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Points Schmoints - CHAPTER 6 -

© Marty Bergen


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Prior Chapter:
CHAPTER 5 - THE BATTLE OF THE SEXES                                       33

Note: Only summaries are included below -
see book for details

Seven Bills; I Mean B-I-G Bills                                                                37

Cuebids, No More Dangerous Than Dynamite                                        41

Seven Bills; I Mean B-I-G Bills

“The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits.”


Cuebids, No More Dangerous Than Dynamite

“The road to hell is paved with good conventions.”


One of the most intriguing learning opportunities for an aspiring bridge player is the playing lesson. The many benefits of sitting across the table from an expert include:

1.    The enjoyable experience itself. Don't you prefer partners who play better than you do?

2.    The opportunity to receive prompt, accurate answers to all of your bridge questions.

3.    An objective evaluation of your bridge game.

Unfortunately, some players assume that being partnered by an expert guarantees success. Not so. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link comes to mind here. Too often, the professional can only sit and watch as the student learns some valuable lessons the hard way.


CHAPTER 7 - DOUBLES ANYONE?                                                     45

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