Probability that either
partnership will have enough to bid game, assuming a 26+ point game = 25.29%
(1 in 3.95 deals)
Probability that either partnership will have enough to bid slam, assuming a
33+ point slam = .70% (1 in 143.5 deals)
Probability that either partnership will have enough to bid grandslam,
assuming a 37+ point grandslam = .02% (about 1 in 5,848 deals)
Number of different hands a named player can receive = 635,013,559,600
Number of different hands a second player can receive = 8,122,425,444
Number of different hands the 3rd and 4th players can receive = 10,400,600
Number of possible deals = 52!/(13!)^4 =
Number of possible auctions with North as dealer, assuming that East and West
pass throughout = 2^36 - 1 = 68,719,476,735
Number of possible auctions with North as dealer,
assuming that East and West
do not pass throughout =
Odds against each player having a complete suit =
2,235,197,406,895,366,368,301,559,999 to 1
Odds against receiving a hand with 37 HCP (4 Aces, 4 Kings, 4 Queens, and 1
Jack) = 158,753,389,899 to 1
Odds against receiving a perfect hand (13 cards in one suit) = 169,066,442
to 1
Odds against a Yarborough = 1827 to 1
Odds against both members of a partnership receiving a Yarborough =
546,000,000 to 1
Odds against a hand with no card higher than 10 = 274 to 1
Odds against a hand with no card higher than Jack = 52 to 1
Odds against a hand with no card higher than Queen = 11 to 1
Odds against a hand with no Aces = 2 to 1
Odds against being dealt four Aces = 378 to 1
Odds against being dealt four honors in one suit = 22 to 1
Odds against being dealt five honors in one suit = 500 to 1
Odds against being dealt at least one singleton = 2 to 1
Odds against having at least one void = 19 to 1
Odds that two partners will be dealt 26 named cards between them =
495,918,532,918,103 to 1
Odds that no players will be dealt a singleton or void = 4 to 1
Card Distribution
(remaining two hands)
Hand Distribution
(suits within a hand)
High Card Point Count (HCPs in one hand)
Miscellaneous Probabilities
(assorted interesting odds)
Number of Cards (card quantity in
a suit)
Posteriori Probability (example
when additional information is known)
Suit Combinations (best lead and
Expected Controls (based on HCP)
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