End Plays in Contract and Duplicate Bridge
In our previous episode, we learned side suit split “Quackers” (Queen-Jack) can be promoted to earn an much needed trick. Also, it’s always nice to induce the opponents to help us so we do not have to guess a two-way finesse when missing the Queen.
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Throw-in plays on a side suit is powerful magic, but can it work on a trump suit, too? And how about making non-working honors into a repeated finesse? If you’re ready to become a magician, read on and view our commentary…
Introduction – Recap:
General methods to win extra tricks using avoidance, elimination and end plays:
– Temporarily ducking a winning trick.
– Choose when to throw opponents into the lead: finesses, ruffs and sluffs, etc.
– Allow non-dangerous opponent into the lead.
Review – Promotion:
– Holding J x x and Q x x, strip side suits so opponent must either lead to this holding or give you a ruff in one hand and a sluff in the other hand.
– Holding A J x and K 10 x, again strip side suits so opponent must lead to this holding, eliminating the need to guess a two-way finesse.
Bridge players love repeated finesses with holdings like A J 10 and x x x.
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Happy Bridge Trails and Tales,
I was not able to open part 1 of today’s (3/16) video commentary .
I can’t get the video of #53 to play???
We apologize that Part 1 of the video was not available for several hours. The video server files were all in place however the access control was not properly configured. Thank you for letting us know about the error.
Best wishes,
BridgeHands Support
Okay, the results are in on part 3 of our poll on avoidance, elimination and end plays. The first four responses each received close to 10 percent of the votes:
J 5 4…and…Q 6 3 (throw in either)
A 3 2…and…J 10 7 (throw in either)
K 2…and…4 3 (throw in North)
A 2…and…Q 3 (throw in South)
Finally, 63 percent of the votes went to:
None – all may be helpful throw-in plays
So throw-in plays, end plays and the like can be a bit challenging for all of us at times. For the above card combinations, we recommend getting a deck of cards, separating a single suit and setting up these holdings for further experimentation. On the top two hands, you will find that when either North or South leads these suit you will receive 1 and 2 tricks on the respective hand – often one more than if you led the suit yourself. On the third hand you’ll find that North must be on lead to win a trick, while on the fourth hand South must be on lead to win 2 tricks when South holds the King.
Good luck with all your Bridge plays, be they End Play, throw-in plays, or otherwise!
Polling you 53 Hand 1 has some errors :
1. North hold 9HCP not 11HCP
2. If west wins trick 8 and trick 10 as indicated, and east wins trick 1 the 6S contract cannot be accomplished.
3. Shouldn’t this be a 4S contract?
Here’s the link to the correct information in our video
Many Thanks,