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Book Review Index: Category - General



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Newcomer =      Novice=    Intermediate=    Advanced=

Category - General

100 Contract Bridge Hands
Phillips, Hubert                      Intermediate   General
100 Tips for Better Bridge
Mendleson, Paul                   Novice                  General
100 Winning Bridge Tips for the Improving Player
Klinger, Ron                          Intermediate    General
100 Winning Duplicate Tips: For the Improving Tournament Player
Klinger, Ron                          Intermediate    General

101 Bridge Maxims
Kelsey, Hugh                         Novice                  General

101 Celebrated Hands in Contract Bridge
Work, Milton                          Intermediate    General

110 lessons by 120 champions: Defence at Bridge *
Mollo, Victor                          Advanced       General

Improve Your Bridge With Oswald Jacoby: 125 Bridge Hands from the Master
Jacoby, Oswald                     Intermediate   General

10th World Bridge Team Olympiad: Rhodes, Greece - 1996
Kokish, Eric                            Advanced

1932 World Bridge Olympic Hands, The
Culbertson, Ely                      Advanced
1971 Contract Bridge Team World Championship
Hirsch, Tannah                      Advanced      General
1973 World Championship Books: Guaruja, Brazil
Hirsch, Tannah                      Advanced      General
1974 World Championship Books: Canary Islands
Francis, Henry                       Advanced
1978 World Championship Books: New Orleans
Francis, Henry                       Advanced
1979 World Championship Books
Francis, Henry                       Advanced
1980 World Championship: Netherlands
Francis, Henry                       Advanced
1981 World Championship Books: Rye, NY
Francis, Henry                       Advanced
1982 World Championship Books: Biarritz
Francis, Henry                       Advanced
1983 World Championship Books
Francis, Henry                       Advanced
1984 World Championship Books: Seattle
Francis, Henry                       Advanced
1985 World Championship Books: Sao Paulo, Brazil
Francis, Henry                       Advanced
1986 North American Collegiate Bridge Championships Par Deals
Rubens, Jeff                          Advanced
1986 World Championship Books: Bal Harbour, Florida
Francis, Henry                       Advanced
1987 European Bridge Championships
Senior, Brian                          Advanced
1987 North American Collegiate Bridge Championships Par Deals
Francis, Henry                       Advanced
1987 World Championship Books: Ocho Rios, Jamaica
Francis, Henry                       Advanced
1988 North American Collegiate Bridge Championships Par Deals
Ruben, Jeff                            Advanced
1988 World Championship: Venice, Italy
Francis, Henry                       Advanced
1989 European Bridge Championships
Senior, Brian                          Advanced
1989 World Championship Books: Perth
Francis, Henry                        Advanced
1990 World Championship: Geneva
Tony Sowter                          Advanced
1991 European Bridge Championships: Fiesch
Senior, Brian                          Advanced
1991 World Championship Books: Yokohama
Senior, Brian                          Advanced
1992 World Championship Books: Salsomaggiore
Tony Sowter                          Advanced
1994 World Championship Books: Albuquerque
Tony Sowter                          Advanced
1995 World Championship Books: Beijing
Francis, Henry                       Advanced
1996 World Championship Books: Rhodes
Francis, Henry                       Advanced
1997 World Bridge Championship Books: Hammamet Tunisia
Senior, Brian                          Advanced
1998 World Bridge Championship Books: Lille France
Senior, Brian                         Advanced
1999 Orbis World Bridge Championship Books: Bermuda
Senior, Brian                         Advanced
(2/1) Two Over One Game Force Quiz Book
Hardy, Max                           Intermediate   General
(2/1) Two Over One Game Force Simplified
Jarman, Kara                        Intermediate   General
2 Over 1 Game Force: An Introduction
Hardy, Max                           Intermediate    General
(2/1) Two Over One in a Nutshell
Berry, Dee                             Intermediate   General
21-Day Guide to Bridge Mastery, A: Intermediate Bridge in Three Weeks *
Truscott, Alan                       Novice                  General
200 Hands From Match Play
Phillips, Hubert                     Intermediate   General
2000 World Bridge Championship Books: Maastricht
Senior, Brian                          Advanced
2001 World Bridge Championship Books: Paris
Senior, Brian                          Advanced
2002 World Championship Books: Montreal
Senior, Brian                          Advanced
2003 World Bridge Championship Books: Monte Carl
Senior, Brian                          Advanced
25 Bridge Myths Exposed
Bird, David                             Intermediate   General
25th Contract Bridge Team World Championships: 1981
Francis, Henry                       Advanced
2nd Bols Book of Bridge Tips, The
Boekhorst, Andre                 Intermediate   General
300 Contract Bridge Hands: The 1st World Championship
Culbertson, Ely                     Intermediate    General
300 problems in play: Bridge quiz *
Kempson, Ewart                   Intermediate   General
365 Winning Bridge Tips
Kleinman, Danny                 Intermediate     General
42nd Generali European Bridge Championships
Senior, Brian                         Advanced
4-3-2-1 Manual: The Ideal Student Textbook
Cohen, Ruth                          Novice                 General
4th Pocket Book of Bridge Problems: Bridge Hands for the Connoisseur *
