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Marty Sez - Bergen’s Bevy of Bridge Secrets


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1    Getting Off On the Right Foot       13

2   Hand Evaluation    23

3  Opener’s Decisions        33

4  Responder’s Decisions    43

5  Notrump Bidding   53

6   All About Slam     65

7   Passed Hand Bidding     75

8   Preempts — We Do It   83

9   Preempts — They Do It 95

10  Competitive Auctions     105

11  I’ll Have a Double 117

12  Impressive Declarer Play       129

13  The Defense Never Rests      143

         Glossary       153

      Recommended Reading       159


Chapter 12 


Note: Only summaries are included below - see book for details

© 2001 - Marty Bergen

Look Ma, No Trumps

If notrump contracts frighten you — relax

Waste Not, Want Not

Declarer should lead an honor for a finesse only when he is eager to have it covered.

Good Guys, Bad Guys

Declarer should be careful to prevent the “bad guy” from obtaining the lead.

An Expert Approach

When declaring a suit contract, counting losers is just the tip of the iceberg.

How Do I Ruff Thee?

Don’t send a boy to do a man’s job.

The Pathetic Eight– Card Fit

The fact that your trump suit is weak should not prevent you from drawing them.

The Magnificent 11 – Card Fit

Even with a long, strong trump suit —   don’t always rush to draw trumps.


Last is best.  When you have a dubious holding in a suit, you should try to force the opponents to lead that suit. That insures that your side will play last.

A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

When the opening leader is about to win the first trick, declarer should “signal” with a high card if he wants the suit continued.

Winners Count

When playing a slam, count winners rather than losers.

Monkey See, Monkey No Do

Finesses lose half the time. Don’t take every one that you see.

This Duck is No Fowl

Lose your losers earlyWhen declarer has an inevitable loser in a suit, he should invariably lose it sooner rather than later. This variation of the holdup play is referred to as a “duck,” and its purpose is to preserve entries.

13  The Defense Never Rests      143

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