Social Bidding and Play 23 – Confidence at the Bridge Table

Welcome Bridge Friends!

Confidence at the Bridge table – sometimes easier said than done!

First off, let’s reflect on the Dallas Aces 7 Deadly Sins:

•1. Bidding without values
•2. System violations
•3. Unilateral actions
•4. No-win Declarer plays
•5. No-win Defensive plays
•6. Impulsive plays
•7. Mechanics

To this, let’s add #8 which includes:
•Being Street Smart,
•Partnership Vibes,
•Study (including Laws, etc),
•Time on your Side,
•Arbitrage (Vulnerability risk/reward)

Being confident “In Your Wheelhouse” is important, too, including:
ABILITY:  An ability is a repeatable action which you enjoy because you do it well.
DRIVE:  A drive is something within you that motivates action.  Drives are like internal fuel moving you to make a difference in the world.
NEED:  A need is any issue in want of a solution or response (pain mitigation).

In this lesson, we’ll address your Adrenaline & Cortisol, your breathing, positive/negative attitude factors, stress, fatigue, etc.

Confidence, Part 1, All about you/partner/emotions (31 min)

Confidence Part 2, Hands 1-4 (46 min)

Confidence, Part 3, Hand 5-9 (50 min)

BridgeHands Members, here are our links to peruse through our hundreds of videos:
Hands Of The Week,
Polling You and
now our exciting BridgeHands Live Streaming videos!

Here at BridgeHands all of our Bridge hands are full of commentary (regardless of who is the declarer and defender) and analysis on hand evaluation, bidding and animated card play. As always, our hand discussion offers a refreshingly rare glimpse of Bridge inside the minds of all four players at the table as play progresses, bid by bid, card by card.

Bridge Teachers – you may download your personal copy of our copyrighted video lesson here:

Social Lesson 23 – Part 1
Social Lesson 23 – Part 2
Social Lesson 23 – Part 3

Happy Trails,


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