Milnes, Eric                            Intermediate   General
50 Bridge Puzzles: Improve Your Game *
Lamford, Paul                       Intermediate   General
50 More Winning Bridge Tips: For the Improving Tournament Player
Klinger, Ron                          Intermediate   General
52 Winning Bridge Tips
Bird, David                             Intermediate   General
540 Bidding Tips to Improve Your Partner's Game: Treasury of Bridge Tips *
Kantar, Eddie                        Intermediate   General
60 Contract Lesson Hands
Culbertson, Ely                     Intermediate    General
80 Problems to Test Your Play: Bermuda Bowl 1 *
Falk, Allan                              Advanced      General
ABC of Contract Bridge, The
Cohen, Ben                            Newcomer            General
ABCs of Bridge, The
Root, William                         Novice                 General                    Amazon Top 10
ACBL Club Directory of Duplicate Bridge Players
ACBL                                       Novice+              General
ACBL Bridge Series (The Club Series): Bidding *
Grant, Audrey                       Newcomer             General                      Amazon Top 10
According to Silodor and Tierney: Contract Bridge *
Silodor, Sidney                      Intermediate   General
Accurate Contract
Reith, George                       Intermediate    General
Aces All
Ramsey, Guy                         Intermediate   General
Aces and Places: The International Bridge Circuit
Markus, Rika                         Intermediate   General
Aces Made Easy
McCullough, W                      Intermediate   General
Acol Bridge Flipper
Klinger, Ron                           Novice                 General                Over 160,000 sold
Acol in Action, Or: Calling a Spade a Spade *
Cohen, Ben                            Novice                 General
Advanced and Duplicate Student Textbook
Silverman, Shirley                Intermediate    General
Advanced and Duplicate Teacher's Manual: Five Card Major Bridge Teaching Series
Silverman, Shirley                Advanced       General
Adventures in Duplicate Bridge
McMullin, Edith                      Novice                  General
Albuquerque: 1994 World Championship Books *
Tony Sowter                         Advanced
All About Notrumps
Marston, Paul                       Newcomer              General
All The Tricks
Sobel, Helen                          Intermediate    General
All Time Best Deals from the World Championship, The: Bermuda Bowl *
Francis, Henry                       Advanced      General
Amazing Book of Bridge
Senior, Brian                         Intermediate    General
America's Winningest Bridge Champion: Win at Bridge with Oswald Jacoby *
Jacoby, Oswald                    Intermediate    General
Amorous Adventures of Jack O'Hearts: The Bachelor Bridge *
Bird, David                             Novice+              General
Armchair Guide to Remove Some of the Misconceptions of This Lovely Game, An: Social Contract Bridge Made Easy *
Jacka, R                                 Novice                 General
Art Weinstein Talks Bridge
Weinstein, Arthur                 Advanced       General
Ask Zia: Your Top 50 Bridge Questions Answered
Mahmood, Zia                       Intermediate    General
A textbook from B to Z: Instant Bridge *
Mollo, Victor                          Novice                   General
Auction Bridge                                                           The Best Nonfiction Sellers of 1913
Work, Milton                          Novice                  General
Auction Bridge Complete
Work, Milton                          Intermediate    General
Auction Bridge For All
Foster, Alfred                        Novice                  General
Auction Bridge for Beginners
Whitehead, Wilbur                Newcomer             General
Auction Bridge Handbook
Whitehead, Wilbur                Intermediate   General
Auction Bridge in Twelve Lessons
Whitehead, Wilbur                Novice                  General
Auction Bridge Made Clear
Foster, Alfred                        Novice                  General
Auction Bridge Made Simpler, More Definite: Win at Bridge *
Shepard, Edward                  Novice                  General
Auction Bridge Standards
Whitehead, Wilbur                Intermediate   General
Auction Bridge Summary
Whitehead, Wilbur                Intermediate   General
Auction Bridge: Authoritative Leads and Conventions of Play Together with the Proper responses by Partner
Whitehead, Wilbur                Intermediate   General
Auction Declarations
Work, Milton                          Intermediate    General
Auction Developments
Work, Milton                          Intermediate    General
Auction For Two or Three: With a New Code of Laws For These Games
Work, Milton                          Intermediate    General
Auction Highlights
Irwin, Florence                      Intermediate   General
Auction Methods Up to Date
Work, Milton                           Intermediate  General
Auction of Today
Work, Milton                           Intermediate General
Auction Under the Laws
Work, Milton                           Intermediate  General
Aunt Agatha Plays Tournament Bridge
North, Freddie                        Novice+              General
Australian Book of Bridge
Havas, George                       Intermediate   General
Authoritative Leads and Conventions of Play Together with the Proper responses by Partner: Auction Bridge *
Whitehead, Wilbur                Intermediate    General
Avoidance Play: Test Your Bridge Technique
Bird, David                              Intermediate    Declarer
Awareness: The Way to Improve Your Bridge
Roth, Danny                           Intermediate    General

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