Free daily EMAIL notification for our BridgeBlog posts

We are in the process of rolling out some exciting new services at BridgeHands. To accommodate these services, we have upgraded our communication channels to you.

As of 2021, BridgeHands now offers an improved user interface to view our video at:

Monthly Membership subscription prices are:
Aces: 300+ video hours
Kings & Queens: 200+ hours
Jacks: 100+ hours
Newcomers: 26 Introductory videos
We also offer livestream videos for our members.

Our recorded videos are now organized by:
– Polling You (187 videos)
– Play (174 videos)
– Bidding (149 videos)
– Hand Evaluation (98 videos)
– Social (87 videos)
– Advanced (56 videos)
– Newcomers (28)
– And another 84 categories that cross-reference popular concepts such as:
Slam (64), Finesse (54), Promotion (49), Defense (49), Controls (45),
Ruff/Trump (43), Losing Trick Count (36),  Competition (34),
Notrump (32), Suit Quality (31), Opening Lead (26), Cover Card (26),
Cuebid (24),  Blackwood (24), Counting (23), Strong Jump Shift (20), etc.

Warm Regards,


Please see above for current BridgeHands membership subscriptions now offered at our Patreon website.
This post is intended for casual visitors not wishing to sign up for our Free, Premium, or ULTRA subscription membership programs (for more information, please refer to our membership subscription post).
Our “Bridge blog” now has a feature to automatically notify you whenever our blog has a new posting.   However, when you sign-up for BridgeHands subscription *membership* (Free, Premium, ULTRA or Teacher offering), we will already begin sending you EMAIL highlights (see post on our membership subscription program).  As you may know, blog messages (posts) are shorter informational messages, often one page or less in length. One standout feature of our blog posts is that YOU have the opportunity to provide us and your colleagues feedback on articles we post. 
This new blog notification service is in addition to our current BridgeHands EMAIL subscription service for our newsletters (through Constant Contact), which many of you have already joined. And as an aside, our Bridgeblog now contains an even shorter feed with our super-short Twitter messages (less than 2 lines of text, often with a link to a webpage, blog, picture, video, etc). So short Twitter messages (tweets) are posted very frequently, with blog posts in the middle, with our longer Newcomer-Novice and Intermediate-Advanced EMAILs issued less frequently. While the latest tweet posts are available at our Bridgeblog, you can always view our new and older tweet messages directly at our Twitter channel:
To signup for the daily EMAIL newsletter, go to the right side of our Brigeblog home page that reads:
“EMAIL our News to you
Allow BridgeHands to EMAIL you daily when we have new blog posts here”
Once you’ve completed the “opt-in” steps, whenever we submit a new post on our Blog, our Google Feedburner EMAIL account will automatically notify you. If for some reason you’d rather not signup for the free bridgeblog notification service and are looking for a brief digest to our blog headlines, you can always get our summary information directly (along with links to our stories) at the Google Feedburner website here:
By the way, if you’d like more details on our Bridge blog and what a so-called “blog” is all about, please check out our “About” menu navigational link at the top of any blog page or click here for details.

Twitter comes to BridgeHands

As of October 9, 2010, BridgeHands has joined the Twitter generation. In addition to viewing our “tweets” (posts) at Twitter here:

…you’ll see our most recent tweet posts at on our Bridgeblog home page here:

So what are tweets anyway? These are very short messages of up to two lines of text (far less than blog posts like this). Tweets offer a very short, quick snippet of information, often with a hyperlink enabling the viewer to click on the link for additional information. Since tweets are very short messages, they are easy to create and read. And NO, we promise not to blast you with trivial tweets.

Happy Trails, BridgeHands