At long last (for now at least), this will end our series on Opening leads as we complete our series on opening leads versus Suit Contracts.
And yes, our “CIA” (Counting, Inferences and Analysis) judgment is still very much “the game” as we consider making an Active or a Passive lead. So one more time, let’s try our hand playing Bridge hands at BridgeHands…
Part 1 – warmup drills, chalk talk and Hand 1 – 36 minutes
Part 2 – Hands 2 – 3 (multiple variations), 37 minutes
Part 3 – Hands 4-8, more bidding/play scenarios – 44 minutes
As always, we here at BridgeHands have Bridge hands complete with narration and animated card play for everyone (regardless of who is the declarer and defender). Our emphasis is to get inside the minds of the “Big Why,” the rationale behind everyone’s bid or play, including an analysis on hand evaluation, bidding and animated card play. As a Premium and ULTRA member, you are welcome to enjoy the entire three-part lesson segments with lots of hands, plus an opportunity to view future shows during your membership subscription period. And as always, be sure to check out the hundreds of hours of videos in our archive that is growing by leaps and bounds, by clicking “Index to Videos” on the navigation above or simply click this link.Bridge Teachers – you may download your personal copy of our copyrighted video lesson here:
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