In round four of the 5th World University Bridge Championship, the
opposing teams were:
Round 1 Round 2 Round 3
This time board 1 left all but two teams going down in part score, with one big swing in Germany’s favor. Risking a non-vulnerable penalty double at the 2 level is questionable at best, with way too many IMPs to the declarer when doubled into game. But this is college Bridge with competitive juices flowing at their peak. See hand records here.
What do you think of these hands and opponents doubling West’s 2 Hearts in a competitive auction?
Board 1 – see details here |
Dealer: N Vul: None |
Board 2 – see details here |
Dealer: S Vul: E/W |
Board 4 – see details here |
Dealer: W Vul: All |
trump switch on trick 2, declarer could ruff 3 Heart tricks in dummy and a few Diamonds in North’s hand to bring home the doubled contract. Indeed, that was USA’s fate, with 730 points and 12 IMPs to France. So again, the part score penalty doublers left the board with their heads reeling.
Board 10 – see details here |
Dealer: E Vul: All |
teams stacked up:
Until next time, enjoy the good life at the Bridge table!
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