BridgeHands General

Is Warren Buffet becoming the white knight to champion Bridge in the new millenium? No doubt, Warren’s efforts to promote his new Warren Buffett Cup in Dublin, Ireland from September 18-21, 2006 was a step in the right direction. Promoting Bridge has always been a challenge so why not have a tourney to mimmick golf’s Ryder Cup. That’s right, Warren’s genius setup the United States to compete against Europe in head-to-head matches. Going into the last day, the Europeans had a slight leads, but alas, the Americans scrambled to win the tourney by an equivalent of 6 matches including an awesome sweep on the last 5 rounds). Next September the Europeans will have the opportunity to extol their revenge in Kentucky.

Sabine Auken-Daniela Von Arnim (Germany)
Jan Jansma – Louk Verhees (Netherlands)
Norberto Bocchi-Giorgio Duboin (Italy)
Jason and Justin Hackett (England)
Tom Hanlon- Hugh McGann (Ireland)
Geir Helgemo-Tor Helness (Norway)

United States
David Berkowitz-Larry Cohen
Bob Hamman-Paul Soloway
Geoff Hampson- Fred Gitelman
Bobby Levin-Steve Weinstein
Jill Levin-Jill Meyers
Zia Mahmood- Roy Welland

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