Sometimes we are dealt marginal hands leaving us “on the fence” deciding whether to open or pass. This week BridgeHands tests your mettle with several hands too close to comfortably call. When you stop to reflect on our bidding style, it frequently correlates to our risk/reward “flair” in real life. Strange game, this creation we call Bridge.
In these situations where it’s too close to make a comfortable call, perhaps the most important lesson learned is:
1) How does you style compare with your partner?
2) How does your style compare with the larger Bridge community?
3) How do you perceive others will vote? (right or wrong)
And that’s where our “Polling You” enters the picture. So log your vote and see where you stand among hundreds of others who are making their selection.
As this week progresses, we will build on this theme, looking at another marginal hand, finishing up with coordinated bidding.
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In matchpoint why not 2N? Partner should pass since original bid was 1N unless he has extra honors.
As the first day of our Monday poll closes, we have a clear victor running at 48 percent of the popular vote:
….. Open in any seat
Before reflecting on our majority, you may be interested to note that each of the other answers earned roughly the same number of votes (the third seat openers were 17 percent and fourth/perhaps third seat were 17 percent). Grouping together all the four categories of those who would NOT open in any seat, they hardly overtake those who WOULD open in any seat.
So most of our bidders feel comfortable bidding this 12 High Card Point hand with a singleton King and Jack-doubleton on side suits. Perhaps they favor the Spade suit, more likely they appreciate the two-suited hand with four reasonable honors. Then again, some may enjoy the favorable vulnerability, while others are probably happy to open most any 12 point hand. Fair enough.
If you are one of our “special bidders” who would not open the bidding on this hand in any seat, good for you. You are among the 10 percent that either prefers not to needlessly take risks on your opening bid, or perhaps you adhere to a more disciplined criteria for opening bids. Either way, your partners know that when you open – you’ve got some nice “Rembrants” (face cards).
Certainly on somewhat marginal hands like these, there’s no perfect solution. Rather, it’s more important to follow a disciplined strategy – one that your partners understand and appreciate your style.
On Wednesday we will take a look at another hand close to call. And at the end of this week we will tie both of these exercises together. For more information, please login to your FREE Membership Subscription.
Happy Bidding, Michael