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Repeated Finesse - When holding tenaces or double split honor sequences, a player can often increase the likelihood of winning a finesse through successive attempts.

  A J 10 9

? ? ?


? ? ?

  4 3 2


South leads a S4, anticipating West may have either the missing SK or SQ onside, a 50 percent possibility.  When West holds either of these cards, South can win 3 tricks using the repeated finesse strategy.  If West holds both the SK and SQ with this Dummy holding (a 25 percent chance), the declarer can actually win all 4 tricks.  Of course, South also has a 25 percent chance the repeated finesse will fail both times should East have both honors.  Another similar finesse opportunity exists when one hand holds tenaces, as: A Q 10 [x...],   K Q x [...], etc.

Also see Finesse, Suit Combinations and Finesse Bridge Books

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