteracting crafty duplicate Bridge players, the importance of partnership harmony and trust, and benefits of understanding versus memorization.

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Attribution Non-commercial No Derivatives (by-nc-nd)

Episode #4: Jude Goodwin Interview –

Jude is the web-mistress of the premiere website and leading Bridge cartoonist. However, her successes haven’t slowed her down – she’s recently launched and written “Go Ahead, Laugh!” We invite you to listen to her interview.
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Or download entire MP3 audio file (45Mb)

00-03: Introduction
03-07: Welcome Jude
07-09: Genesis of GreatBridgeLinks
09-13: GreatBridgeLinks site organization and features
13-16: GreatBridgeLinks business model (love of Bridge)
16-22: New book, “Go Ahead, Laugh!”
22-30: New website,
30-34: Jude’s vision of Bridge
34-36: Jude’s love of the game
36-37: Being a good partner
37-39: Bridge Buzz – Honolulu NABC Tourney
39-45: Outtakes

Episode #3: Eddie Kantar Interview – Part 2

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In episode #3, we conclude our delightful interview with Eddie Kantar
Minute: Topic
0-3: Introductions
3: Teaser – Great Bridge Links with Jude Goodwin
4: Eddie’s critique playing online with Yvonne
5: How Pros help clients win
6: Being a good partner
10: Adventures playing with Marshall Miles
15: Coauthoring books
17: Books, large and small
18: Computer-based instructions
21: Evolutions in bidding philosophy
26: Avoiding excessive conventions
29: Fast Eddie at table tennis
31: Money Bridge
32: Online Bridge Play
38: Everyone loves Yvonne Kantar
40: Closing joke and the world’s best game
42: Dear Dummy – “Kantar 2 Notrump over a minor”
49: Crystal gets her wish
Attribution Non-commercial No Derivatives (by-nc-nd)

Episode #2: Eddie Kantar Interview – Part 1

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iTunes subscription to BridgeHands (requires iTunes software on computer) or RSS XML

Eddie is a professional bridge player, writer, teacher and member of the Bridge Hall of Fame. He won two World Championships and thirteen North American Championship titles. Eddie writes regularly for numerous bridge magazines around the world and is a frequent host on bridge cruises.

Lead-in 0-3

Agenda 2-3

Introducing Eddie Kantar and the Show 3-6

Eddie’s Favorite Conventions 6-8

Disliked Conventions 8-12

The Early Days 12-13

Bridge Opens Doors 13-14

Eddie, The Author 14-16

Slam Bidding 16-19

Eddie’s Website 19-22

Evolution In Teaching 22-29

Eddie and Yvonne Play Online 29-30

BridgeBuzz: EBU Teachers 31-34

It’s Your Turn: Bridge Cruises 34-36

Outtake Revokes 36-40

Creative Common License – Attribution, Non-commercial, No Derivative Works

Introducing our BridgeHands Interview Audiocast

Audiocast interviews have arrived at BridgeHands!

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Or download entire MP3 audio file (31Mb) or only the introduction (3Mb)

iTunes subscription to BridgeHands (requires iTunes software on computer) or RSS XML

On our premiere episode, founder Michael Nistler discusses Bridge media in yester year and explains the future of BridgeHands audiocast interviews in the Bridge industry .

We have a few entertaining “virtual” guests to chat about how bridge blogs, podcasts, websites, EMAIL newsletters, and aggregation software (like iTunes) interrelate to one another. Stay tuned for future interviews with Bridge professionals, duplicate directors, organizations, businesses, authors, teachers, players.

BridgeHands Interview
Introduction: Minute 0 – 2
Hal gets whacky: Minute 3
Interview Format and Target Audience: Minute 4
Interview Benefit: Minute 5
Interview Journalistic Type: Minute 6
Interview Benefit to Listener: Minute 7
Multi-media Bridge History: Minute 8
Why no Bridge Media Today: Minute 11
Internet Multi-media Bridge Opportunity: Minute 12
Michael Nistler’s Bridge Background: Minute 13
BridgeHands is Born: Minute 14
BridgeHands Website Layout: Minute 15
BridgeHands eMag EMAIL Newsletter: Minute 17
How BridgeHands help with Education: Minute 19
BridgeHands Blogs: Minute 20
BridgeHands and ”web 2.0″: Minute 21
BridgeHands Blog Categories: Minute 22
What is Podcasting: Minute 24
How iTunes and Aggregators Manage Subscriptions: Minute 25
BridgeBuzz – Baron Barclay acquires ACLB Product Store : Minute 27
DearDummy – How to contact BridgeHands: Minute 29
Outtake Revokes: Minute 31
Music and Galicticast Credits: Minute 32

How to contact BridgeHands

Creative Common License – Attribution, Non-commercial, No Derivative Works