Okay, at long last we have produced our first segment of our analysis, commentary and illustrative Bridge hands to bid and play in response to our survey questions regarding responder rebids!
You would think bidding and responses might be challenging enough, let alone figuring out various permutations of responder rebids. But wait, there’s more! Yes, in this lessons we push our look and explore responder REBIDS after opener’s rebid! Whew, that might be a tall order to fill but we will give it our best shot based, taking a look at hundreds of your survey responses and as if to prove the point, we will explore 20 hands to demonstrate various lines of bidding and play.
But fear not, in this segment we will limit our analysis to the first 10 of the 40 questions in the survey.
All audiences – Part 1 with four variations of the first hand – 24.5 minutes
Free, Premium an ULTRA audiences – Part 2, hand 2 – 19 minutes
Premium and ULTRA Members – Part 3, hands 3-5 – 38 minute video
Premium and ULTRA Members – Part 4a, hands 6-8 – 25 minute video
Premium and ULTRA Members – Part 4b, hands 9-10 – 19.5 minute video
We will take a look at various forms of the Help Suit Game Try, a nifty method to use after opener bids a major, responder tries signing off in 2 of the major, yet opener wants to probe a bit more with a 6 Losing Trick Count Hand. Next we will take a look at several scenarios where partner opens, with RHO making a suit bid or Takeout Double. What does it mean when we make a redouble, suit bid at the cheapest level or jump a level, respond 2 Notrump, BROMAD bids, jump to the 3 level in RHO’s suit, etc.? Then on the second 5 survey questions, we really begin to open up the bidding, play and our commentary with an assortment of bids.
So with over two hours of instructional video materials in our 5 part lesson, you won’t want to miss this lesson and consider our BridgeHands animated card play with commentary and our recommendations. Of course, bidding is only half the game and we will have lots to ponder when it comes to declarer and defender play. And as always, we have a plethora of additional Bridge hands here at BridgeHands – we welcome you to view our online archive with hundreds of hours of Bridge videos are always available here:
“Index to Videos” on the navigation above or simply click this link.
We hope you enjoy the show!
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Michael, the download link for part 4a is broken. Cheers, Bob.